Hello Sharmon,
With GT1a you have lots of options, all good, all with minor pros and cons. If you are low fibrosis then 12 weeks is all that is required with any of them. 8 weeks with Mavyret.
Sofosbuvir Based (in order of preference)
1) Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) + Daklinza (Daclatasvir) - my personal preference (low sides, good cure rate and cheapest as a generic)
2) Harvoni (Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir)
3) Epclusa (Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir)
Non-sofosbuvir based (in order of preference)
1) Mavyret
2) Zepatier
3) Viekira + Ribavirin
Note that, perhaps with the exception of Zepatier, all are expected to deliver 95% cure (20:1 odds).
What country are you in?