Hovis, I can imagine how excited you are to begin treatment and how fortunate you are to have discovered this amazing organization. I was counting the days and tracking the medication daily. I also am taking Epclusa, but for 1b. I realize GT3 is more difficult to kill off, but I had mine for 50 years before I found fixhepc. I happened to have a blood draw after taking 9 of the pills and starting with a 16,000,000 viral load, it went down to 2300! After 42 pills, I am undetected. It's not over but it's awfully damn close. With this program, you will be cured but you know to follow the program. I have two suggestions; keep a daily log, you'll be amazed what you realize as your writing, and set your phone for a time of day that is best for you to take your pill. That Gerry Rafferty song, on my phone, comes on every day at 5pm. Good luck and have faith.