There is a few issues in this thread.
Personally, Id not try and take APIS on my person. The UK may be OK with this I am confident Ireland
would at the very least take these them from you and have them tested, I was addressing Sean whom
is also in Ireland. Maybe, you don't need a prescription, Id be of the mind its best to have one.
Regardless of what choice Sean makes I was suggesting he would be better off having them in pill form when
he was traveling back to Dublin. The Irish medical board is really annoying in terms of drugs bought outside of
I sent two emails from two address's to China. One had Greg's suggesting I am in a research group, the first reply
was, pretty much no, I wrote back, I was asked for information proving I am having them encapsulated by a
In the second email, I asked for a quote for X amount of two drugs, I received a quote today, make from this what you will.