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    I have been taking generic Harvoni for 5 days now. Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir. Thank God I got it through Fixhepc. They have been great to me. As far as negative side effects; I dont feel any. I am starting to feel better. Currently as of right now I have more energy then I have had before. Considering that I haven’t even taken harvoni for a week: I do feel good. My appetite as decreased a little bit but I still eat. I am drinking lots of water. As of right now I am not having any weird dreams and I am sleeping less. But like I said I don’t feel tired or sick. I have had hep c for 10 years, genotype1A. I got it because I engaged in IV drug use when I was younger. Hep c is the only thing I caught and I don’t drink alcohol, that is why I suspect that my liver is not in worst state. My latest labs,right before treatment were somewhat ok. Some were a bit high but not too crazy either. ALT: 99, AST: 63. About 2 years ago I did a fibrosis score and I was in stage 0. My latest hep c Quantitative RT PCR (IU/ml) load test, that was in April 5, 2017, the number is:5609367. On April 25, 2016 my hep c viral load test was 4189619 and finally in September 8, 2015 it was 1580630. What I do know is that this disease is a progressive disease. In many of my labs the number of out of normal range is going up, slowly but its going up. Thats not good that is why I decided to do something about it. What I find interesting is that many of us assumed that if your liver is cirrhosis or at a advance stage of a fibrosis score that then you will feel tired, but in my case I am not even close to cirrhosis or even stage 3 or 2 of liver damage but nevertheless I felt very tired. I notice that, and this never happened to be before I got hep c and even during the first years of me having hep c, but after a long day of hard work I would get sick. Like literally catch fevers and it seemed like my body was weak. Like if my immune system was bussy fighting the hep c infection and leaving me vulnerable to other things. I aint no doctor but I do know that something is wrong when something is wrong. And I have been tested and I dont have any immune disorders. If I felt like this; imagine how I would be in 10 or 20 years down the line when I am in my 40’s and 50’s. No I know why they say that hep c is a progressive disease

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Cherr1985,

    Thanks for letting us know how you’re going. With any luck things will just continue to improve.

    Compared to the old treatments, these new ones are very mild.

    Please keep us updated with how things are going.

    A lot of people find it hard to believe you can just import the treatment and get cured.


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    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks Cherr for this update, it has useful information for people with Hep C who haven’t been treated yet. It also shows that Hep C can be the real reason behind chronic fatigue.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Yes you are right. Fatigue is part of the fact of being infected with the hep c virus. Regardless of level of liver damage. I remember that the most tired I have ever felt since being hep c infection is when I was first infected. Before you even know if you will clear it or be chronic. I remember being super tired. At the time I did not know that I had been infected with hep c until some months later.

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    I am on my 12 day of taking generic harvoni. I have had a few headaches and I have been feeling fatigue. But overall in general I feel pretty good. The first week I was having insomia but now I haven’t. I will do a viral load test on my 4th week of taking the medicine. I have a question and I hope that someone can answer it. I have had 3 viral load tests done; the last one I did was in April 5, 2017. The viral load number was 5609367. The test is was hep c quantitative RT PCR and the measurement is in (IU/ML)
    Can someone tell me what is that number above. Yes I am aware that many times the viral load number doesn’t influence on treatment a whole lot or level of damage on the liver. I think that number is , five hundred and sixty thousand, nine hundred and thirty six. The vital load test before that test was on April 25, 2016, the viral load number was 4189616. Thanks.

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    I think I figured it out. I have 7 digit numbers on my viral load test results; which means millions. My latest test is this number 5609367,five million, six hundred nine thousand and three hundred and sixty seven. Wow thats high. I was expecting that my viral load was below 800,000 , you know in the thousands. Because I have no liver damage. I am in 0 stage of fibrosis. So I thought less liver damage less viral load. I almost freaked out but I did not because I read here on fixhepc that having high viral load doesn’t really mean anything in terms of treatment outcomes and liver damage. If you are using the new DAA drugs. Obviously for me its right because my liver itself is not even in stage 1 and I have had it for 10 years now. Wow this website unbelievable, so helpful.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Cherr, I’m glad that treatment is going mostly smoothly for you. You’re correct in that it doesn’t matter what your viral load is when getting treated with the modern Hep C medicines (DAAs), the cure rate is the same (about 95%). I remember well a patient who had a 32 million viral load getting treated and cured with generics supplied by FixHepC. Best of luck to you.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Cher1985,

    The average viral load is 2 to 3 million so it’s not particularly high.

    The actual number really has no impact on anything.

    Best wishes



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    I am on 20th day of harvoni. I feel very good. I haven’t felt this good since I was a kid. I am 34. This is strange to me that I am shocked. As far as negative side effects; on my first 2 weeks I did have some headaches. So far I haven’t had them. But I am drinking more water than ever before and it seems that the headaches have gone away. Out of these times I got headaches, two were bad enough that I had to take ibuprofen. But I haven’t since then. My appetite is normal. The first 2 weeks I had a little bit of insomnia, now as of right now, which I am in my 3rd week of harvoni, I am sleeping good. I feel fatigued alittle bit but honestly its not as it was the first 2 weeks of harvoni. It is very small now. I feel so good that I am exercising. I have always exercised. But I did stop for 6 months until I started taking harvoni. In 2 more weeks I will do the hep c viral load test. I have no doubt that my viral loads have gone down.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Sounds good Cherr, the fact that you haven’t felt this good since you were a kid after 2-3 weeks of treatment is a very good sign that everything is going according to plan. With any luck, your next viral load will be undetected :+1:

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Cherr,

    It sounds as if things are going really well and you are experiencing a few of the usual mild side effects from the treatment. Looking forward to your next test results but it all sounds great so far.

    Like you I found that drinking lots of water, eating well and exercising helped along the way.


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Cher,

    Thanks for sharing this part of your journey.

    Best Wishes



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    I did my 4 week viral load test last Friday and my results show that I am undetectable. These medications work so good. I wasn’t expecting to be undetectable on my 4 week. Because I had a high viral load. The last viral load test
    I took was in 2017 and it was 4 million. I noticed since taking my very first viral load back in 2015 all the way to 2017 : my viral load went from 1 million to 4 million. So if my viral load was 4 million in 2017, maybe in 2019, it could have even been 5 to 6 million. That’s if the trend of increasing had continued. But at this point it don’t matter. I am very happy to be undetectable in only week 4. I still have 8 more weeks to go of harvoni treatment. Thanks to fixhepc for everything. I come a long way to when I very first made contact to when I decided to buy it and to when I got the medicines and to where I am now. I always new fixhepc was legitimate; I wasn’t ready to make the purchase because I had to go to Ethiopia to see my wife so my priorities were in that. But I stared thinking that my health is the most important thing ever and having hep c is not really being healthy. No matter if you have a low or high viral load or no liver damage. You still have a virus.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Cherr, that’s really great, it’s actually not strange to be undetected after 4 weeks, happens with about 80% of treated patients, the new medications are that awesome. You’re definitely on the right path now for reaching cure, keep taking every pill on time and don’t stop until you finish the very last pill, that’s essential. Really looking forward to hearing news of your cure from Hep C 3 months after you finish treatment :+1: :+1:

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Great news Cherr1985!

    Onwards and upwards…

    Keep kicking the virus until you finish the pills. We don’t want to give it a chance to get back up again.


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