Point taken Kihilde.
At this time I will be happy to make it through customs in Boston without assistance.
I had come out of severe fatigue last week and was full of P+V, but this past weekend am back there, Just able to saunter around and feeling not too well. Not looking forward to the 20+ hours flight from Bangkok to Boston, but will be happy to get there. Just took my 28th pill and going for bloodwork today as I do not have a doctor in the US and I do not think I can just stroll into a lab to request blood work like I can here in the sticks of Northern Thailand.
One thought I had to help spread the word, (albeit with less fanfare but more focus) is to attend AA and NA meetings as I did many times when I was living in the US. It's a perfect support environment to speak at, no judgement, no conflict, and the folks attending are all there to help/support each other. Also I do not think there would be any issues with providing doc Freemans published work for reading as you suggested. Very much appreciate your wisdom and kind words. Best Cheese