Thought I would post an update at 81/2 weeks. Overall I feel soooo much better.
I don't have brain fog or nausea which left quite early into treatment.
The most obvious sides where fatigue and broken sleep with weird dreams. The fatigue has subsided somewhat. I am waking up feeling really good and clear headed and not dragging my body around with me and not feeling nauseous when I have the first glass of water in the morning. Most days I start the day able to do things without feeling drained. However some days the fatigue does come and hit me.
My sleep is so much better. Some nights I am sleeping 8-9 hours a night and waking up once and then going back to sleep.
I have had a few other sides come and go. A week ago I had aching joints for a few days. Like the flu without the head or chest symptoms. That has passed. If I eat something a little oily or doesn't agree with me then I do have a tight feeling in the liver. But overall that feeling has eased. I also have a pulsating heart beat, I can feel my heart beat very strongly and I assume its the meds.
My outlook on life is much more positive which I always tried to maintain but I am not trying it is just there. I am thinking about going back to work and am putting the feelers out and may have something in the pipeline.
I am looking forward to my future instead of feeling overwhelmed and wondering how I will manage to get through the day.
I do have days when I am more fatigued but I try to rest . I feel like I now have a future which was looking bleak a few months ago.
Still can't manage how to get a smiley so please imagine lots of smiley's. (have tried to tap/drag n drop n cut n paste)
Thank you to Dr. James and Fix Hep C team and to all of you who post and are on the journey with me. Its reassuring to know that I am not alone and others are travelling this road.