sabrecat wrote: Hi Chejai
Obviously people here, me and I expect the people who treat me where I work, would think your being made to feel bad for going to hospital for treatment stinks. Maybe the people involved need to rethink and carefully examine their own practice.
I can imagine what you witness working in the field Sabrecat and probably many people who just shouldn't be working with the sick and vulnerable as DT so poignantly expressed.
One particular Specialist, I saw 3 times, would ask how I was doing and had I consumed any alcohol since my last visit. I'm always honest, a bit too so probably, and I always told him what I had. I know they 'assume' you're lying and therefore 'change' the figure to their own guesstimation - I actually saw this on the paperwork and demanded to know why he was putting different answers to what I was saying. He would then launch into a rant about the damage I was doing and didn't I want to be alive to raise my son etc., etc.I would end up crying my eyes out as he'd go on about how 'disgusted he was working in this clinic and seeing how appallingly people treated their bodies. We were all representative of Western societies' excesses ...'
By the 3rd appointment this rant was really fired up and he said that he couldn't take anymore of the patients he had to deal with in the clinic and was transferring to another area in Gastro. He wanted to know, as I'm sitting and bawling my eyes out, if I was serious about my health and wellbeing. He wanted to know what was my spiritual and moral standpoint, did I want his help because he could refer me to a psychologist who 'specialised' in such spiritual dilemmas - i didn't think I was experiencing any spiritual dilemma but what did I know???
I hadn't started seeing a Psych at that point, so I asked for more info. He started to write down some details and when he told me the location - a special clinic at his 'church' near the city, I told him I couldn't travel that far. He launched into another spiel about me not being serious about my future etc. Then he looked up my address and realised I was on an island and all the BS involved in getting to the city. He said something else, trying to comfort me and stop me from crying and then suddenly became really cold and withdrew saying, 'no, I've said too much. That's all you have to go now, goodbye and Good Luck!'
It was extremely bizarre, inappropriate and traumatising because as much as I wanted to report him I was reminded of the last time I made a complaint in another hospital and what was 'done to me' to stop me from making it formal.
On the bus journey home as I started to process all that had been said in that session, and previous, and I realised his obvious religious persuasion and his attempt to 'recruit' me and the 'special psychologist's' role would have been to 'brainwash' me.
Whilst I am a strong woman and have endured a lot in my life, particularly abuse in all forms, and like many when I'm stressed, upset and vulnerable I can't seem to protect myself at the time. I take awhile to process things, I need to go to my cave with no other incoming stimuli and take it all in. He could see he was about to 'hook' me but even if I had of agreed, once I had time to process I would have seen clearly what was happening and bailed.
Yes, DT as you were saying dangerous people working with the vulnerable is a reality and often goes on indefinitely because the victims can't advocate for themselves.