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Searched for: treatment
29 Mar 2020 18:48
After treatment is night and day. I finished treatment 15 months ago and was just today thinking of the colossal mental and physical difference, from all those years before, and these 15 months after.
Sometimes I feel like thanking the manufacturer! it really is an astonishing difference. I had some side effects and I think most of it stemmed from fear and anxiety. I also felt sort of "stoned" for the length of the treatment which was uncomfortable.
Drink lots of water, when you feel like crashing (if you do), crash and rest. Eat healthily!
27 Mar 2020 17:58
Hi there.
I had my bloods taken the other day so I should know the verdict next week sometime, after which Ill post an update here. Trying not to get the Armageddon virus but our service has been deemed essential work so I have to occasionally go to check in on some of our people who are getting affected by the isolation. Very strange to communicate to people standing at their front door whilst I sit in a vege garden or backed up into a hedge.
On a not so funny note I got some xrays of my fingers which have been locking up and aching for a few months now. I get psoriasis in small patches here and there on my skin which came up quite rampantly during the antiviral treatment I finished some months ago but the x-rays showed that I have psoriatic arthritis. I understand its an immune system issue and you can treat it but not cure it. I want to get the doc to prescribe something for it but I would like your opinion on what would be safe taking into account the current state of my insides.
Hope you are all well!
Category: HCV Symptoms
27 Mar 2020 10:42
Thank you very much. I do indeed feel way better physically. I plan on taking my hep c viral load test on the end of may. That will be my 12 weeks after my last pill.
Category: FixHepC Admin
26 Mar 2020 01:20
Thank you, Coral! We are all in this together. You are correct, we have been self isolating and only leave the house once per week to make the daunting trip for supplies. I’ll be happy to not be afraid anymore to run simple errands!

I’m taking this threat very seriously, as we all should! We all know how tricky viruses are.

I received word from my gastroenterologist that they are not doing bloodwork at this time so all labs have to be postponed! I was due for bloodwork on April 2nd (1 month into treatment) and will complete treatment on April 28th! My only concern is not knowing if the treatment is working or not. I can’t do anything other than just continue and hope that it is working!

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves during this crazy time. We will get through this together. ❤️
Category: Viral Load Results
25 Mar 2020 16:13
Hi Cherr1985,

Congratulations on finishing your treatment. I agree with Hazel that the waiting waiting for tests and results is very difficult and the liver function test can ease some of the anxiety while waiting for that viral load test. I'm so pleased that you feel well. It sounds like the medication has done it's job.

Category: FixHepC Admin
25 Mar 2020 16:03
Hi joy2world,

Congratulations on starting your treatment. It's great to hear that you have no side effects. I have just started 14 days isolation after arriving back from Europe yesterday so I understand the worry of it all. I suspect when my 14 days is up everyone will be on tighter restrictions. I feel well and after getting rid of Hep C a few years ago (through fixHepC) I would be pretty unhappy about picking up another virus.

I'm not sure about the increased risk factor but sounds like you are doing your best to isolate yourself and your family to keep yourself well. Good luck with the rest of your treatment.

Category: Viral Load Results
25 Mar 2020 15:46
Hi p711,

I have been away so I am only just catching up with posts on the forum. I arrived back in Australia from overseas yesterday (a story in itself) and am now in 14 days isolation to make sure that I haven't managed to pick up the other virus. I feel well so I am pretty confident but will do my confinement without complaint.

I was also guilty of ignoring my Hep C status which I had for many years so it is not uncommon but the main thing is that you are doing everything you can to address it now. I also wanted to let you know that I also relapsed and had to be retreated. I did both courses of treatment through Dr James and fixHepC. I do understand how you feel and how disappointing it is but I did the second course of treatment and have now been cured for a couple of years and reap the benefits of it everyday.

Good luck with your next treatment. Please let us know how you are going if you get a chance.

Category: Welcome
22 Mar 2020 12:11
Thank you very much.
Category: FixHepC Admin
22 Mar 2020 11:55
Congrat’s you did it, now enjoy the rest of your life HCV free!
Category: FixHepC Admin
20 Mar 2020 10:54
Three weeks into treatment and I feel great! No side effects whatsoever!

I am a little worried with covid-19 going around. My family and I have done our part by staying home, and only leaving when absolutely necessary to buy food or supplies.

I have an appointment April 2nd to check viral load, but am unsure if that is even possible with the onslaught of serious respiratory cases.

Am I considered high risk due to HCV status? Would Mavyret make me more or less susceptible to acquiring this virus? So many unknowns at the moment, and I don’t expect a response... just thinking out loud.
Category: Viral Load Results
05 Mar 2020 14:26
I understand the progression of it. I think its just because I disregarded it as it has affected me for over 10 years. Is that not long enough to potentially do significant damage?

I dont know the result of the fibroscan yet. I should find out in the next few days.

I am in the US. I'll make sure to ask the doctor that.

I need to take better care of my health.

Thank you for your help
Category: Welcome
05 Mar 2020 08:07
Hi Kris,

The Mavyret pills are quite small. It could have been 1 big tablet but they made it as 3 little ones to make swallowing them easier.

While no medication is 100% side effect free Mavyret gets pretty close to that ideal. Most people cruise through treatment without any problem whatsoever.
05 Mar 2020 08:04
That's fantastic news joy2world.

Maviret is great with very little in the way of side effects so don't sweat it too much. Get a glass of water, swallow the first 3 pills, do that every day and it will be over almost before you notice.
Category: Viral Load Results
05 Mar 2020 08:01
Hello p711,

Hep C is not the sort of disease you go to bed with and wake up dead. It's a slow progression over time so there is plenty of time to get things sorted.

Do you know what the fibroscan result was? It is usual expressed as a number like 7.4kPa

Really, the key question for the specialist is what can you get me for retreatment and when. What country are you in?

I'd expect your pains are anxiety-related, or totally unrelated to the Hep C. It may be the virus growing back and annoying your liver but that usually happens quite promptly on stopping the tablets.

A good healthy diet, exercise, enough water, enough sleep, don't smoke or drink too much alcohol remain the basis of good health. Relationships are also important and that includes your relationship with yourself (don't beat yourself up about the past) and your friends and family.
Category: Welcome
04 Mar 2020 17:56
Hi Chris, welcome to the forum and congratulations on starting treatment. Mavyret is an excellent medication with very mild side effects, you shouldn't be scared at all. You should also be very optimistic about your chances of getting rid of this terrible virus as Mavyret delivers very high cure rates.

I believe that it's totally fine to cut the pill into 2 halves on a clean surface if you're having trouble with its size.

Here are some recommendations for you to follow during treatment :

1. Drink plenty of water as it really helps eliminate/minimize any potential side effects.
2. Take your medication at the same time every day just before or with food, as it helps with the medication absorption.
3. Try to get enough rest and eat healthy (plenty of fruits and vegetables). There are no foods to be avoided when taking Mavyret.
4. If you're currently taking other medications as well, be careful they do not interact with Mavyret. The following webpage will tell you about any potential medication interactions www.hep-druginteractions.org/checker

Additionally, the 'During Treatment' section of the FAQs page fixhepc.com/frequently-asked-questions.html has some more detailed information.

Best of luck with your treatment Chris and keep us updated on your progress.
Category: Genotype 3 (37%)
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