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Searched for: treatment
18 Apr 2019 23:07
I finished SofoDac treatment 26th of March. Everything seems to be good, test said Not detected. New test scheduled for the end of June.
My wife and I, we want to have a baby. How long do I have to wait to be sure my semen is good and not polluted by these medicines? My wife is pushing me real hard.
18 Apr 2019 09:01

Prompted by the potential transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in a private dental practice in 2013, this review brings dental healthcare providers (DHCPs) up-to-date with the natural history and epidemiology, new CDC screening guidelines,2,3 new treatment, surveillance, and healthcare-associated HCV transmission and prevention options. The review provides useful references and websites where additional detail is available for those interested in learning more.

12 Apr 2019 03:48
I purchased the HushTinnitus system in February. I have listened to my custom sound tracks with earphones using my phone or through my computer's speakers. I had never listened to music on my phone and using earphones was a new experience for me. My first time using the earphones and custom sound tracts was unpleasant. After listening for about 20 minutes my right ear had a Full feeling like it was filled with water after swimming. I was worried because it persisted all day. I went to bed and tried to relax. By morning the stuffiness was gone and I could hear normally. I wrote to Clyde Witchard, the Founder of HushTinnitus using the email address he provided with the purchase about my experience but he never responded.

After a week or so I tried the earphones again and there was no problem. Did it help my tinnitus. I would have to say no. It may give some psychological relief because you are at least doing something. Sometimes I listen to the tracts through my computer speakers and now and then I give the earphones another try. This was a bad investment for me.

You might have a very different experience. I am sure you have better equipment and a knowledge of sound engineering.

I have a Google alert set up for tinnitus and read about the latest research. I am encouraged my the lidocaine patch being tested and the electrical stimulation trials going on at the University of Michigan. I would suggest you set up a Google alert for tinnitus.

Please let us know your results if you choose to purchase the HushTinnitus system. Best of luck to you. The population is growing older. Tinnitus affects an estimated 32 percent of the U.S. population, according to National Center for Health Statistics studies. Many are working on a treatment.
Category: FixHepC Admin
11 Apr 2019 15:20
Has anyone tried these treatments? I'm not keen on paying $699 for the SoundTherapy package but under $30 for the hushtinnitus sounds worth a shot. I tried their trial test and the results seem to match my knowledge of current condition.
I've worked a lot of my life doing sound for loud rock shows so I don't think it's related to HCV treatment but tinnitus is bloody annoying and can definitely affect mental state, particularly stress and anxiety levels.
Category: FixHepC Admin
11 Apr 2019 12:26
Hi LisaOregon,

Welcome! Scared but excited are pretty common feelings at the start of the treatment. I also had Hep C for over 30 years and felt exactly the same. You've done the hard bit in getting started and now it's a matter of taking the medication and being a bit kind to yourself while it does it's magic.

Good luck and let us know how you are travelling. #flower
Category: FixHepC Admin
11 Apr 2019 12:13
Hi Austincr,

It sounds like things are going really well for you with minimal side effects, apart from insomnia which is pretty common. Enjoy the catch up with your children and grandchildren. These precious times are when we really appreciate the enormity of what this medication has given us. #flower
Category: New to Forum
11 Apr 2019 03:13
Thank you for the info.
I was told that a 28 day supply of Epclusa costs $4,369.87.
During the 12 week treatment, my Regence insurance is paying for $2,320.
I received a grant for $7200, and was told to reapply for the remainder when I have exhausted the $7200.
Hopefully I will be able to get a grant for the last 28 day supply.
I am so thankful for all the help and support.
Category: FixHepC Admin
10 Apr 2019 18:08
Thanks Austincr!
Category: New to Forum
10 Apr 2019 13:43
Day 29 and I’m doing fine, a couple of times I have been on the verge of a headache that never got there. Out of pocket $2300, the photo is of generic Epclusa by Asegua.
Category: New to Forum
10 Apr 2019 06:13
Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum, and congratulations on getting your first 28 pills of Epclusa medication. I hope that definite plans are in place for getting the remaining 56 pills since all 84 pills are needed to reach cure. Having Hep C for 30 years is an awful long time, but the good news is that your cure chances are not affected by how long you've had it, Epclusa is a really excellent medication with a cure rate of about 95% and a very mild side effects proifile, so you should be very optimistic about finally getting rid of this terrible disease.

Here are a few recommendations to follow during treatment :

1. Drink plenty of water as it really helps eliminate/minimize any potential side effects.
2. Take your medication at the same time every day just before or with food, as it helps with the medication absorption.
3. Try to get enough rest and eat healthy (plenty of fruits and vegetables).
4. Be careful not to take any medications that may interact with your Hep C medications. For instance, don't take antacid medications with Epclusa. This webpage will tell you about any possible medication interactions www.hep-druginteractions.org/checker

Additionally, the 'During Treatment' section of the FAQs page fixhepc.com/frequently-asked-questions.html has some more detailed information.

Best of luck to you :)
Category: FixHepC Admin
07 Apr 2019 11:58
Hi DrJames, great to see you're carrying on with your precious work. You are indeed one of the good guys too. ;)

Post treatment I'm definitely feeling better in a few ways but still suffering from old bloke maladies (64 now). Less muscle cramps, shivers/flushes, and skin is much clearer with almost none of that seborrhoeic dermatitis I used to have.
I still have a level of chronic anxiety but it's less than before. A more comfortable living situation helps that I'm sure. Had a bout of depression last year after I had to put my cat to sleep because of a nasty cancer but over that. A virus around new years almost flattened me with a subsequent bronchitis taking 2 courses of antibiotics to clear. I think it took a couple of months to recover from the antibiotics!
Eating well (ish), swimming, walking, cycling regularly and hardly drinking any alcohol. Also haven't had a cigarette for 6 months after taking up vaping. I highly recommend vaping as it's the only thing that worked after over 40 years of smoking. Overall a fairly positive outcome.
I don't recall if I had a test after SVR24 so I might ask for one when I go see a GP on Tuesday for a general health checkup. I think it's about 3 years since end of treatment.

Thanks for asking and it prompted me to actually do a health stocktake. I hope the skies are clear and life is rosy for you too!
Category: FixHepC Admin
05 Apr 2019 12:27
Just wanted to update the ones who helped and the ones who are going to be helped (in treatment) and, of course, Dr James!
At the 3 months mark EOT this is where I am : )

As of now I do not have a gastro because he left my insurance plan so I had to ask my primary Dr. to oder the tests.
It's ok, because in 3 months I will be undetected, god willing, and will not have to put my feet in another lab for a long time!

I still itch and for that I get hives, I always thought this was a symptom of hep C.
Now I feel it could be something else. And at least for a while, I am fine with it too.
All of you were a big support to me.
Thank you!



6.1-8.1 g/dL
3.6-5.1 g/dL
1.9-3.7 g/dL (calc)
1.0-2.5 (calc)
0.2-1.2 mg/dL
< OR = 0.2 mg/dL
0.2-1.2 mg/dL (calc)
33-130 U/L
10-35 U/L
6-29 U/L
Category: DAA Side Effects
04 Apr 2019 07:58
Hi Austincr,

Is that the new Gilead generic from Asegua Therapeutics? Could you take a few pictures and post them here - I'd love to see what it looks like.

It's great that the PAN foundation has helped you out with the price. Was the $2300 the full cost or just your out of pocket?
Category: New to Forum
04 Apr 2019 03:38
Generic Epclusa, I am retired and on a fixed income the price for my meds were $2300 a month I applied for a grant from Pan Foundation and they have fully covered my meds, how epic is that.
Category: New to Forum
03 Apr 2019 16:50
Hello Austincr,

With any luck it will all be smooth sailing from here. Which medication are you taking?
Category: New to Forum
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