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Searched for: treatment
13 Nov 2015 10:30
Hi Dr. Freeman,
I think I understand this. But to be sure, if I were to add riba to my sof/dac, I would want to take it nearer the end of my tx. Sounds like add riba to the last 84 days of treatment would be good? Sorry; I am getting ready to order meds and am just really unsure if I need or want to do this, but of course I really DO want to wallop the hell out of this virus. Maybe I just bite the bullet and add it in later to be sure.
Many thanks!
Category: Q & A
13 Nov 2015 10:29
I remember reading on Greg's blog that Semiprevir is available on it's own, from the chemist with a script from your doctor. So I dug it out, under Sept. 3:://hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/hepatitis-c-treatment.html

Perhaps the good doctor could clarify.
Category: Patient Stories
13 Nov 2015 10:13
The bottom line is that as far as I know nobody has done a trial that looks like:

Take 2 DAAs for the entire 12-24 week time

Go for total viral death with a third DAA at the END of the treatment course when your liver and body will be in the best state it has been in for years.

Should this be 12, 8, 4 or even 2 weeks Ribavirin?

We know that steady state blood levels are reached in 5 half lives of a medication so with Riba having a multiple dose half life of a massive 12 days you should theoretically do more than 60 days to get maximum effect. It is an exponential ascent towards an asymptote which in english means that we ascend to the maximal level in a way that looks like:

Half Lives% Increase% of max

So we never get to 100 but get ever increasingly close.

It works the same way going down which is why it takes a couple of weeks to come good if you stop Riba due to anaemia. The level in you blood takes 12 days to fall the 1/2 what it was when you stopped.
Category: Q & A
13 Nov 2015 10:01
Sure Jolie it has given us treatment power, but these drugs do need expert advice. Please don't do any drug combinations without expert advice. Drugs interact with each other. You could end up with organ failure if not following the experts. We do this is cause the drugs are far too expensive not the drug combinations are wrong. I am a 3 non responder with cirrhosis, a hard to treat category, even though desperate to clear this virus, I wouldn't mix medicines. kindly
Category: Patient Stories
13 Nov 2015 09:56
If you are waiting for Government to come to the rescue here is something from this time last year.....


Liver experts at a conference on the Gold Coast have been warned Australia is on the verge of a catastrophic death spiral from Hepatitis C.

Dr Miriam Levy, the director of gastroenterology at Sydney's Liverpool Hospital, told the conference on Thursday that the recent decision by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) to refuse subsidies for a breakthrough treatment for Hepatitis C had effectively delivered a death sentence to up to 50,000 Australians who would die from the disease in the next few years.

So for a national emergency known about for quite a while the progress is glacial.
Category: Media & News
13 Nov 2015 04:31
What if one relapses after treatment with sofosbuvir + DAA, does it create resistance for a second treatment with sofosbuvir 24 weeks?
Category: Resistance
13 Nov 2015 03:31
Plenty of time for you to get to UND yet Em. Some don't get there until 9 or 10 weeks into a 12 week treatment and still achieve SVR.
Category: Patient Stories
13 Nov 2015 01:46
That was a cracker lol

Great work, thanks Dr!

Could I suggest 'warehoused' - The practice of keeping patients in treatment-mothballs while promising more effective drugs will be in the pipeline on a perpetual timeline of "soon"
Category: Experts Corner
12 Nov 2015 23:37
I think the best thing to do is follow the guidelines and either do Sof+Led or Sof+Dac.

The theoretical problem with Sof+Led+Dac is this:

Have you ever tried to walk through a door at the same time as another person - neither of you fit but alone you do.

Drugs work like a key in a lock so it's entirely possible that 2 drugs can "fight each other" and make the combination WORSE than either drug alone.

If you must take a PPI and have Dac then do Sof+Dac.
12 Nov 2015 21:58
Hi Em,

Here's slides on resistance data.

They show that for people who do have NS5A resistant variants, the 24 week tx is the one that does the job more or less 100%. The 12 weeks is good but not 100%. So just in case you have some of these fuckers that just don't want to lie down and die, I think you are good with 24 weeks.

Category: Patient Stories
12 Nov 2015 20:17
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share my son's story here as it may help anyone else in my position.

I had hep for probably 30 years, & finally after 4 horrible treatments with the dreaded Interferon + Ribas I got cured
but unfortunately , after trying to have a child for 10 years on IVF I finally had my boy, only to find later he also had the dreadful virus

It broke my heart & I felt guilty for the past 15 years.

He has gradually started getting hep side affects, tiredness, & getting sick a lot.

Nobody would help, I talked with different specialists/doctors, all he was offered by his uncaring specialist was the Interferon + Ribas but actually laughed at me when I asked him about the generics for him?! :ohmy:

How could they condone the Interferon but not the generics??
Then I found Dr James, can't tell you how unbelievably happy it made me to find him.
What a wonderful, special human being he is. A doctor who actually genuinely cares.

So...." J " (my 15 year old son) started on Twinvir 2 days ago.
His VL was around 2 million. LFT's up slightly pre treatment.

He will have his first bloods done a week into tx (treatment).
Can't wait to see what they reveal.

He seems to already have more energy, & sleeping well at night.

So let the dragon slaying begin :cheer:

Good luck to you all,
Love Cindi
Category: Patient Stories
12 Nov 2015 19:40
Hi Nuribeslen - Twinvir is a new drug, there are quite a few patients sharing their treatment experiences on this forum now, although sometimes not in the same place so will involve some reading.
I believe the Redemption Trials have been set up for this reason and will provide more detailed answers hopefully.
I guess you can't get the results without waiting for patients to finish their treatments.
Category: Patient Stories
12 Nov 2015 18:46
Hello!! This is my first post although I have been following many of you for a few weeks now. I am about to start my treatment tonight (yay!) and you have all been so generous with your stories so here is the start of mine.
I am Genotype 1a and F2-3. We think I contracted HepC working in a medical environment more than 30 years ago but really where it started doesn't matter anymore, it's about finishing it.
A friend sent me a newspaper cutting about 4 weeks ago. 2 days later I had a consultation with the wonderful Dr Freeman, the Buyers Club performed their magic and the goods arrived 3 weeks later.
I don't need to tell you all what this means to me. Ready to put up with any side effects.....Bring it on.....
Category: Patient Stories
12 Nov 2015 16:53
Hey Henry,

Very similar numbers to my own, except I was only diagnosed 2.5 years ago.

The anxiety and fear is normal for the situation, but understand that it's also a symptom of the disease.

First off, while there doesn't sound like a reason to panic, there's also is no good reason to wait. Take action NOW! Get your life back.

Let's start at the beginning.
You've had your blood work done, you know your genotype and viral load and you've got your fibroscan score so you need no further testing. Your doctor has already written a prescription for Harvoni.

So, first question. Will he write you the prescription for generic meds and oversee treatment (basically just order your bloodtests)? If he will you're almost there. Either just order the drugs from Mesochem directly or contact Greg Jefferys to go through his channels to get Twinvir.

I'd personaly go the Mesochem route as it will be faster and I'm not sure Greg's channels from Bangladesh are fully in place yet. He can also help you with the Mesochem products, but there's probably no need and he's overwhelmed at this point anyway. Dr. Freeman has been testing every shipment of the Mesochem product and there has never been a problem. Just order them and get on with it.

The Mesochem meds are in API form (powder) which you'll need to put in capsules. Don't worry about the difficulty, hundreds of people are doing it and there are instructions for doing it in this forum as well as on youtube and many other places online.

You'll want to order 84 days of:
Sofosbuvir at 400mg/day (400x84=33600mg) ... order 34 grams (or maybe a little extra) ~$1000US
Ledipasvir at 90mg/day (90x84=7560mg) ... order 8 grams (or maybe a little more) ~$950US

OR ... if your doctor will agree, you can get the better drug (my non-professional opinion) and save money by getting Daclatisvir instead of Ledipasvir.

Daclatisvir at 60mg/day (60x84=5040mg) order 5.5 grams ~$250US

(So either Sof 400mg/day and Led 90mg/day OR Sof 400mg/day and Dac 60mg/day)

You'll want blood work done somewhere between the fourth and the sixth week by which time your viral load will likely be "undetected," and then again at end of treatment, and then again at either 12 or 24 weeks after end of treatment.
However .... if your doctor will not write the prescription or oversee treatment there will be a few more steps or decisions to work through.

Let us know on that score and if you need the other steps we'll walk you through them.
If you're ready to order we'll walk you through that too. Check out Mike's thread ... he just did it a few weeks ago and has already helped another person do it so he can give you all the details to get it done.
Category: Q & A
12 Nov 2015 16:11
Henry, people are flying to Dhaka and buying Twinvir (generic Harvoni) from Incepta. Some Americans on here have imported/carried back their cures. Please see US Importation legal or not.
It's all on here and at Greg Jefferys' site at hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/index.html
Once you commit to treating yourself, I think you will work it out.
Category: Q & A
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