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Searched for: treatment
11 Nov 2015 17:12
You need stomach acidity to help Ledipasvir absorbtion.

I recommend Daclatasvir for anyone on a PPI who can not stop it because of this issue. Some people exercise their free will and subscribe to the Harvoni is better marketing.

  • If your heartburn is worse at night, put some bricks under the head of your bed to allow gravity to help keep the acid in your stomach.
  • If your heartburn is made worse by certain foods don't eat them, take less PPI during treatment.
  • If you must take a PPI take the smallest dose possible.
  • If you must take a PPI take it 2 hours after the Ledipasvir so you are loading the Led during the most acidic time and there is time for it to be absorbed.
  • If you are small in bodyweight you are getting more of a dose in mg/kg terms than if you are large where a small reduction may be significant.

I do know of some doctors giving Sof+Led+Dac. It is experimental although the results of a 50 patient series I have seen are very impressive. It is not recommended in any guidelines but might be an idea to add Daclatasvir if you were say largish and could not stop the PPI.
11 Nov 2015 17:00
I request a Hep C Viral Load which is reported as (say) reading a pre-treatment result

HCV Viral Load - 1,000,000
HCV Log Viral Load - 6

So essentially all 3 are reported.

There is the Detected/Undetected. If it is undetected then they don't report the viral load.

If it is detected the the viral load is either a number > 15 or a < 15 (which is the quantification limit). If if is < 15 they don't report the log

The Log Viral Load is what the viral load is in terms of 10^x so:

Viral LoadLog Viral Load

Essentially the viral load is "count the 0s!"

You can use the form as is and the lab will know what is required.
11 Nov 2015 15:54
GP cheat sheet:
4/52 into treatment FBC, Cr&E, LFTs, Hep C Viral Load - See more at: fixhepc.com/forum/forum-gp-cheat-sheet.h...sthash.Mm5wpXBp.dpuf. em
11 Nov 2015 14:40
I am about to start treatment with Sofosburvir and Ledipasvir . I have has HepC Type1b for almost 35 yrs and have a fiybro scan score of 5.1.
I have to take a PPI for Acid Reflux ( Nexium) and recently found out that there can be some difficulty absorbing Ledipasvir when you are taking acid reducing medication. I have not found the same warning with Daclatasvir would be of help if I am unable to stop taking a PPI. Recently I switched from Nexium to the lowest dose of Somac as i still get some acid when taking this.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated?.
11 Nov 2015 13:38
Hi miko3 nobody has to make a donation to micro finance charities. They are set up specifically to give small interest free loans to low income earners. They also give low interest loans to low income earners. Currently interest free loans are for the purchase of predominately white goods, car repairs etc. A persuasive individual should be able to get them to fund generics. My thinking is -so you will provide a hepper with a new frig, air conditioner, washing machine etc. better still how about $1,500 or so to save their lives etc etc. The hep organisations could have run with the dr and greg, if they weren't so conservative this pathway to treatment could have been a real fireball by now. About the rest, predjudice is rife, the rest are just unfortunate collateral mishaps. The only people interested in a cure is those involved in someway, the is no collective outrage. I tried a petition via facebook in Nov 14 and I was shocked by the response from "lefties" from all sectors of society. Yep a junkies disease- no sympathy at all. kindly
11 Nov 2015 12:20

Enkel wrote: Now i am getting nervous hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/generic-indian-harvoni.html

India I think is playing to postpone as much as possible. What will happen if they do not allow generics to be posted outside India for some time?

use twinvir
Category: Media & News
11 Nov 2015 12:14
"Let us own and provide "treatment for all" stance."
I agree Berrinice.I am not super wealthy,but I would not object to a small surcharge on each hep med purchase to help
someone who genuinely cannot afford it,and needs it.If I reach SVR I will certainly be willing to make a gratitude donation to a charity that supports this.
It doesnt matter how you got Hep C,not everyone got it from drug use,there is no heirachy of shame in this.The most costly, dangerous,socially traumatic and PBS money consuming drug in Australia is legal,and the second most treatment costly is also legal.
At least their stance in Canberra from Dr F's account does not appear to be anti generic.In fact if they are not rubbing their hands in glee
at the growing numbers paying for their own treatment they must be really stupid.
Thanks ,Dr F for giving up your time to wallow in the cesspit of beaurocracy.It must have been a frustrating experience.
11 Nov 2015 11:08
Thanks for trying Dr. They don't care. Its a bonus if the old timers die cause it reduces budget expenditure on welfare and health. Face up to it, its an IV users virus. Who really gives a shite? The Greens support treatment for all but I don't hear their voice pitching for treatment NOW.
The only way forward is to get welfare groups actively involved. Persuade micro finance charities to provide interest free loans so cash strapped people can access generics. Let us own and provide "treatment for all" stance. Admittedly at a small price.This would be a very good starting point. I am convinced that positive momentum will follow. kindly
11 Nov 2015 06:13
Greg Jefferys covers imports to the UK in depth at hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/twinvir-bangladesh.html

For example on 29th October 2015:

``UK Generic Hep C Medicines Importation Breakthrough
Wow this is BIG... Hep C patients in Britain DO NOT need a prescription from their doctor to import generic Hep C meds for personal use into the UK....
Category: Q & A
11 Nov 2015 05:37
I just emailed Mesochem (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to find out prices, ordering, paying and shipping details, whether ID is needed, & crucially whether a script is needed.
It would be hugely helpful if someone who has already been through the process of ordering from Mesochem could outline their detailed experience of buying meds from them - it feels like a leap in the dark.
- Anybody in UK know of a Doctor who would give me a script? My GP & Consultant ran a mile when I asked them.
- Capsulation of the APIs? any tips about that? I gather you can get all you need on Ebay...
Good luck to all those doing treatment!

My HepC Profile:

Born 1954, male
Genotype: 3a
Infected: early 80s
Diagnosed: 2013
Treatment: 24 weeks Int/Riba 2014 relapsed,
currently waiting for Sof/Int/Riba treatment (12 weeks) on NHS
Fibroscan: 10.3-F3 in Feb 2014
Category: Q & A
11 Nov 2015 05:37
Ahh - Another 'Mild' so no treatment :-/

My old consultant who was a leading Liver Prof, took more into account, looking at blood tests, age, how long you've had the virus, symptoms etc - Now it's just fibroscan. To treat or not to treat. Seems like a rather limited and not so secure method of prognosis to me.

Saw an interesting post on Twitter today : www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-33109...ading-physician.html
Sorry it's the Daily Mail !
Category: Q & A
11 Nov 2015 05:30
Some have been told, eating before a fibroscan would make your score higher as it thinks the food inside you is part of your liver. There was an amusing debate on another forum where we all considered eating a huge fry-up before visiting our NHS hospitals ha ha ! Strange that there seems to be a pattern of NHS fibroscans in the last year coming out lower than any others taken elsewhere. I know of someone who had a 9 fibroscan and as they were worried a year or two later so they had a biopsy and suffered quite a bit after...They just got a letter back after quite a long wait saying 'Mild' This was the same time as I got my 'Mild' and when the new drugs were starting NICE approval. I believe 'moderate' has gone in the NHS now, it's just 'mild' or 'serious'. ie Treat v no treatment.
Category: Q & A
11 Nov 2015 04:48
Picked up my GP Practice week 9 blood test results today. Gamma GT is down to 47, now in the 'normal' range. So, as things stand, I'm virus-free and my liver is functioning normally.

Previous two GP Practice blood test results have been a one page affair containing basic LFTs and KFTs. This latest one is a pretty thorough four page job. Makes me think that the progress of my treatment may have made someone's ears prick up in the NHS.

I've attached the results with all identifying info redacted manually (for the lowlife scumbag who unredacted the digitally redacted first set of documents I put up).
Category: Patient Stories
11 Nov 2015 04:06
hi everyone,
to add to fibroscan's stories my own.
I had 2 fibroscans; first 2010 , score 8.1pKA & second in 2015, score 8.7pKA, no fatty liver.
Not sure what to make of it, as it appears not much change in fibrosis in last 5 years, is that even possible???

Especially having geno 3, which apparently has the fastest rate of fibrosis development as compared to other genotypes , according to experts, so I was expecting a score well above the 8.7 range plus Fatty Liver, but it's not the case at all.
The USG, showed no fat on the liver, but I do have a bit of a spread across my abdomen, so must be all surface fat & not inside the liver…or the tests are wrong,
My doc told me: "mild fibrosis therefore no treatment for at least a year as not qualifying for it presently".
Category: Q & A
11 Nov 2015 02:24
Now i am getting nervous hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/generic-indian-harvoni.html

India I think is playing to postpone as much as possible. What will happen if they do not allow generics to be posted outside India for some time?
Category: Media & News
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