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Searched for: treatment
30 Oct 2015 08:01
Hello people!
I have the HCV genotype 3a. I'm a patient at a public hospital in Buenos Aires. My doctors are great and up to date going to every international congress there are. But, it is very hard to get the new drugs from the public health system. No problem at all getting the traditional Interferon plus ribavirin treatment, but, sadly they advise me to wait because they fear I will not be able to cope with their side effects.
So, although I haven't yet told my doctor, I decided to search for the chances to get the full 12 weeks treatment by my own.
I'm not sure but it seems that the combimation such as Twinvir will be the right way to go for my genotype.
My last fibroscan was between F1 and F2, the same as the last results before three years ago, but this time with a very fatty liver.
Anyway, I should ask her for professional opinion the next time I see her.
I would really thank you guys if anyone of you could give me some advice about how to get the drugs. I would not hesitate to take a plane to fly to buy them :)
Until today that I came across this forum I was almost clueless about what to do.
Thanks and kind regards to all of you.
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 07:42
Great News!! Good luck!! I look forward to hearing your experiences..
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 07:28
Good luck to you!
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 07:01
Fantastic news Sir!! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. Good luck
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 03:53
Great news for you Sir. You were already in the Buyers Club, and I'd like to welcome you to the Healers and Whinge About Side Effects Clubs. :P
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 01:48
Fingers crossed mate , you will find it an easier trip than last time with the Inf riba combos.

Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 01:42
The good news is my Meds have arrived safely in the UK and I am picking them up

A big thanks to everyone that made this happen I'll be eternally in your gratitude.

I will start treatment tomorrow, I'll have bloods done in about 14 days and Ill post my
history from today along side all changes that occur.

Am excited to get rid of this bloody disease.

With Greg's good news about Bangladesh I advise everyone who needs treatment to grab the
chance and go for it.

Geno Type 1a. Fiber scan 9.9. I'll update viral loads when I get a hold of them.
Category: Patient Stories
30 Oct 2015 00:17
There are many data points you can record. We will primarily record GT, fibrosis, medications, duration and results @ VL4, SVR4, SVR12.

The goal is simply to answer the question "If I have this GT and this level of fibrosis, what do I take, for how long, to get the best chance of cure?"

Are there any other questions that need answering?
29 Oct 2015 18:45
Isn't that the idea of Dr F's Redemption trials?
29 Oct 2015 18:03
When people are on hepC drug trials through the hospital, their treatment data is recorded for the drug companies.
With so many people going the hepC generic way, won't this data be lost ?
29 Oct 2015 12:26
But let's not forget that for most "westerners", $1000 for a treatment might finally seem like a fair price, but this is still hopelessly out of reach for many people around the world... So, to really bring prices and barriers down, the more manufacturers the better!!

Veroro.This is so true.We westerners on these forums have a tendency to be like kids in lolly shop with these generic prices.
Every year in India thousands of farmers commit suicide because they cannot afford to pay $500 for the seed for next years crop.Its the same in many places in Asia.There won't be any true justice for many of these people until the price comes down to something near the cost of making the pill.
Category: Media & News
29 Oct 2015 10:42
To see a gastroenterology specialist in NZ, you need to be referred by a GP. I chose my specialist by googling hep C specialists in my area and then asked my GP for a referral. The same GP had earlier reacted with horror when I said I needed a script to support an import, and started talking about fake Viagra. These drugs are new in NZ and even the specialist had never dealt with them. I was able to reassure him about the drugs' supply chain by talking about the Hobart operation and referring to this site.
In the end, his letter of support read: ``Mr XXX is my patient for whom I have recommended treatment with Sofosbuvir 400mgs daily and Ledipasvir 90mgs daily for a period of three months. If you have any questions, please feel free to ring me.''
Category: Patient Stories
29 Oct 2015 09:57
Hi Gary,
I carried my meds back and I already had a prescription from Dr Freeman (through GP2U via a skype appointment) when I approached my specialist for a back-up letter of support, which he gave me. As I know now, this was not necessary for personal carriage as the Australian script is sufficient - courier/mail imports do need a NZ script according to Medsafe.
I don't think my specialist would be ready to support imports via mail/courier if that is what you intend and I don't want to upset him with such a referral.
I chose the specialist through google and checking he was not attached to the hep c foundation. I don't know your situation, but are the meds available thru Buyers Club here or the Sydney pharmacy group mentioned on Greg Jefferys' site not suitable for you? And surely you could fly there to pick them up, bypassing the need for a NZ script? Once you have the meds, I am sure you could get a specialist to manage treatment. And with Buyers Club, much of the drugs' background/supply chain can be seen online.
Category: Patient Stories
29 Oct 2015 09:28
Great news for UK heppers on Greg's blog, Oct 29 entry:


Greg can now supply on the basis of only a healthcare provider letter which confirms the patient's HepC status (we all have those). No prescription required. :woohoo:
Category: Media & News
29 Oct 2015 09:14
Welcome to the discussion Lisa KT.You are indeed a hardened warrior.As someone who is treatment naive I cant even
start to imagine the hell some of you guys have gone through.Hope it works this time.Would it be appropriate to ask
where,or by whom your tx regime was suggested?
It would seem logical if one were to make a change to go for a sof simeprevir regime where you are changing to a NS3A/4A Inhibitor.However,I don't know of any sources of generic simeprevir.It would be interesting to know if they exist.It is actually on the PBS in australia,but only for use in a combination with peg inf.My specialist told me he had a heap of inmates on the local prison on this combo,because none of them had any money to afford generics.
I actually discussed with my specialist at the start of tx a combination of Sof led sim in order to eliminate riba,which at the time I had a great fear of after reading just too many reports on various forums..He said he had one wealthy patient on this combo who had very advanced cirrhosis.But the patient had accessed the sof led as generics and paid $25000 himself for the 12wk course of simeprevir.
His advice to me was to take sof dac riba for 12wks and if I couldn't handle the riba just to drop it and go buy an extra 12wks of sof dac,
As it has turned out the reports on riba in my case were totally exagerated.I wouldn't describe it as a party drug,but the side effects have proved to be very minimal.I still manage a circuit of the local mountain bike track every morning and my times are much the same.
Category: Patient Stories
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