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Searched for: treatment
08 Oct 2015 20:11
Hi Klhilde

I'm hoping your api's came in the latest batch this week? When it comes to commitment and dedication you win the trophy. If you need to extend and wish to have a look about, we have 4 spare bedrooms in Orange NSW. Maybe not as antiquated as Hobart but spectacular countryside and rivers. So happy for you. Em
Category: Patient Stories
08 Oct 2015 20:02
Life, here is some information from the pharma companies. I am not a doctor so have absolutely no idea about other drug interactions. I don't take any other drugs or supplements so there is no issue for me in that regard. I saw a link somewhere on the forum about interactions but have no idea what forum it was on.

1. If I were you I would very, very seriously consider talking with Dr Freeman or some other healthcare professional. These are powerful drugs and the treatment and possible side effect dangers really depends on your individual situation. A few dollars invested in professional support is an excellent investment.

2. I would also do some in depth research, read and educate myself before starting treating so you are aware of the ramifications of treating yourself with this method. I am far from an expert on the subject but have read tons of reports, studies on the trials, applications for approval to the FDA and their European counterpart, etc,. etc., so feel quite comfortable with self-treatment but I have also found a liver specialist that will support me informally as he cannot support me formally because I am using medicine in a combination that is not yet covered by health insurance in Japan.

Getting information on these forums is/can be a good idea but tends to be information from regular people. Though well-meaning and sometimes quite informative, the "advice" on these types of forums cannot/should not replace that which you can get from a professional, unless you have absolutely no way of accessing professional support.. While reading the posts you have probably noticed that basically everyone has some type of professional support.

There are many good websites with lots of detailed information regarding diet, etc, etc.




Hope this helps. Good luck. Gary
Category: Compounding
08 Oct 2015 19:33
Today I'm starting week 2 of my treatment.
On the first day last week I felt light headed and "happy drunk" probably would be the best description. It was hard to concentrate on my every day tasks but my spirits were high and I felt very excited. By day 3 my head was a lot clearer with no more spinnings and drunk sensations.
I Sleep well and my appetite is out of control. As a result +1kg.
Category: Patient Stories
08 Oct 2015 19:03

I take thyroxine 0,25 mcg...I guess I'll need to get my thyroid monitored...Can I take it with the meds?
I also take 0,25 mg xanax every night because otherwise my liver won't let me sleep all night...

Can I still take it on treatment?

Sorry, maybe I should take a personal appointment!

Category: Compounding
08 Oct 2015 18:30
If you really need Twinvir I will give you. You can take Twinvir with or without any prescriptions. I will arrange everything for you for your convenience. I will provide you Twinvir from Incepta. Incepta is the first generic manufacturer of Harvoni.
Category: Patient Stories
08 Oct 2015 18:09
Thanks emilio for your kind words, yes my dad have started the treatment and so far he is looking good. Hope soon he will attain the VL 0 like many others on this forum :-)

This forum is really of great help.

Category: Patient Stories
08 Oct 2015 17:32
Quick update ..... been in Tasmania for ten days.

Came unannounced and with no warning to Dr. Freeman and staff.
WILL HAVE MY MEDS SOMETIME NEXT WEEK! Likely Wednesday but Friday at latest.

Dr. Freeman and his staff have been beyond generous with their help.
People in the USA might well consider a trip here for the simplest, clearest method to acquire treatment.

I've met Greg and he's just as genuine and sincere and helpful in person as he seems online.

Chester says "Hi" ... and is the only known person on the planet whose side effect to Rib has been a broken arm ...
("Side effect" is humour ... broken arm is real.)
Category: Patient Stories
08 Oct 2015 14:50
Life, you do not need any other ingredients. Just put the medicine in the capsules and take them as is. Here are some links for the paper, capsules, tweezers, etc. I bought my goods from Amazon Japan so the links below are some examples only in English for ease of use. The tweezer link is to amazon japan as I could not find tweezers on amazon USA but you can see the picture to get an idea of the tweezers.


You don't need 1000 capsules so search for a box/bag of 100 for each medicine - total 200, though you only need 2 x 84 = 168 for 12 weeks treatment. I bought two different types of capsules, one for for each medicine, just to keep things a bit easier to track.


The glassine weighing paper may not be necessary but it was cheap and easy to get in Japan so I bought it.


This is just a link to a spatula/spoon. You will need to decide which size you want to buy.


You probably do not need anything other than the capsules but my wife requested the other goods for ease of use. I also have a very small funnel in case filling the capsules directly from the paper proves difficult. You will need to decide for yourself how you want to proceed with the encapsulating and buy the necessary tools. Best of luck. Regards, Gary
Category: Compounding
08 Oct 2015 14:26

emilio wrote: Thanks Boot and Welcome Wombat.

Many of us will never forget the IFN/Riba treatment, soul destroying stuff and to no avail. I'm on the same gear as you wombat but only 3 days in. Fingers crossed hey. Are you in oz? Em

Thank you Emilio!

I am so glad you've accessed it too!

Yes, I remember with the Interferon, I joined an on-line group I think via my old Dr's in Sydney-- ACON or some guys like that ran it. Some of those people on that on-line group had done interferon riba up to three times... They were great people and a huge support to me as I was in wilderness in Tas while I was on it and really had trouble with it, lol.

I am still in Tasmania. I think I read somewhere you're in North Qld?

Actually my neighbor in Sydney did a year of Interferon & riba AND a year of full time uni together, some people are just so amazingly strong.

Still stunned how symptom free this is,
Category: DAA Side Effects
08 Oct 2015 14:07
Thanks Boot and Welcome Wombat.

Many of us will never forget the IFN/Riba treatment, soul destroying stuff and to no avail. I'm on the same gear as you wombat but only 3 days in. Fingers crossed hey. Are you in oz? Em
Category: DAA Side Effects
08 Oct 2015 10:14
Very interesting discussion! If I may add another layer? We're all expecting big pharma to jump all over these buyers clubs and generic fanchises however maybe it's like free advertising for them? In reality we're only a very small dot on the HCV treatment spectrum. The other interesting layer is that if hep c is cured then there will be a lot of forums, authorities, agencies and groups that will no longer be provided with government funding to continue their work? Is or will there be resistance from our so called supporter agencies?

It's similar to the whole cancer landscape, if a scientist (sitting in the back blocks of the world somewhere) found a cure for all cancers, would we feel confident that the cure would make it to market? Or is it reasonably to suspect our little scientist would be bought out by big pharma/FDA? Given his or her own hospital wing and research facility to work with rats for another 10 years. I'm in the mindset of the latter. Em
Category: Geopolitics
08 Oct 2015 06:04

James-Freeman-facebook wrote: Hello Jolie,

I will start this with a disclaimer - my experience with Hep C the new DAAs only goes back to March, and the entire world's experience is really only a couple of years. Data is lacking and the margins of error in the encouraging trial data is large.

First the guidelines say 12 weeks Sof+Dac is appropriate for you.

Now let's consider some hypotheticals.

Fibrosis is not "you have cirrhosis" or "you don't" but our guidelines deal with the issue of fibrosis in that way because of the need to group people to get statistically meaningful numbers. We know that longer 24 week treatment is often recommended in the context of a high level of fibrosis, but why is this?

My working model goes like this. Fibrotic tissue has a very poor blood supply, therefore getting medications into fibrotic areas is harder. You might imagine fibrosis as like the walls of a castle protecting the areas inside. Fibrosis is a spectrum. You might also imagine that F4 represents strong castle walls made of bricks and F1 represents weak walls, like the straw house the little pig made to hide from the wolf.

Now consider that for an antibiotic/antiviral to work we need to reach what's called the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) - below this level it does not work, above this level it works. Like fibrosis this is a spectrum.

Now imagine to kill you I have to make you wet with rain. If I send you out in the rain stark naked it will not take long (low fibrosis), and if it's raining heavily (high doses) it won't take long either.

Now imagine I put some clothes on you. Now it's going to take longer to get you wringing wet. This is like mild fibrosis.

Now imagine I put a cheap spray jacket on you. Now it's going to take longer again and this is like having higher fibrosis.

Now imagine you have a Gortex Jacket. This keeps you dry, but over time water leaks in through the cuffs, around the neck. This is like cirrhosis.

So you could intuit that the optimal treatment times might really look like (total speculation)

F0 8 weeks
F1 12 weeks
F2 16 weeks
F3 20 weeks
F4 24 weeks

Now I just pulled those numbers out of my ear, but I hope you can see what I'm saying. More fibrosis probably needs more treatment and a binary division < F4 = 12 weeks and F4 = 24 weeks does not make a huge degree of logical sense.

Now when we look at treatment duration we know that it's too long.

It's supposed to be too long because we can't know exactly when to stop.

All we can ever know is that we probably stopped a little early if it comes back. Unfortunately this knowledge is only available in retrospect.

So moving on to Government economics. The goal is not maximal cure rates, it is maximal cure rate PER DOLLAR SPENT.


12 weeks treatment $60,000 (so 8 weeks is $40,000)
Cure rate @ 12 weeks 95%
Cure rate @ 8 weeks 90%

Take a group of 100 patients.

8 weeks treatment will cost $4,000,000 for 90 cures = $44,444 per cure

12 weeks treatment will cost $6,000,000 for 95 cures = $63,157 per cure

Let's assume that we can retreat with 24 weeks @120,000

In the 8 week group that costs another $1,200,000 and sees only one patient not at cure. $5,200,000 for 99 cures = $52,525 per cure

In the 12 week group that costs another $600,000 and sees only 1/2 a patient not at cure. $6,600,000 for 99.5 cures = $66,331 per cure

So the shorter treatment time, although it does not provide the best cure rate is 25% cheaper per cure, even with retreatment.

If you were planning to spend billions on treatment then 25% is a huge number.

When politicians talk about making hard decisions these are the sort of decisions they are talking about.

Thank you for this,
I always had a question about the fixed duration of the tx being either 12 weeks or 24 weeks, why not 16 weeks ? or 18? or 21? so your explanation makes a great sense to me, although I too am not a Hepatologist.

Maybe it has to do with the size of packagings? that they are in packets of 12??? so you can have either 1 or 2 packets ?
But how a size of packaging can determine the length of treatment ?? that's silly, still why 12 or 24 but not 18-21 weeks??

I think adding Riba to the mix would not add anything from what I researched so far including Dr Foster's theory that Riba in tx experienced patients might actually be contra indicated due to possible resistance.

Yes, I get that economic perspective for rationing the tx, piety that human beings, their health & well being is so low on the list of priorities for our Western Gov. political agenda's & very low on the list of priorities for Western Pharma's, where only the highest profit & keeping the shareholders happy is the no1 priority.
Category: Resistance
08 Oct 2015 01:19
Thanks Gary for the information!
I'm starting as well, can you info me about your encapsulation experience...

Thanks! Good luck!!
Category: Experts Corner
08 Oct 2015 00:15
Thanks Johnboy. Good luck with your treatment. Gary
Category: Experts Corner
08 Oct 2015 00:13
Thanks David. I will probably go with the 2 week, 4 week and 12 week tests. Regards, Gary
Category: Experts Corner
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