It's currently pretty standard to do an end of Tx test but as the nurse at RHH said to me she doesn't know why they are bothering because, provided you continue to comply with Tx, you will be undetected immediately after completion. As if the virus returning wasn't enough incentive, I think the added fact that we have paid for our own meds is a pretty good reason to think there's unlikely to be any problem with compliance from us.
You only need qualitative PCRs now except in the unlikely event that you relapse after Tx. The good news is you get 4 qualitative a year as opposed to only 2 quantitative (that measure VL) under Medicare. Not sure if they count them from your first test or on calendar years. Perhaps the doc could enlighten. Qualitative just look for any virus RNA. If there is none then it follows that a quantitative would also be undetected.
However, I found the first two weeks after Tx rough going and became super paranoid. So I asked the nurse if I could get a qualitative done at 4 - 6 weeks for my own peace of mind. I haven't used it yet and am 4 weeks post Tx now. But now that I just feel consistently good and feel confident the virus hasn't returned I'm just going to hold onto the form and only use it if I feel I need some reassurance. I may not get it done at all. While SVR12 is considered cured, I don't think I'll be completely convinced until about the 12 month mark so I want to have some tests to spare for later on. I've also factored into my own considerations the possibility of relapse and should that happen, I want to treat again sooner rather than later.
I would suggest consider all the above and "spend" the tests available to you according to your own requirements including what you think you need for reassurance and in consultation with your doctor. The only one you really need to factor in definitely is the 12 week post Tx one.
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Hep C+ since 1980s
Genotype 1b
VL 480,000
Started Indian Sof and Riba, BMS Dac (comp access) 28 August 2015
UND at 4 weeks
Finished treatment 19 November 2015
12 February 2016 UND SVR12