Give us our PrEP!

Hi All,

We need your help. We don’t normally do this but it’s important. Ok, so what?

In 2015 Swissmedic changed the rule that said a patient can import only 1 month of medication for their own use to say they could import 3 months. This was mostly about access to Hep C medication, but patients needing HIV medication and PrEP (HIV medication to prevent catching HIV) also benefitted. 

On June 26th 2017 Switzerland struck a deal with Merck for open access to Zepatier. Fantastic news for HCV patients, but…

As of April 1st, 2019, Swissmedic has reduced the quantity of medicine that may be imported for personal use, such as those used for PrEP and a key part of the HIV prevention toolkit, from 3 months to one month.

So here is the request:

Sign the petition demanding from Federal Councillor Alain Berset that he allow a personal import exemption of at least three months.

You will find the petition here:

The logic is simple. If your goverment won’t treat you then you should have the right to treat yourself. If that sounds fair and reasonable…

Please visit and sign the petition.

This is not just about Hep C, or HIV, it’s also about cancer, cystic fibrosis and a whole lot of other diseases for which cures exist but where the prices being demanded prevent government subsidies providing affordable patient access.

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