Link2Labs is a USA based laboratory that allows patients to order discount priced lab tests. Unfortunately they have had to restict their services to patients in Texas. Their packages are listed below, but for patients in the USA but not in Texas you can consider any of these labs:


We may wish to do some, or all of these tests. Here are links to them as well as terms used to find them in search:

  • CBC - $10 Complete Blood Count (bundled with CMP below) - red cells, white cells and platelets
  • CMP - $10 Complete Metabolic Panel (bundled with CBC above) - liver and kidney function
  • HCV GENOTYPE LIPA - $135 Hepatitis C Genotype
  • HCV RNA by PCR, QT - $80 Hepatitis C Viral Load (quantitative)
  • HEP B CORE AB, TOTAL - $15 Hepatitis B Core Antibody (quantitative) - exposure marker
  • HEP B SURFACE AB QN (HBV Titer) - $15 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody - immunity marker
  • HEP B SURF AG W/CONF - $15 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - active Hep B marker
  • TSH - $10 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - thyroid gland function
  • AFP, TUMOR (CHIRON) - $20 Alpha FetoProtein - HCC tumour marker
  • PRO TIME WITH INR - $10 Prothrombin Time with International Normalised Ratio - blood clotting


Bundle 2 - CBC, CMP, PT/INR, HbsAg, HBsAb, HIV - $85 pretreatment (add Hep B core Antibody +/- genotype/viral load if not known)

Bundle 4 - CBC CMP HCV RNA Quant - $90 routine monitoring and SVR12

Economy Options

The genotype test is done by PCR and if a genotype can be detected then there is absolutely a viral load. While it has been suggested that patients who have genotype 1 and low fibrosis and are treatment naive and have a viral load of less than 6 million can be treated with only 8 weeks Harvoni the clinical results are not as good as using 12 weeks treatment. In other words having an exact viral load does not inform treatment choice or duration.

There are now pan-genotypic treatments (treat all type of HCV) so it is possible (but not recommended) to skip the genotype test. The reason it is not recommended is that we know we need to work a little harder to cure patients with genotype 3, so knowing if a patient has this genotype is still helpful.

Cirrhotic patients need and INR and AFP but in patients earlier in the disease course these can be skipped.

There is an association between HCV and thyroid problems so this is nice to check but not essential.

With the Hep B tests the reason for doing them is because of the possibility of Hepatitis B reactivation during treatment. Doing all 3 tests at once provides and instant answer, however it is possible to just check Hep B core antibody. If this is negative there has been no exposure to Hep B and therefore is no risk.

Novas curas de hepatite C são acessíveis

Bem vindo a FixHepC

Esta pagina esta escrito em Português, e o resto do site esta em Inglês. Mas não-se preocupe! Simplesmente clique no botão no canto superior direito da pagina e seleciona a sua linguá preferida.

E completamente possível ter acceso a novas curas de Hepatite C, com opções accessíveis para todos; possível com a importação paralela.

Remessa para os Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Canada, Nova Zelândia e a maioria de outros países, é com nos completamente confiável. E mais importante, o custo para 12 semanas de tratamento usando medicamentos genéricos de alta qualidade pode ser tao pouco quanto USD$1250.

Genéricos dos próximos medicamentos estão disponível:

  • Epclusa® (Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Velpatasvir 100 mg)
  • Harvoni ® (Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Ledipasvir 90 mg)
  • Sovaldi® (Sofosbuvir 400 mg)
  • Daklinza® (Daclatasvir 60 mg)

Originator Abbvie Viekira® e Merck Zepatier® também podem ser prevenidos de mercados com preços mais baixos do que normal.

Os nossos genéricos são prevenidos de fabricadores bem conhecidos e respeitados - como por exemplo Pharco, Hetero e Natco.

Os novos tratamentos tem efeitos colaterais menos extremos, e tipicamente a taxa de sucesso e 95% de pessoas curadas depois de 12 semanas de tratamento.

Por favor - toma uns momentos para curtir este breve apresentação que explica o que é que nos fazemos, e porque. Se queres retornar a sentir-se melhor, a nossa pagina inicial é um bom lugar para começar a sua viagem para melhor saúde.

Apesar de nos não falar-mos Português, você pode mandar um email com qualquer pergunta, e com a magia do Google Translate nos fazemos tudo possível para comunicar com sigo.

Aqui temos o estimado Dr. Freeman falando sobre o que é que FixHepC faz e porque, com legendas em Português para sua conveniência.



The Butterfly Effect

What personality type are you?

See no evil

  • Some people simply don't see the problem. If you don't see a problem with unaffordable medicines...

Speak no evil

  • Some people do see the problem but decide it must be somebody else's problem*. If this is you...

Do no evil

  • A rare few see the problem and resolve to do something to about it. We call them fixers.

* In the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the late Douglas Adams came up with the notion that the easiest way to hide something in plain sight was to use a Somebody Else's Problem Field. The Somebody Else's Problem field relies on people's natural predisposition not to see anything they don't want to, weren't expecting or can't explain.

Sometimes it's much cheaper and easier to make people think that something works rather than actually make it work. Afterall, the results is, in all important aspects, the same.


For details about the problems here is a presentation given to the International Aids Society Meeting in Paris on 23rd July 2017

At FixHepC we have a simple philosophy

I don't know how to save the world or, indeed, if the world wants to be saved.
I don't have all the answers, but, like everyone, I do have some answers.
I have unanswerable questions but if we talk, maybe you can shed light on them.
I see the earth from space is small, and I am invisible on its surface, but I know the way
I choose to behave, and the problems I try to fix, contribute to the fabric of our planet.
I believe there is no big picture, it's just an overview of what each one of us chooses to do.
I know I can't save the world, but together we can make it better.

Are you a freethinker?

Leo Tolstoy - Freethinking


Thinking minds borrowed that quote from Leo Tolstoy.

Currently, Hepatitis C looks like this

Here is a 60-second video we did for World Hepatitis Day 2016 (with apologies to Dr Jonas Salk for the typo). When asked why he did not patent the polio vaccine he simply said "You cant patent the sun".



Do you believe in the butterfly effect?

The butterfly effect is the concept that small causes can have large effects. Each and every one of us creates ripples.


The power of one

This slide was removed by consent from Dr Freeman's 2017 presentation about generics to EASL in Amsterdam as it was felt to be too political, and not scientific enough. While we agree removing it from that forum was reasonable ask yourself this question: "Did the stance taken by Swissmedic and Concordia help or hinder Switzerland negotiating a deal with Merck for access to Zepatier? You would have to suspect it provided a useful bargaining tool to help rebalance normally one sided pricing negotiations and that without this pressure patients would still be waiting for treatment access. One doctor, working for his patients, has within 18 months helped get treatment to over half his country.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead


The Power of one person to change the world


Here are the references:


Get Involved and let's make the world better

Ripples are great, but what we need are waves. Medicines need to be more affordable. We can see with things like the EpiPen that medicines are becoming less affordable.

Big Pharma is the most profitable industry in the world. We, the citizen payers fund it but are not getting value for our hard earned tax and insurance dollars. Challenging the status quo will require a social movement on a scale not seen for decades, but there is a lot at stake.

If we simply sit back and do nothing what this means for you, and I, and our friends and family is that medical treatment is going to become increasingly out of reach, available only to a select few.

Perhaps you think that you can't make a difference, but you can:

  • Maybe you are a patient and willing to share your story - stigma can only survive in silence
  • Maybe you are a doctor willing to help patients access care
  • Maybe you are a social media guru looking for a social conscience project
  • Maybe you speak 2 languages and could help make information available to people that don't speak English
  • Maybe you are a lawyer interested in defending Article 25 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 which states:
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.

Are you a Fixer?

There is a problem, we need to fix it, and we can all contribute something back.

If you want to become a fixer please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let's work together to make the world a better place.

So that's enough serious stuff. This will probably touch you...



This is in English. Spanish

FixHepC holds your money in trust to facilitate payments related to your personal medication importation.

All medication shipped has a tracking number that allows its progress to be seen, both by you and by us.

In the event that successful delivery can not be achieved, patients will receive a 100% refund of the money placed in trust to execute their order.

Successful delivery will be deemed to have occurred when the package tracks to the supplied delivery address and is marked as having been delivered.


1. There is no fine print, what you read above is the entire delivery guarantee agreement.

2. Well technically this is fine print, but you get the idea.

3. There are no pages and pages of incomprehensible legal jargon that you just have to agree to because who has to time to read it?

4. Seriously, that's it.

5. We deliver, or you pay nothing.

Copyright © 2015-2020 FixHepC

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