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2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4453

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Congratulations klhilde, what a great result !! :cheer:

Hey 2b,
I always found the VL took much longer to come back than any of the other tests.
Mine usually took about 10 days.
maybe that's all the problem is?
J the young dragon slayer is:
HepC 1a since birth
Male aged 15
VL 2000000
Started Twinvir/ 10-11-15-then Sof/led.
NO sides so far !
after one week VL : 37
after 4 wks VL : UND !
EOT 2/2/16 UND.!
4 wks. post tx results....pending....
7/3/16 VL result : 4 week post tx: SVR !
12 weeks SVR !
24 wks SVR yeeaa!!
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2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4455

Thanks for that...make more sense now. I am on a 12 week course with 8 to go...fingers crossed my 4 week blood test comes back good. :)
Lives in Bendigo, Victoria
No prior treatment Genotype 1b Fibroscan 0 (only showed a bit of a fatty liver) Diagnosed in February 2015 Currently on my last week of treatment taking led/sof Last LFT normal
Insomnia the only side effect
Undetected at 4 weeks
SVR4 - undetected - all bloods good and GP very happy
SVR12 bloods to be done at end of April 2016
SVR12 - undetected!!!

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4457

Thanks GAJ and CJ and Chester ...

Hey Chester, what you said about the unease of taking the last pills .... I'm still almost 5 weeks from EOT and Sunday I refilled my 7 day container ... the one I bought when I was with you at the drug store. Then I looked into the bottle and saw how few there were left in there .... and got this weird uneasy feeling. I've never experienced that before. I appear to have developed some kind of psychological attachment to these drugs.

I hope you explained to Harvey and Louie that they're not allowed to like any of your new guests better than they liked me!

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4459

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Are Harvey & Louie her sheep?
J the young dragon slayer is:
HepC 1a since birth
Male aged 15
VL 2000000
Started Twinvir/ 10-11-15-then Sof/led.
NO sides so far !
after one week VL : 37
after 4 wks VL : UND !
EOT 2/2/16 UND.!
4 wks. post tx results....pending....
7/3/16 VL result : 4 week post tx: SVR !
12 weeks SVR !
24 wks SVR yeeaa!!

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4461

No, her little dogs.

The sheep didn't seem to like me ... or anybody else for that matter ... The chickens were totally indifferent. lol.

The wallabies only came out at night so I never got a good look at them, and the kookaburra wouldn't get close enough to get a good picture.

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4464

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Hi 2b, mate got your message and will respond when I get a few spare minutes lol. Sorry mate I can't help with results, crazy though get don't understand. Hopefully something is forthcoming. Em

Lynne, good luck with you 4 week results, we all have our fingers crossed. Em

K - C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S mate, so glad to hear of your amazing result. You deserve this and I don't know anyone who has travelled further for a result, so happy. Em

You are all going to clear and be cured, so don't sweat it hey
Geno 1b F2/3 snce early 80s. Treated in 2008_9 for 63 weeks on INF/Riba. Commence Sof/Dac on 6 October 2015 and completed 18 weeks of tx. UND at 4-6 weeks, UND at EOT, SVR 2, SVR 6 and SVR 12 on 6 May 2016.
The following user(s) said Thank You: klhilde

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4473

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Way to go Klhilde! Great news!

And I understand about the psychological attachment - my night-time pill popping ritual ends in 4 weeks. Have never slept better and don't want that to end!


2b I hope you get some good news re VL very soon.
NSW Australia. Genotype 1b 30+ years, F0-F1, VL 91,000 Feb 2015 (740,000 in 2010), Tx naive.
Ordered Sof/Dac from Buyers Club 21 Sept, received 14 Oct.
Virus UNDETECTED at 3 weeks AND 12 weeks (EOT) AND SVR4 AND SVR12 AND SVR24. :-)
A thousand thankyous to Dr James and the amazing FixHepC team.
The following user(s) said Thank You: klhilde

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4475

  • coral
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Good to hear your news Klhilde. :cheer:
2b you'll need to let us know what the mysterious 33.9 means. Even I did a bit of googling in blood results and couldn't
work out what it might be.
Joy - I know what you mean. I take my pills at night and they seems to have a slight sleeping pill effect on me as well. I've had disrupted sleep for a number of years so it's been one of the positive side effects.

G1a probably early 1980's, Biopsy F1(2010), F2-F3(2015). VL 5+mill; 2+mill (2014) Tx naive. Accessed Sof/Led through Dr Freeman at GP2U and Buyers Club (lifesavers!!!)
Commenced tx 12/11/15. 9 wk: VL <15 Detected but LFT = Normal 12 week results: UND (Yay!) Due to slow response commenced Sof/Dac 4 Feb for 12 weeks. EOT @ 24 weeks 27 April 2016. (With thanks to Dr Freeman et al). SVR11 result: VL 1,950,000. It's back!
New tx 030916 (Viekira Pak, Solvadi, Ribavirin UND @ 111116. EOT 170217.
SVR12 and SVR 24
The following user(s) said Thank You: klhilde

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4477

Could be still detected 33.9 per ml if thats the case almost gone but it's just a guess.
Two time relapser.

SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

GT 3 - about 28 yrs with HCV

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4480

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Great news klhilde, that is an awesome result mate :) Must be a real relief to see those figures (or, lack of them), sets that niggling question "Is it really working?" to rest well and truly!

And yes down here in the unfashionable Hemisphere, quantitative results take roughly a week/week & a half. Yeah would be great if we could access our results online, but can't see that happening too soon - I had no idea of my VL until about 3 weeks ago (no one obviously thought I needed to know, in 27 years lol)

And the clinic had to mail it to me :P
GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
F0, tx naive
VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 - 2.9
Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
11/02/2016 - 6 weeks UNDETECTED
AST 26
ALT 26
The following user(s) said Thank You: klhilde

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4482

klhilde wrote: Thanks GAJ and CJ and Chester ...

Hey Chester, what you said about the unease of taking the last pills .... I'm still almost 5 weeks from EOT and Sunday I refilled my 7 day container ... the one I bought when I was with you at the drug store. Then I looked into the bottle and saw how few there were left in there .... and got this weird uneasy feeling. I've never experienced that before. I appear to have developed some kind of psychological attachment to these drugs.

I hope you explained to Harvey and Louie that they're not allowed to like any of your new guests better than they liked me!

Oh yeah EOT was interesting. There's 2 weeks of my life I'm glad are behind me. All good now. Gonna do a post about it. Be warned! The post treatment crash could happen to you.

Up the coast at the moment with latest US visitor (btw she was UND after 6 doses - think that might be the record).

And it's Louis not Louie. He's French!

Louis on the left, Harvey on the right. Sheep are Fat Guts, Barbie and Baldy.
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Hep C+ since 1980s
Genotype 1b
VL 480,000
Started Indian Sof and Riba, BMS Dac (comp access) 28 August 2015
UND at 4 weeks
Finished treatment 19 November 2015
12 February 2016 UND SVR12
The following user(s) said Thank You: klhilde

2b's test 4 week tests--hmmm 8 years 7 months ago #4486

Thanks everybody!

And Chester, yep, I can see it clearly in their anxious eyes ....
"Where's Kevin?"
"Where's Kevin?"
"Where's Kevin?"

Or maybe it's "Where the hell are our chicken wings?"

Hey, is Pete moved into his house yet?
Tell him I said "Hi."
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