The REDEMPTION clinical trial site is
REDEMPTION-1 is already underway and is closed but REDEMPTION-2, REDEMPTION-3 and REDEMPTION-4 are currently recruiting. The results
will be have been presented at EASL and AASLD.
We expect to show that generics work but don't want to pre-empt things. We now know that generics work effectively.
Update2: We were also accepted for AASLD 2016 in Boston and presented.
Update: We were accepted for EASL 2016 in Barcelona and presented. Here's the results (and they look pretty good)
You can find the full presentation here: or watch the video.
REDEMPTION-2 and REDEMPTION-3 will be presented in 2017. They are trials so we don't know what they will show but expect that giving generic versions of Hep C medications has predictable results.
is testing the efficacy of generic Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Daclatasvir 60 mg across all genotypes at full phase 3 scale and is open now.
is testing the efficacy of generic Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Ledipasvir 90 mg in genotypes 1, 4 and 6 only at full phase 3 scale and is open now.
is testing the efficacy of generic Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Velpatasvir 100 mg across all genotypes at full phase 3 scale and is open now.
The REDEMPTION trials are different:
- First everyone gets active medication at full therapeutic dose, and there is no placebo.
- Next, it is not free. Entry into the Sof/Dac trial -2 arm wil cost $1500 USD and entry into the Sof/Led trial will cost $1600 USD. This is the best price in the market right now and includes shipping.
- Finally there will be no cherry picking of entrants to bias outcome results, so we will find out what the best medications are
The REDEMPTION-2 and -3 and -4 trials will both feature REAL TIME REPORTING of side effect and on treatment viral load for complete transparency.
To get started with REDEMPTION go here: