Tag Archives: hepatitis c

Testing Provisions Patient Safety

So what is this image? It is a patient safety check. Each coloured line represents a single patient’s self imported Sofosbuvir being tested against a reference standard. Yes it’s just lines but for each chemical there is a unique NMR signature represented by the spikes in those lines, but let’s rewind….. Back in February when […]

Patient Rights vs Patent Rights

The thing with Hep C is that it’s not about anonymous statistics, it’s about real people. Here’s the story of one patient, and his wife’s journey through Interferon and failure and then to self initiated treatment and cure via the parallel import of generic DAA medications that was published in the Sydney Morning Herald and […]

Hep C drugs queue just gets longer

Hepatitis Australia is using new data released from the Kirby Institute today showing only one per cent of people with hep C received treatment last year to push the government to list new hep C drugs without delay. “It’s time for action,” said Kevin Marriott, Hepatitis Australia Acting CEO. “It’s time of the federal government […]

Hep C Buyers Club In TGA Sights

It has always been a worry that the powers that be may not like the idea of patients parallel importing life saving medications. The Buyers Club has been active for less than 24 hours and already it seems the battle lines are being drawn: http://www.pharmainfocus.com.au/ The TGA has a job to do, and that is to […]

WHO moves to improve access to lifesaving medicines for hepatitis C

GENEVA – WHO today published the new edition of its Model List of Essential Medicines which includes ground-breaking new treatments for hepatitis C. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2015/new-essential-medicines-list/en/ 

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