Home Forums Main Forum Genotype Specific Genotype 3 (37%) GT3 Relapse and News from France

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    Avatar photoVororo
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi folks,

    Well, shit happens. Another GT3 has relapsed. So I’m back!

    It’s all a bit strange because for about 18 months I thought I was completely virus free, but then suddenly I noticed dark urine, indigestion, and nausea. And after another two or three weeks I now am #duck yellow #duck from head to foot.

    So I went to see my doctor, and it was finally confirmed. The bastard is back. Viral load 1 million.

    So, being half French I thought: “Shit how is it possible? I have to contact FixHepC right away.” Dr Debasis explained that GT3 is the worst for relapsing, and that 24 wks of SOL+VEL should finally fix it (previously I had 12 weeks of SOF+DAC from Dr James). But then my French GP told me that the treatment in France is now absolutely universal.

    Wow, its true! The treatment cost is totally reimbursed by the French Ministry of Health. Any genotype. Any level of fibrosis.

    https://www.hygienes.net/ministere-de-la-sante/ouverture-universelle-aux-nouveaux-traitements-contre-lhepatite-c/ (in French!)

    See also:


    And here is the official document (also in French):


    It looks like SOF+VEL (Epclusa) is now the recommended treatment for GT3 in France. But I cannot believe they will give me 24 wks of the stuff since the French price is about 28,000 euro for 12 wks.

    I have final specialist appointment in a few days, so then I will know for sure what is on the French menu. I guess an extra 12 weeks would give me a few more percentage points, but if anyone has any more accurate advice I would be very grateful.


    Diagnosed Jan 2015: GT3, A0+F0/F1. Fatigue + Brain-Fog.
    Started Sof+Dac from fixHepC 10-Nov-2015. NO sides.
    Pre-Tx: AST 82, ALT 133, Viral Load 1 900 000.
    Week4: AST 47, ALT 58. VL < 15 (unquantifiable). Week12 (EOT): AST 30, ALT 26, VL UND Week16 (EOT+4): AST 32, ALT 28, GGT 24, VL UND Week28 (EOT+16): AST 26, ALT 22, GGT 24, VL UND Ever grateful to Dr James. Relapsed somewhere after all that... Bummer! Jan 2018: VL 63 000 (still GT3).

    Avatar photopat1
    • Guardian Angel
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    gt 1a VL 6m
    F2/3 FibroScan – 9KPa in 2011 and 7KPa in 2015
    sof/dac 10 December for 12 weeks
    pre tx alt 85 ast 51
    4 wk alt 34 ast 31 UND <35
    8 wk alt 29 ast 32 UND <15
    12wk alt 25 ast 25 EOT 3.3.16
    SVR24 UND KPa5.3 F0 in normal range
    I am well
    .forever grateful to fixhepc

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Vororo
    Long time between drinks as the saying goes….. good to hear from you but rotten circumstances for you.
    I’m sad for your news and the usual anxious routine of waiting and tx again.
    You’re so right when you say “sh*t happens”
    Sending kind thoughts for you I wish I had the expertise to answer your query regarding “more accurate advice” but I am just another forum friend who is saying that I am thinking of you going through this time.
    I’m glad that the tx is free that’s one good thing…..
    wishes for a good outcome after all you have been through

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Vororo,

    So sorry to hear your news my friend. I also relapsed although mine was much sooner after my initial treatment than yours. I did 24 weeks the second time and we threw a lot at my Genotype 1a with the Viekira pack, Sof and Ribavirin.

    I do know that there is not a one medication fits all for us relapsers so the advice from the experts is really important. I was very quick to respond during my second round of treatment and 24 weeks could have been an overkill but I just wasn’t prepared to take a chance.

    I’m really pleased to hear that France is covering the cost of treatment for all. Good luck Vororo.

    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Vororo,



    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    Avatar photoVororo
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello my old friends! Like Ariel said, long time between drinks! Anyway, thank you all for your support and good wishes. I really appreciate it!

    I am hoping that what remains is not a diverse population from a lifetime infection but a single strain of weak mutants that only just escaped being completely wiped out by the SOF+DAC, and which will soon be finally whacked by a different treatment, like it seemed to play out for Coral.

    Anyway, gotta go and paint my bucket yellow, so I wont looks so bad in comparison (crafty, eh?).


    Diagnosed Jan 2015: GT3, A0+F0/F1. Fatigue + Brain-Fog.
    Started Sof+Dac from fixHepC 10-Nov-2015. NO sides.
    Pre-Tx: AST 82, ALT 133, Viral Load 1 900 000.
    Week4: AST 47, ALT 58. VL < 15 (unquantifiable). Week12 (EOT): AST 30, ALT 26, VL UND Week16 (EOT+4): AST 32, ALT 28, GGT 24, VL UND Week28 (EOT+16): AST 26, ALT 22, GGT 24, VL UND Ever grateful to Dr James. Relapsed somewhere after all that... Bummer! Jan 2018: VL 63 000 (still GT3).

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Vororo,

    Sorry to hear the virus is back. Have you checked the genotype again? This should be done.

    The rule of thumb for retreatment is longer, stronger, add ribavirin (or a 3rd drug).

    Vosevii would be tour preferred option. Mavyret + Generic Sof is the most potent 3 drug combination and what I would give myself in similar circumstances.

    Happy to chat. You have my email.

    I was in Paris yesterday so you just missed a housecall!


    Avatar photoVororo
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi James,

    Yes, a new genotype test has been ordered. I am guessing still GT3, but its a crazy world. Result expected in 2 to 3 working days.

    Thank you for the good advice. If necessary, I am hoping it might be possible to piggy-back a top generic treatment with the official one (which is very good but not to the tune of 24wks). I really want to kill the monster for good this time.

    But there is a further twist that I am not posting on-line. I have just sent a mail to Dr Debasis about that. Since you kindly offer, I will forward to you as well.

    Hope you enjoyed Paris!

    Diagnosed Jan 2015: GT3, A0+F0/F1. Fatigue + Brain-Fog.
    Started Sof+Dac from fixHepC 10-Nov-2015. NO sides.
    Pre-Tx: AST 82, ALT 133, Viral Load 1 900 000.
    Week4: AST 47, ALT 58. VL < 15 (unquantifiable). Week12 (EOT): AST 30, ALT 26, VL UND Week16 (EOT+4): AST 32, ALT 28, GGT 24, VL UND Week28 (EOT+16): AST 26, ALT 22, GGT 24, VL UND Ever grateful to Dr James. Relapsed somewhere after all that... Bummer! Jan 2018: VL 63 000 (still GT3).

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