Home Forums Main Forum Genotype Specific Genotype 3 (37%) HCV 3a – after 3 months of treatment

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  • #29431
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    Hello All,

    My mom had got diagnosed with Hep C – 3a and after doctor consultation had started treatment / medication.

    Medicines included :
    Sovihep – V

    Along with this a healthy diet and also heavy intake of fruits/vegetables which help in maintaining Haemoglobin and platelets like beetroot, carrots, kiwi and dragon fruit.

    Attaching below the vital check values.

    Before the start of medication :
    Haemoglobin: 12.9
    Platelet: 79

    ALT: 79
    AST: 211
    Bilirubin total: 1.9
    S.Albunim : 2.8

    Reports as per 06-Sep

    Haemoglobin: 9.8
    Platelet: 71 (In between these 3 months, this count has reached 120 and since last month again reducing, note the fruits/vegetables have been reduced to bad season in my region for last month)

    ALT: 34
    AST: 71
    Bilirubin total: 2.22
    S.Albunim : 2.65
    Creatine : 0.77

    Still we have 3 more months to continue with the said medicines. Need your expert advice with the numbers, are they looking or do the same something. Just wanted to check if at least I am right direction with these, the fluctuation in platelet count is giving me bad thoughts.

    Please help and advice. Also attaching the last 3 months of vital parameters that have been tested below in attachment.

    • Tracker_snapshot_0911.JPG
    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello vikamb,

    Your mother’s results are as expected.

    Her liver enzymes (AST/ALT) are improved

    The change in platelets from 74 to 71 is not significant as is the change in bilirubin from 1.9 -> 2.2

    The anaemia is from the ribavirin – we can see the haemogobin fall to around 9.5 quite quickly but this has been stable so is unlikely to fall any further.

    Good food is good medicine but the seasons do as they please and we can’t eat what has not grown.

    Things are definitely heading in the right direction.


    • Topics: 2
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    • Novice

    Thank you Dr.James.

    Was having sleepless nights. Your reply and guidance helps, thanks again.

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