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    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Well I want to know can i start DAA treatment for Hcv genotype 3 ,11.300.000 viral load,but also have chronic ebv virus(Epstein barr virus).


    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Sale, and welcome to the forum. I’m not a doctor, but I do know that a high Hepatitis C viral load does not negatively affect your cure chances in any way. Regarding treating Hepatitis C if you have EBV, hopefully the forum’s resident expert, Dr Freeman, will answer your question when he sees it soon. All the best.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Hello Mar,thank you for your reply,
    Started epclusa today,12 weeks.

    Thanks God.


    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    You’re welcome, congratulations on starting treatment. Epclusa is a really excellent drug for Hepatitis C, all the best.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Sale-Sale,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I’m glad to hear you’ve started treatment. Your viral load is average and this does not impact on treatment success.

    What is chronic EBV? We expect anybody infected with EBV to be positive for IgM (acute phase) and IgG (post cure phase). While it is said you can not get EBV more than once I have 2 children who have been IgM positive (acute EBV) twice so this can happen.

    Anyway, curing your HCV is the single best health initiative. Once that is cured we may find there are no further problems left to deal with. I have a lot of patients who started with many medical issues, made SVR for HCV, and we were happy to see all the other medical issues simply disappear! Presumably they were part of the many and various extra-hepatic manifestations of HCV.



    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Thank you Dr.James for your respond!
    Well about chronic EBV i am positive Igm for last 9 months constantly,so i am thinking that my immune system is so weak because of Hcv??,what is your opinion about that?
    I have also sialadenitis and nobody of doctors here couldn’t explain me the cause of desease,and also have tinnitus in my left ear(cause unknown)is it because of hcv or hbv virus?
    And the last thing is this large viral load for Ebv virus?(attached medical Report,last one,they Are all approximately similar)

    And about epclusa I am taking on pill every day at 1pm so my worry is that I found that is the best time to take in the morning or evening,because of absorption,but I started 5 days ago at 1 pm, my Dr. told me that i can do Like that and also on Gilead site say that yuou can use them with or without food.So Dr.James can I switch my theapy to the next morning without any concequnces,or proceed without any worries at 1pm Like now.

    Thank you Dr.James once more and sorry if I made this long and for my English,I am from east Europe.

    Good bless you.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Sale,

    There is no problem moving from 1pm (1300) dose time to earlier time such as 8am (0800)

    The absorption of Epclusa is a little better taken with food.

    Best wishes for SVR


    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Dr James,

    Thank you for your answer,I will post the results after the treatment,my blood test this morning was;
    AST 34,ALT 19,GGT 12 ;
    NEU 1,80(2,06-6,49);NEU 36,6(44-72);LYM 49,8(20-46);
    BASO 0,10(0-0,6);BASO 1,1(0-1);alkaline phosphatase 46(60-142);AMS 111(23-91),potassium3,8(3,9-5,1).

    Please Dr.James would you explain my results to me.., I would be greatfull if You do that for me l,my doctor when I ask him anything he Shut up my mouth! Is it because of the Epclusa or ebv is provoked by this treatment,also i don’t sleep 2-3 hours at night since I started taking Epclusa.
    My D vitamin today was 46(75-100),copper 10(12,2-25,1);B9 13(12,19-46,4);B12 288(145-569),so should I take supplements for this low levels??

    What Are yours prediction for my treatment according to the lab results above after 21 day since start of treatment?

    Please Dr.James help!!

    Best regards


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Sale-Sale,

    I am sorry to hear your doctor is not so communicative.

    1. Your AST=32, ALT=32 and platelets (thrombociti)=165 at the start of treatment means liver is ok
    2. The fall in ALT indicates the treatment is working as expected
    3. Chronic EBV is rare but can happen – it does not seem to be having much impact on blood where monocytosis is expected – it will probably settle with treatment of HCV
    4. Insomnia is, unfortunately, quite a common side effect of sofosbuvir – sleeping tablets may help
    5. Your vitamin levels are generally ok (our lower limit of vitamin D is 50 so 46 is ok – get some sunshine on skin and that will fix without supplements).
    6. With vitamins, if a little is good, more in not better and can be poisonous; the best way to get your vitamins is by eating a variety of foods.
    7. For you, the numbers we are interested in are platelets, AST, ALT and HCV viral load; the rest are largely irrelevant and likely to be normal.


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    Thank you for the answer on my big question.God bless you and happy hollydays!


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thank you for the kind words Sale-Sale

    My calculations suggest you are now 2 months into treatment.

    How are things going?


    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Dr.James thank you for asking :)

    Well,I took lab blood test 10. days ago and here Are the results:

    My Doctor said that these NEU,LYM,BASO Are ok??

    My last pill will be at 16.February and after that I will do the PCR test That’s how is practice over here.

    What is you opinion Dr.James about this?,please answer.

    Best regards


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Sale,

    These results look as expected and perfectly fine.

    Today is the 16th February here, so you must be very close to the last pill.

    Your PCR will almost inevitably be undetectable. It almost always is at the end of treatment.

    We are confident of cure at the SVR12 point – 12 weeks after the tablets have finished and a negative PCR. This is because after 1 week there is virtually no drug left in your system so the virus (if any remains) is now free to grow.


    Avatar photoSale-Sale-google
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    Hello Dr.James,

    First big thanks and you are right again,today is my last pill and few hours later I am going to see my Dr. He will tell me when I will do the pcr testing.
    Three days ago I done my bloods opposite to the one before they are little bit elevated maybe because I started to eat pork meat I fatty fish,Chocolate etc. I don’t know is it normal?,and here are the results:
    AST 25

    I will post after three months what happened

    Thanks you Dr.James once more for your informations and wishes!

    All the best!


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Sale,

    AST, ALT and GGT are all low. We commonly see changes of +/- 20% and these minor movements have no significance.

    Best of luck for SVR12


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