Home Forums Main Forum Experts Corner Drug Interactions & Information One Capsule of Declatasvir short!

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  • #14799
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    Hi everyone. A question for the experts. I am about to finish my first 12 weeks of compounded sof/dac, although still another 12 weeks to go! I’ve just noticed that I am one capsule of declatasvir short. Don’t know where it’s gone. :oops: I definitely haven’t taken it by mistake (double dosed), because I’ve been using a weekly pill holder for the dac. I guess it is possible that I lost it when counting out the weekly dose into the pill holder. It may be that the pharmacy counted one short. Anyway, my question is does anyone think that being 1 dac short is going to make a difference over 24 weeks? Should I try to chase up an extra dac from somewhere (I could ring the pharmacy in Sydney and ask them). Any learned expert opinions or suggestions welcome. Thank you.

    (GT3, F4, 30+ years HCV+, 24 weeks sof/dac; 12 weeks generic, 12 weeks through the PBS)

    Infected in the 1980s sometime, diagnosed early 1990s, GT 3, F4, sof/dac commenced 13 Jan 2016

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    No it won’t make any difference but for peace of mind pm me your address and I will make one arrive.


    • Topics: 1
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    • Novice

    Thank you James. I don’t know how to pm you through the site, but I can email you if that’s ok.

    Infected in the 1980s sometime, diagnosed early 1990s, GT 3, F4, sof/dac commenced 13 Jan 2016

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