Home Forums Main Forum Genotype Specific Genotype 2 (8%) Starting sovaldi and declatasvir geno 2b

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    This is my first time on just about any forum!!! I have Hep c Geno 2b fibro scan 6 , viral load 1, 420, 000, log 6.15

    I am just starting my hep c meds , 2 nd week April 2016, with the 12 weeks to go , -using solvadi and declatisvir,

    -and I have sourced the meds today from a compounding chemist, who made them into capsules.

    I am very thankful for the help from hep c forum, and hep c club generally, and gp2u doctors and prefered pharmacists , especially, – who assisted me with excellent information , giving me the confidence to decide on which treatment and how to go about sourcing treatment meds.

    If anyone is confused or feeling thwarted, try gp2u! -* I put off calling them for weeks due to cost , but it ended up being the best support , contact , and decision yet.

    Today, I was able to action and source the alternative, often mentioned as having less side effects i.e declatisvir /solvadi, after a month of frustration , trapped by lack of funds and conservative medical practitioners, who could only advise that the ‘ only option’ for me was the Australian pbs choice for hep c geno 2, -solvadi and ribavirin.

    ( I was concerned about possible worse side effects from ribavirin)

    Saying that, if there had been no other choice really, and the cost prohibitive, I would have been humbled and grateful still to have any treatment rather than none (and so low in cost, on pbs and or health care card) and so would have bite the solvadi/ribarvirin bullet!! *I am aware this combo does clear hep c very well for many geno 2.

    As there are not many hep c geno 2’s apparently , and this drug combo solvadi/declatisvir for geno 2 not exactly standard-as yet in OZ , I plan to share the journey re side effects and outcome, which I hope is helpful to others on their similar journey ☺

    Regards Juen

    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Juen and welcome. :)

    You’ve made a wise choice in avoiding the ribavirin which I feel should only be used for more difficult to treat cases due to the side effects. It’s a shame G2s are unable to access Daclatasvir as a standard treatment in Australia.

    Looking forward to hearing how your treatment progresses. :+1:

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Avatar photo2b
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Juen– another “exotic” 2B, eh? me too–I took the same thing you are taking with no ribavirin. If your experience is anything like mine, you won’t have much to report other than probably being clear at 4 weeks or less and then you won’t be “2b” anymore!. I basically had zero side effects, other than weird dreams and popping awake after 4 hours of sleep like somebody just hit the ON switch. My last tests were 8 weeks eot and im still UND and now im running 2 to 3 miles a day, my color is better, and I’m just way better than I was. Best of luck to you from one (formerly) 2B to another!

    GT 2b; since 80’s, no prior tx, sofosbuvir and daclatasvir compounded from API’s at Kingswood Pharmacy in Sydney, started tx nov 6,2015, undetected at 4 wks, UND at 8 weeks, UND at 1 week after EOT, UND at 4 weeks after EOT and UND at 8 weeks after EOT. I feel GOOD!! I knew that I WOULD!””

    Avatar photoCJ
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Juen,

    Glad you accessed the oral drugs, best to avoid Ribas if possible, they never did me any good & I had to go through 4 tx’s with them & the dreaded Interferon :(

    You wil go really well on the orals, so happy for you. :)

    Remember to drink plenty of water.

    All the best,
    Cindi x

    J the young dragon slayer is:
    HepC 1a since birth
    Male aged 15
    VL 2000000
    Started Twinvir/ 10-11-15-then Sof/led.
    NO sides so far !
    after one week VL : 37
    after 4 wks VL : UND !
    EOT 2/2/16 UND.!
    4 wks. post tx results….pending….
    7/3/16 VL result : 4 week post tx: SVR !
    12 weeks SVR !
    24 wks SVR yeeaa!!

    Avatar photoCC2B
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Juen, Welcome :) another former 2b here. I took sof/dac also for 12weeks and had minimal side effects. I also wanted to avoid taking Riba, don’t understand why this continues to be the standard and the only tx covered by the insurance here and most places.
    The 12 weeks actually go by quickly. Good luck you are in the right place #flower

    GT2b diagnosed 10/2015
    since: unknown
    11/20/15 VL= 214,070
    12/4/15 ALT=18 AST= 24
    1/16/16 started sof/dac
    2/13/16 @4wks VL=UND ALT=13 AST=22
    3/12/16 @8wks VL=UND ALT=10 AST=18
    4/9/16 EOT VL=UND ALT=11 AST=19
    9/23/16 SVR24 ALT=11 AST=22

    Avatar photo2b
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    It occurs to me that if someone is offered Sovaldi with ribavirin from the pbs or some other country’s insurance equivalent, just say OK, then take their high priced sovaldi from them, then go buy some daclatasvir from buyers club and flush the ribavirin they give you down the toilet…well, maybe not the toilet, it might be bad for fish or something…whatever, just don’t take it.

    GT 2b; since 80’s, no prior tx, sofosbuvir and daclatasvir compounded from API’s at Kingswood Pharmacy in Sydney, started tx nov 6,2015, undetected at 4 wks, UND at 8 weeks, UND at 1 week after EOT, UND at 4 weeks after EOT and UND at 8 weeks after EOT. I feel GOOD!! I knew that I WOULD!””

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