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  • in reply to: 2b waiting on SVR12 #29085
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    • Novice

    I wanted to update you guys on what’s going on since my last post. So for the past 2 or so months I’ve had really severe pain in my right side, and I have been to the hospital twice and they told me that it was acid reflux both times. Anyway I am waiting on my Viral Load to come back from Quest, but I went again to the hospital today and they did more blood work and said all my levels are normal (which makes me feel good that its not the HCV coming back). When I left the hospital they referred me to a surgeon and the lady that took my call felt so bad that no one at the hospitals had helped me that she went looking into my file and found my ultrasound from last year and she called me back and said that I have very large gallstones and I now have an appointment with the surgeon on the 16th of this month. I’m so glad that it’s not the HCV coming back and I will update everyone when my viral load count get’s back in. I’ve been so tired and worn-out feeling and I havn’t been eating very much because of the pain in my side. Should I expect to feel alot better after the gallbladder surgery? Have any of you guys had experience with that. I’m so grateful to everyone on this board, you guys are great!

    in reply to: 2b waiting on SVR12 #28891
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    • Novice

    Thanks I’m going to check that link too, that would be really great because my insurance said I went over my allotted amounts of blood work for a year (which was only 4). Will let you guys know results when I get them :)

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