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  • in reply to: My progress with Lesovir-C #9280
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    A few others have theirs up (I’m too ugly :lol: ). Up to you.

    in reply to: Hetero … Sof, Sof/Led Combo #9277
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    I want to know if I’m ‘playing’ a man or a sock puppet, and I also stand by what I wrote.

    Sometimes, partial/incomplete information (which I suspect we’re getting from this new poster) is the same as bad information. It’s called manipulation of the facts.

    in reply to: Treatment arrived yesterday #9259
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    Two rounds of interferon :ohmy: . You’ll be fine on these new meds AA :+1: .

    in reply to: Hetero … Sof, Sof/Led Combo #9258
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    Gaj wrote:

    olegiva wrote:

    [quote=”darbara” post=8197]

    abal wrote:

    Paul, Darbara, The founding philosophy of FixHepC is around safety. If words gets around that FixHepC promotes risky illegal activities it will not take much time for regulators to clamp down this site. Hence my sincere request to everyone is not to promote illegal activities. If this was anywhere else like UK,US,AUS would you be able to get the drugs without prescription? There is a reason FixHepC requires prescription to ship medications. Please dont play with Indian Legal System and think its any where lenient and easy. Cops are known to put ppl behind bars on slightest suspicion and no lawyer will come to help for a case where Schedule H drug was procured without script.All this for few dollars?

    Why are you here ? You dont seem to have hepC. Thanks for the tip and dont worry about us, we have more than enough issues of our own.[/quote]

    darbara, it seems abal was registered just today on the forum. dear abal could you please share more information on who you are? whether you have hepatitis c? were you scammed from any supplier? if yes there is a seperate thread to name and shame such suppliers.[/quote]

    I do not believe that either length of registration or number of posts determines the value of a posters information and nor does whether the poster has HCV although that is useful to know. The other questions are fair and valid and answers will assist all here to assess the posters information and how much confidence can be placed in it.[/quote]

    The vast majority of posters on here are hepc sufferers, and they arrive here either with a story to tell or asking for advice. When a poster suddenly turns up only wanting to give (controversial) advice which contradicts the advice of no less than Greg Jefferys (who has, er, ahem, a bit of a proven track record on the small matter of obtaining generic meds from India), and with no sort of personal story whatsoever, I for one am deeply suspicious.

    in reply to: Sofosbuvir & Ledipasvir Treatment #9246
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    You probably got the worst of the side effects from the Sof/Led out of the way while you were on combination with the Riba, Hamilton. It should be plain sailing once you’ve cleared the Riba.

    in reply to: Hetero … Sof, Sof/Led Combo #9244
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    abal wrote:

    Paul, Darbara, The founding philosophy of FixHepC is around safety. If words gets around that FixHepC promotes risky illegal activities it will not take much time for regulators to clamp down this site. Hence my sincere request to everyone is not to promote illegal activities. If this was anywhere else like UK,US,AUS would you be able to get the drugs without prescription? There is a reason FixHepC requires prescription to ship medications. Please dont play with Indian Legal System and think its any where lenient and easy. Cops are known to put ppl behind bars on slightest suspicion and no lawyer will come to help for a case where Schedule H drug was procured without script.All this for few dollars?

    We have developed a system that works on fixhepc. Who are you? What’s your story?

    in reply to: Hetero … Sof, Sof/Led Combo #8991
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    One thing that strikes me about those prices Darbara is the difference between the actual retail prices. It’s as much as 70% ! I wonder why that is when they’re all basically the same product?

    in reply to: David Bowie died of liver cancer #8990
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    LondonGirl wrote:


    David Bowie didn’t look fine at all recently, can’t bear to watch that film of him lying in that hospital bed, great song but so painful, visually I can’t watch it.

    ( edit) Yep Sirch, Iggy still rocking :-)

    I was just going off the photos I’d seen such as:

    And even these, released after he died:

    I remember sometimes thinking “Christ, if I even make it that far, I hope i look half as well as him!” But I suppose photos (especially of celebrities) can be deceptive. We know now just how seriously ill he really was.

    I started this thread mainly because I thought the cause of his tragic death was somewhat pertinent to us on here. Maybe we should just celebrate his life and art now.

    I was privileged to be in attendance at this gig:

    in reply to: David Bowie died of liver cancer #8959
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    Lou Reed died of hepc-related liver failure. 80% of liver cancers are caused by hepb or c. David Bowie made no secret of his drug usage in the first half of his career (I believe the move to Berlin, that spawned the ‘Low’ and ‘Heroes’ albums was, in part, to get away from the drugs scene).

    in reply to: David Bowie died of liver cancer #8956
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    I’ve started looking nervously at photos of Iggy. He looks fine, but then again, so did David Bowie.

    in reply to: psavic started TWINVIR treatment #8954
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    Despite the fibroscan indicating liver damage, your liver appears to be working ok going off the starting LFTs. Good luck with the tx.

    in reply to: On the road to recovery with Cipla HepcvirL #8815
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    Well done and good luck on the start of your journey Debs. And well done Monkmed on helping to get Debs started.

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #8813
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    D’you think he may have exposed himself to re-infection (both earlier in his life and during his last failed tx) Sir? I think Harvoni’s not great against G4, so a new infection could’ve escaped it? Weird one, for sure.

    Apologies to LG. If this offtopic discussion gets any longer, I’ll move it.

    in reply to: David Bowie died of liver cancer #8811
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    Just found this musical tribute from Rick Wakeman on the beeb. It’s kind of fitting to me because the first album I ever bought was a David Bowie one, and the first live gig I ever attended was Rick Wakeman.

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #8804
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    Genotype mutating from 3 to 4 on treatment? :ohmy: wtf?

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