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  • in reply to: Finally EOT (again) #25500
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    Well done Coral, admire your effort and good spirit. Waiting to cheer with you at the finish line – for the prize. Warmest regards Archer

    in reply to: Thank You Doc Freeman #24823
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    Its a two way street Woobia …we’ve talked across some rough times … and its been great knowing you mate … .

    I remember the times you walked home to the flat from the hospital when in town … so pissed off and ill …

    what I most remember is what a class act you were … how hard you fought …..when in pain … the blows with bad

    news… how you continued exercising .. putting in all the effort … travelling home the many miles north

    … giving the medicos a serve when you had a gutful of poor treatment …. wouldnt lay down and accept their verdict ……..

    moved on……..willing the courage to try again….. chancing everything elsewhere …..the overseas efforts …

    maintaining so many activities with your family … keeping up the memories…. but still fighting …..

    Im glad we are not at war Barry …. you are a hard man to keep down… and Im so glad of it

    Ive lost too many friends from this disease …. my heart hurts …. its great to see you recover so much …

    Thought of you and the family over Xmas ….. and its good knowing they still have their time with you……………..

    regards Archer

    in reply to: HCC #24821
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    Hi everyone –

    I want to thank you for your kind words and wishes. Thought I might provide an update. However it is with some reluctance – because I always experience an aversion to sharing poor news – much better, the optimism of SVR, and increasing opportunities for people succesfully finding their way through these challenging times.

    * I completed treatment end April/May 2016 – later learned I had SVR’d. Thank You James & Greg for your courage, hard work and humanity.
    * diagnosed with HCC tumour mid May 2016
    * the MDTeam at my hospital recommended that given the risk (low) of liver decomp (CTP B8) with a TACE (transarterial chemoembolization); an RFA radiofrequency ablation (lower risk of seeding) might be the better intervention. I was comfortable with this option – (RFA) more curative versus palliative (TACE).
    * however, the interventional radiologist found the tumour was unfortunately located subcapsular and posterolateral; difficult to see under U.S. (ultrasound)
    * decided to do a TACE ie to light up the tumour with Lopiadol for improved visibility under U.S & C.T while doing the RFA. The “partial” TACE was conducted Sept 11 – some doxorubicin (chemo) was also added & PVA particles to slow blood to the tumour.
    – the tumour has shrunk to 12.5 mm
    * An RFA was scheduled for Oct 11 – which with reasonable optimism – I hoped would fully ablate the tumour.
    * However on Sept 24, within 2 wks of the TACE I was admitted with real bad abdomen pain – portal vein thrombosis occluding the blood supply between liver and bowel.
    * Given the surgery risks with my overall medical status, and despite the bleeding risks with my varices – Heparin infusion was first trialled for blood flow. Fortunately some improvement – six days close monitoring – had good public hospital care – and since being discharged have been injecting 70mg Clexane ( low molecular Heparin) twice daily – some improvement – risk remains – still continue Clexane.
    * RFA previously scheduled for 11 Oct was deferred, I was discharged 29 Sept and next appt 24th November. Was concerned about the RFA delay because successful, complete ablations are more likely with tumours under 3cm.
    * By Nov 24 appt, however, the MDTeam had again reviewed my case and decided that with the RFA so close to my lung – radiation might be preferable. (Didn’t understand this at first because they were prepared to do it earlier)
    *Radiation has never before been mentioned in my entire medical “experience”; nor does it routinely appear in article accounts of HCC treatment progressions
    * This did my head in a bit – I spent the next two weeks in a hole.
    * Started again, the hard work of researching yet another treatment – but “radiation” is a discipline not readily engaged by a novice to physics, associated technology and medicine.
    * “They” are recommending Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy SBRT – involves intensive planning. The “machine”, a linear accelerator beams waves through the liver from various points – intersecting at the tumour thereby “collectively” providing a much higher radiation dose than would ordinarily be given in standard radiation treatment. Dosing and beam trajectories are pre-planned” so lets hope there are automated contingencies for human error in a maths miscalculation or judgment of safe dosage range given a patient’s Meld or CTP.
    * While scouting – I encountered a radiation treatment known as proton therapy which I find less aversive. It also targets tumours with higher than conventional radiation treatment doses but spills far less into surrounding healthy tissue. Especially good for anatomy like brain, lung, liver.
    * (ASIDE) Proton therapy is not available in Aus. but possible in U.S; Europe; India, Korea; Japan; China – which is a travesty when considering paediatric oncology – Aus children with brain tumours have no access to proton radiation which is less likely to impact on their developing brains. Still I don’t have to tell the HCV community about the rationalization of our taxation health dollars.
    * There seems to be a team of very good people here in Australia whom for some time have been trying to mobilise private, corporate and Govt funds toward the establishment of a prototon therapy facility. It is hellishly expensive – (like trying to buy the Hadron collider) but closer scrutiny of mis-expenditures (like New Year fireworks, ministerial pensions etc) might help.
    * I wondered why I hadn’t heard of this before – apparently it isn’t allowed to be “advertised”

    * Costs in Korea, India etc – in even more “affordable” locations treatment costs alone are around $ 40-60,000 without factoring travel, accommodation (treatment is in “fractions” & depending on cancer type/status can require stays up to 2 mths) and some reserve in case of crisis. Too much for many of us.
    * I have an SBRT simulation and planning session scheduled for next week – I still feel uncertain . .
    * Apparently having still a relatively small tumour – SBRT is ideal treatment (ie difficult location etc). But when weighing up the likelihood of success against risk – I worry about RILD (radiation induced liver decompensation) – radiation toxicity which can emerge immediately or it seems up to months later.
    * I have considered cancelling next weeks planning appt ( the treatment from all the medicos throughout this recent journey has been quite good – so I don’t wish to waste their valuable resources) until I have had just a little more time to get my head around it. Although I understand I have to treat very soon. On the other hand I don’t want this opportunity to be lost – they may be limited. Indecision is a nightmare.
    * Cirrhosis with HCC is an extraordinarily complicated condition – like other illnesses with co-morbidities. Treating the HCC when you have cirrhosis – isnt like treating cancer in an otherwise relatively healthy body. The underlying liver disease has numerous life threatening complications of its own – further and acutely compounded by efforts to treat HCC.

    * So –

    * this is what happens when availability to medications is too long denied
    * It is also what happens to people who become complacent when they have easy HCV treatment access – and delay treating once it is clearly progressing
    * or who fail to monitor their livers once they are cirrhotic EVEN after they have successfully treated their HCV.

    I feel like the doomsday dealer – but maybe there is the occasional room for a cautionary tale.

    in reply to: Donnez moi votre avis #22114
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    ha ha well done Gaj. I don’t think you needed to start by apologising for your “french” or “google” translation. I think you could have passed yourself off from one of their “exotic” colonies – however rigid the endearing francais are about their language. Some refugee work has shown how much time & effort can be involved with “translation”. thanks for all your excellent forum work on behalf of so many. archer

    in reply to: Possible reinfection route #20496
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    Damn I forgot about this ….and I imagine more likely to occur with cirrhotics who have low platelets and may bleed more easily from the gums etc. Just another stressor I didn’t need. Anyone know the incubation time for HCV ? If re-infected how soon would it be detectable in blood test ?

    Just another thing the clinics and health system generally fail to emphasise and reinforce when they put people on treatment – no wonder HCV sufferers feel neglected. Just as they failed to inform me about ascites complications – provided spironolactone but wasn’t told how abdominal tissue can tear or the effect on lungs till I was admitted to ER. I have to keep reminding myself of the incredible work load pressure they are all under.

    The doctors are under sufficient pressure dealing with individual case by case issues – with general information such as this patients should be personally told by nurses and given fact sheets ( attractive, shiny, colourful cards made by the health dept) – and told that it is very important, needs to be read and taken away as a constant reminder.

    in reply to: HCC #20392
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    Thanks Jeff; Very Good advice. The docs do seem to have moved fairly quickly on this, already a Gastro, Interventional radiologist, surgeon and hepatologist consulted since my first appointment when I got back. Also – all the info has gone to a hospital panel whilst the Hepatologist is away briefly. I should soon be informed of any real options. cheers

    in reply to: HGH and Testosterone #19625
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    Certain hormones and in particular steroids (or their dosage) might be a problem with liver damage. I believe it was primarily a steroid amongst some lesser drugs which was largely responsible for my post coma/ICU decompensation – thereby eliminating my option in 2011 for interferon treatment. I had to wait till 2015 for non inf treatment which might have been a blessing were it not for the unfortunate emergence, meanwhile, of HCC. I would advise – caution & scrupulous investigation before proceeding with such powerful ingredients.
    cheers archer

    in reply to: Sorry, but Australia is going to have to be Geoblocked #17928
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    Been waiting to see what strategy they would use at the end of the day. Aa clear demonstration of politics over human service .. then this is it. Guess it’s finally time for this old dame to upgrade her nerd skillset so she can find some loophole to preserve her basic rights to continue accessing information in the interests of personal health and safety. How many other sites have they censored when classes of products are mentioned alongside alleged benefits. Are they going to also shut down the many sites presenting complimentary medicines many of which have never been properly trialled – whilst they conceal the generic lifesaving DAAs in a banned fixhep website. They are superficially treating this forum like some administrative compliance breach; effectively redacting it’s true potential – denying our dignity to be the grown ups in our own lives….discrediting our capacity to access free information, assess it’s credibility and value to our lives.

    in reply to: Gaj has reached EOT! #17349
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    CONGRATULATIONS … its been a long, hard road ….and its lookin good – I wish you sweet freedom ahead.

    You have generously provided constant support to others on this forum whilst also treading the boards yourself – you have been

    an inspiration to others. Sincere thanks and warmest regards ….. Archer

    in reply to: Young J the dragon slayer #16892
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    At last….the gods are smiling. – both mum and son are SVR. Couldn’t stop the tears …. such happiness for you. Please tell J I am delighted for him. I hear his voice as a boy – now becoming a fine young man.

    How sweet this freedom – for a richer and meaningful future ahead. My love to you always Cindi, dear friend, to J and S. Now girl, enough of all this – go draw something beautiful. XX

    in reply to: Charitable Donations #15434
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    I didn’t realise – I assumed we might still be assisting in particular hardship cases or other FixHepC special needs – so I put another $100 in last month. Has it actually been shut down – in which case where has the funds gone. ? cheers Archer

    in reply to: Generics Late Breaker Accepted for EASL in April #15433
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    I started uploading bloods on my GP2U records for Dr James sometime ago – intending to later add later SVR results – if I am fortunate enough for them to eventuate. However I realised that the results being sought and confirmed by Dr James are for purposes of establishing a multi variate profile of final outcomes with the “generics”. Throughout my treatment, and perhaps others, I have used inconsistent regimes of generics from India and Mesochem, but also Daclatasvir provided compassionate grounds and Sofosbuvir from Gilead. It would be impossible I imagine to extrapolate differences or correlations attributable to any particular medication along with other variables (ie genotype, prior tx, cirrhosis etc) – so I realised my data will not add value so I have ceased recording. However, It seems that the numbers of members coming through fully generic treatments is steadily increasing and the data will be interesting for everyone – in its ramifications, both medically but also politically

    in reply to: EOT- Relapse #14631
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    Bugger ! So sorry to hear this news Paul. You must have felt gutted – I suspect however much we have some expectation of unwelcome news – nothing really prepares us for the blow. And however promptly we execute sound thinking – about the positive options ahead – there is always some adjustment that goes with this; so take it easy…. You are in good hands with Dr Freeman’s expertise – and may be able to turn this around before too much longer. You are not alone.. archer xx

    in reply to: Young J the dragon slayer #14587
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    I have just read the wonderful news CJ. I am so delighted for you. C when you SVRd some time ago after so many gruelling yet courageous efforts I felt there was almost no one who deserved it more. Then to be running the hard yards even more painfully for a beloved son you endured so much, for so long to bring into this world was yet another trial. It is seems almost complete. For such a fiercely brave mother and loving son let there now be sweet freedom and a renewed life ahead. It has been a privilege to have shared with you so many steps of your journey over the recent years ..which will always have a place in my heart. Archer. XX

    in reply to: Melatonin #12689
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    Melatonin not listed on the Drug Interaction Chart. Is it safe to use on sof-led and sof-dac treatment ?

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