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  • in reply to: 2 week test results #25843
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    • Novice

    Thanks James. I’ve got my 4 week tests tomorrow and I should have the results next wednesday.

    Still in a mild state of disbelief to be honest. Can’t quite get my head around it.

    Genotype 1a
    Fibroscan 7.2
    ALT 126
    AST 73
    Viral Load 2,269,107

    Started Harvoni 16/03/2017

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #25678
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    • Novice

    Hi Edge

    Thanks for your message. Can I ask when your initial burst of energy arrived? I am fortunate not to have to juggle this with work, although I am in my final year of my degree so am reconciled to having to get extensions for most of my work due to the big sleep I am experiencing. I’m on day 9 now and still sleeping around 16hrs a day.

    Have you tried sleeping with ear plugs in to minimise your sleep disruption?

    Kindest regards


    Genotype 1a
    Fibroscan 7.2
    ALT 126
    AST 73
    Viral Load 2,269,107

    Started Harvoni 16/03/2017

    in reply to: I’m so tired! #25626
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    Hi RHF

    Thanks for your message. I don’t really know what I was expecting, instant energy or something. Ok I will just take it easy and hope it doesn’t last long. I’ve bought a juicer and been filling myself full of healthy things, lots of water too. I feel like I’m putting my obligations and commitments on hold due to such lack of energy to do anything but it isn’t for long I’ll just have to make my excuses and make it up when its over.
    Thanks again for your support, I don’t know what I would do without this forum.
    Very best wishes.

    Genotype 1a
    Fibroscan 7.2
    ALT 126
    AST 73
    Viral Load 2,269,107

    Started Harvoni 16/03/2017

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #25604
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    • Novice

    Day 1 here we go. I am 39 and have had this thing since the day of my birth when my hippy parents decided to have me without any medical help. My dad cut my umbilical cord and mixed my mothers blood directly with mine. I found out I had it when I was 21. Since then every medical professional has tried to pressure me into taking Interferon which I point blank refused. I knew the long gestation period of the disease and decided to wait for the medicines to catch up.
    Well finally the day has arrived. Thanks to the buyers club and Monkmed I have purchased a course of Harvoni and am now on the way to clearing it for good.
    The NHS clinic (Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, UK) I have been seeing for the last 8 years, since I fell pregnant with my daughter, has been amazingly supportive. The lead nurse has personally challenged the status quo in the NHS and has developed a waiver system so that they are able to monitor those of us who choose to purchase the new drugs through the buyers club. This system has been in place for the last 3 months.
    I feel blessed, anxious, nervous and emotional.
    Wish me luck!

    Genotype 1a
    Fibroscan 7.2
    ALT 126
    AST 73
    Viral Load 2,269,107

    Started Harvoni 16/03/2017

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