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  • in reply to: Jolie’s party #5117
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    Hi Jolie,

    Love those talented cats! I know that feeling of relief. Look forward to hearing your updates.


    in reply to: Charitable Donations #4923
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    A friend sent me this article from The Age this morning. Good points well made.

    in reply to: Who here has meds/access and isn’t treating? #4922
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    Well said 2b. I am nearly 3 weeks in with Sofusbuvir and Ledispasvir and have had the same side effects as you – very minimal. One of the best things for me is having control over this rather than it continuing to control me. I know a couple of people who I am trying to encourage across the line knowing that it is such a personal decision. Some still think it’s too good to be true and I tell them that is true and it is definately very very good.


    in reply to: Charitable Donations #4901
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    This is a great initiative Dr James. All kudos to the Andrew Shaw Foundation for being willing to take us Hepatitis C’ers on board. I would imagine after 30 years they know what they’re doing and we just want to share some of what we are now lucky enough to have…opportunity.


    in reply to: Emilio’s Place #4899
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    A big dose of congratulations Em. Fantastic news!! There’s hardly words that can convey what this all means.


    in reply to: You Can’t Patent The Sun #4846
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    Great video. Short, sharp, poignant but positive. It goes to show that you don’t need a lot of time or a lot of words to get a strong message across.


    in reply to: Reorganising the discussion forum #4728
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    I am now 2 weeks in with Sof/Led tx and seeing the results of others gives me a lot of confidence in the outcome. I am so incredibly thankful for this opportunity that others didn’t/won’t have that how to “pay it forward” has been on my mind. I thought it might have to be down a more personal approach/assistance so it has been great to read this thread. Although I may still do this I would be happy to assist in a more organised approach and there are some great ideas here. I guess it’s about finding the right way in. Starting small and simple but with the ability to grow.


    in reply to: the patient poodle #4611
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    Hi Jill,

    So good to see your results. I am also on sof/led with G1a and F2-F3. I am at the two week mark and have been very lucky with minimal side effects apart from some very weird dreams which seems to be the experience of some others. As someone who never ever remembered dreams I wonder if the brain fog has lifted in my dream centre!! I do feel more clear headed.

    Thanks for posting….it does help.


    in reply to: Emilio’s Place #4566
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    Looking good Em and another inspiring story for your fellow travellers. Fingers crossed for next results….

    in reply to: generic daklinza in 100 countries? #4550
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    Hi 2b,

    At face value it looks as if Bristol-Myer are trying to take a more reasonable, broad and humane approach to the treatment of Hep C. I imagine there must be some hurdles to jump to do any collaborating with Gillead. Good to see the increasing media focus on Hep C and the broader distribution.


    in reply to: Gamma GT #4548
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    Sirens, whistles and bells Alsdad!!

    It’s been great to be able to follow your story with its happy ending. It really helps those of us still on the path. Good luck to you and your liver!!


    in reply to: Young J the dragon slayer #4545
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    Hi Cindi,

    Thanks for posting the update. There is a collective sigh of relief although we knew he was in safe hands (yours and Dr James).
    Hope Young J is feeling a little better today (and you got some sleep!)

    Coral x

    in reply to: Joan Started treatment #4322
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    Yay Joan!

    That is such great news!! It’s still hard to believe that such a result is possible after 14 days. The meds and your body are working really hard to get rid of the virus.

    Now that I am one week in and seeing your results I am so happy that I also resisted the interferon road.

    Hang in there with the side effects…..I’ll be looking out for your test results in 2 weeks time.



    in reply to: New member Intro #4219
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    Hi Chejai,

    My consulatation with Dr Freeman at GP2U was $69 and it is exactly the same as going to the doctor’s surgery only you do it by skype. It’s particularly good for people in regional/remote areas and ofcourse it’s an important link for many of us in becoming Hep C free. It was in fact my starting point (and will be my middle and end point).

    Your brother’s situation is more complicated and I would not begin to provide advice however an appointment with Dr Freeman or one of the drs at GP2U will provide an opportunity to discuss and be better informed about ALL of his options for treatment (not just those currently available through government agencies).

    In relation to side effects I am one week in with the generic Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir and my sides are minimal (slight headache and a bit fluey). I think I have been a little lucky so far but the sides are nothing like the horror stories associated with the old interferon treatment.

    I know you are trying to think about your brother, your son and your own health but you are definately in the right place.


    in reply to: Coral vs Hep C #4195
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    A friend sent me an article from The Age about coffee reducing the the impact of liver diseases. Monash university researchers report that “two cups a day have been found to reduce the damage caused by Hepatitis C by up to 13 per cent”

    Now if they can find the same results for chocolate…..

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