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  • in reply to: Otago Daily times New Zealand #8912
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    Tina-Hill-facebook wrote:

    Have you read Hazels story? its about her accessing GENERIC medication from Fix Hep C and NOTHING to do with your whimsical fantasy based on what you had heard about Harvoni being made available via the MoH in Feb

    If you care to scroll up you will see Zhuk had made contact with Pharmac and got a response which has been posted.

    I had a look on the MoH website to which there was nothing

    oh and as for the Hepatitis Foundation…..I had an interview with them on Monday and there was no mention of it either, nor on their facebook page to a post put there about your claim – who I suspect was from you…crickets churping Devil?…..

    How dare you accuse Hazel of taking your glory… tell me Devil what is your glory?

    Enough said.

    So when I provide information provided by my Doctor it’s “whimsical fantasy”??…….
    When it’s info provided by an ego stroker it’s believed and accepted??….

    Thanks for explaining the double standards by which this forum operates….

    in reply to: Otago Daily times New Zealand #8907
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    Tina-Hill-facebook wrote:

    This is a new thread Devil

    In relation to your comment about your particular thread you were and still ARE unable to support your claims – hence Alsdad locked your thread until such time you could substantiate your claim.

    To abuse another member here on this forum by calling them a low life maggot leads me to believe you are a troll and should be banned.

    A decent person would have done as I suggested which was to email or ring NZ health and confirm……

    A low life maggot of course didn’t wan’t to know the truth so he/she called me a liar and closed the thread….

    A decent person would have merged the 2 threads into 1 giving credit to the person who first reported this huge development that would help so many people….

    But of course this forum is not about helping people…..It’s about a select few stroking their ego….

    Feel free to ban me…;))

    in reply to: Otago Daily times New Zealand #8902
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    Why is this thread allowed to stay open????,,,,,,,

    I reported this story weeks ago and a moderator closed the thread subject to further information..

    None of you here deserve any information or any help at all……..Lots more info available but I won’t be sharing any of it with any of you….

    in reply to: Harvoni subsidy starts on Feb 1st in New Zealand.. #5224
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    The website provides CURRENT information…..Not information for a month or a year down the track….

    I told you all where my info came from……If you all too lazy to contact NZ health and verify for yourself that it’s true then I can’t help you….

    I came here only to pass on what I thought was information people who cant afford thousands of dollars would want and find useful….
    I did NOT come here to be questioned and treated like I made it all up….

    in reply to: Harvoni subsidy starts on Feb 1st in New Zealand.. #5129
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    klhilde wrote:

    Just to be clear …. are you saying that the actual price of a bottle is to be $125 or are you saying that it’s a co-pay of $125 with the New Zealand government picking up the rest of the cost? If the latter, then the info is useful only to New Zealanders.

    Also, we know from experience the general results of a “wait, wait, wait” strategy. Unless you actually have ZERO other options do not wait.

    Edit: OOPs … I misread you. That’s $125 per week not per bottle.
    $125 x 12 = $1500
    That’s about US$1000, or really not much less than it’s available for right now.

    And the question about cost or co-pay still stands.
    And what if you prefer Daclatisvir?

    It all depends where you live mate……$1500 as against 23k is great news for Aussies…..

    As I understand it…..It will be like any usual medication which cost say $30 and not $300 cos the Gov pays the $270…..
    I guess you don’t have that system in USA??…

    in reply to: Harvoni subsidy starts on Feb 1st in New Zealand.. #5126
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    My partner is in NZ…..She spoke to a chemist(drug store) and to a doctor yesterday….. The doctor was in person as she was there anyways….

    Harvoni is to be listed on the NZ version of Australia’s PBS from the 1st of February…..This means that the NZ will cover most of the cost….
    Australia could be doing the same thing soon…..Currently 28 pills costs about 23K here…..

    I am personally looking to start on Harvoni in mid Feb….

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