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  • in reply to: Diplomat on Twinvir #15993
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    Thank you, Dr Freeman and Fretboard

    I definitely do not have Hep B but in the early 90s blisters developed on the back of my hands that doctors told me was symptomatic of Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. The skin on my hands and fingers at that time was so fragile that a mere scrape would cause it to lift and peel as easily as a film of glad wrap. I was advised to not spend much time in the sun and to reduce alcohol intake, and I followed the suggestions. I haven’t had the blisters or fragile skin for 20 years now, and while I have a drink or two per week, my energy levels are high and I’m physically very active and spend a moderate amount of time in sunlight. I have not taken drugs in 20 years and have never taken medication regularly and only rarely receive a medical prescription.

    If my memory serves me well, PCT can be inherited or acquired. I’m not to sure what the case is with me. Should I pursue this? I am active and fit – I evenran a marathon while on my Twinvir treatment!

    Thank you once again for your time and concern.

    in reply to: Diplomat on Twinvir #15961
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    Ok, so here’s what’s happened since starting Twinvir treatment:

    VL 1980000
    AST 257
    ALT 257

    20/01/2016 – commenced treatment

    12/04/2016 – completed treatment
    VL undetected
    AST 87.3
    ALT 99.4
    GGT 75

    I’m treatment experienced (interferon 2008) and it took three months for the virus to emerge again. LFTs still high (but they were very high to begin with). I will update in two months.

    in reply to: psavic started TWINVIR treatment #11909
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    Congratulations, psavic! That’s great news! That’s some massive VL you obliterated. Keep on blasting!

    in reply to: Diplomat on Twinvir #11660
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    Well done, Valenti, and good luck with the treatment. It’s amazing how easy it has been for me where I am in the Middle-East to import the medicine. It seems as long as it’s for personal use, no more than three months’ supply, and supported by a prescription and medical report, then there’s no impediment to the shipment. Add to that the willing cooperation of Incepta staff, then what could go wrong?

    On a side note, it’s well-known that Hep C is an impediment to working in many M-E countries, and it’s screened for as part of the residency process. The UAE was like this three years ago but then changed policy and dropped HCV screening for foreigners. The Health Ministry also has promptly made available and affordable the likes of Harvoni and Viekira, but only for Emirati citizens – foreigners still need either an exceptional level of health insurance cover or recourse to treatments such as Twinvir. Thankfully, there exists a clear and easy process for obtaining generics, and this was the main reason I posted my story in the first instance. Thanks again, Valenti, for letting everyone know this can be done from Brazil, too.

    I’m approaching the end of week 4. Absolutely no negative side effects other than possibly some insomnia. Benefits – possibly a feeling of increased alertness, and my eyes don’t seem to be as tired as they late in the afternoon. Who knows. I’m not planning on having any tests other than at 8 weeks and then 8 weeks after the 12-week treatment Although I’m expecting to be UND, I’ve got a sanguine approach to monitoring viral loads, LFT, etc. I blame it on the disappointment of my first interferon treatment.

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