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  • in reply to: Running a marathon after getting rid of HCV #29517
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    Hello everybody,

    I was thinking these days to the forum members and the generic drugs for treating HCV and thought it would be good to write a line here in this thread.

    Life without HCV is amazing and allows you to think and act on goals that would have been almost impossible while still being sick. I am doing well and preparing currently for my 3rd marathon race which will take place in about 6 months.

    I found that exercising was very helpful on both aspects: physically and mentally, therefore, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor, seek to do a (safe :) ) sport activity that you enjoy.

    If allowed, I would say that: cured of HCV + sport = happiness :). So….. treat your HCV and be happy!


    in reply to: Where are the hordes of Newbies? #16153
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    Couple of thoughts on this topic:
    1. spreading the news ww is one parameter which is time consuming, having trust that generics do works is the 2nd parameter.
    2. Barriers: Big pharma, perhaps NHS from each country, doctors not being informed about generics from India, patients not knowing there exist the cure.
    3. Further barriers: distrust of patients/doctors that generics do work; place of manufacturing – low income countries (India, Bangladesh, Egypt,etc) do raise the level of distrust; sourcing possibilities: fear of getting fake medication due to scams.
    4. and further barriers: literacy of patients (medical knowledge as well as english knowledge), IT resources (computer, internet, skills to search on internet)

    Looking at the barriers from above, I believe this explains somehow why spreading the news will take some time. Sad that in all this time more people will die of HCV…..


    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15890
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    Hi CJ,

    thank you for your reply, thinking on how to support others is a very good tip. Especially about letting them know that there exist affordable treatment with the generics from India. I think it will require a certain “diplomacy” when discussing with people about this, as many people have biases about India. I experienced this already when I informed people around me that I was going to get generics from India (“you’re crazy”, “it’s dangerous”, “not safe”, “waste of money”, etc). sometimes I was really exhausted not because of the HCV, rather of too many fears to handle and which were not mine, rather of others, healthy people.
    I believe so far a challenge was to find a cure, the next challenge is to demonstrate people that it works. EASL congress and fixhepc are very good sources of information in this regards.

    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15818
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    Dear All,

    thank you very much for your messages and encouragements that you wrote. You (we) are indeed a great FIXHEPC community, I am very happy that I heard about this website and it does contain a lot of useful information & experiences. Many thanks to you all for this. I used part of the information that posted on this website in order to convince people around me that my decision to use generics for HCV is a solid one. It also helped me in taking the decision.

    I did read the article about Stockholm syndrome couple of days ago, perhaps this applies to me or perhaps I am more “affraid” about how I will be/feel in the future knowing that I will no longer need to control too much myself and have more “freedom”. What I find very surprisingly about the human nature, (a similar idea I was founding also in a writting of Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who lived couple of years as prisoner in a concentration camp) is that during hard times, the humanity does not disappear rather it adapts and gets enforced. Sometimes I like to think that the only/single best outcome from having HCV is that it gives you a very strong motivation to live (survive)-> it motivates you to do everything you can to protect your health knowing there is (was) no cure available. Perhaps this “eagerness to survive” was the thing I was missing at the end of the previous treatment and not the HCV.


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