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  • in reply to: Day 1… here we go #24550
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    • Treatment Warrior
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    A little late on my week 2 update as I am now almost at the end of week 3. Side effects are beginning to settle down – daily headaches have become more like once every few days, though I have noticed they are a bit more painful when I do get them. Still manageable. Sleeping has been good again, but energy levels are still low from about 8pm each night. Short fuse has subsided considerably (or maybe I have learnt how to walk away better!). About 10 days to go and I’ll get my 4 week blood test done, another 7 days after that and the results will be back… fingers crossed for a UND just in time for Christmas!

    Genotype 1B

    SVR 24 (10/17/17): VL UND / ALT 25 / AST 17

    SVR 12 (7/25/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 14

    SVR 4 (5/31/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 19

    EOT (5/1/17): VL UND / ALT 32 / AST 22
    T+19w (3/27/17): VL UND / ALT 23 / AST 20
    T+4w (12/12/16): VL UND / ALT 31 / AST 24
    T+0w (11/19/16): VL 343,484 / ALT 36 / AST 28

    Previous treatment in 2012: 48 weeks peg-interferon/riba, relapsed at some point in the 24 weeks post treatment (around 2014). Found redemption trials and applied in Aug 2016.

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #24405
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    I thought I might try and document (very loosely) my journey to SVR. I am probably (and hopefully) repeating a journey many others have been on.

    1 week down, 23 to go. After feeling buoyed by two of the best nights sleep I’ve possibly ever had on days 1 and 2, reality set in on day 3 and for the rest of the first week I had a pretty rubbish sleep each night. I take my pill with breakfast each day and a slight headache sets in by 9am. As the week has progressed, I’m finding serious tiredness setting in by 8pm (I get up at 6am each day without fail). Usually by 8:30pm I’m either asleep on the couch, or wearily making my way to bed. I feel i’m in a vicious circle of not sleeping well at night which is making me tired during the day and therefore exhausted by evening. Repeat. Related to lack of sleep, I have noticed how irritable I have become. This was a major side-effect of the peg-interferon/ribavirin treatment in the past, and I recognise it coming back again, albeit to a much lesser extent. I’ll reiterate that it is likely more sleep related than medication related.

    I should point out I am not a hypochondriac, or a compulsive moaner. I’m just documenting the things I have noticed – don’t judge me! I have a positive outlook on the treatment and look forward to experiencing the massive lift most people describe after a few weeks.

    I had hoped to share a base level viral load with you, however… My blood had been drawn at the local hospital several days prior to starting treatment. The requisition had stated “Hep C viral load”. I picked up my results yesterday (7 days into the treatment). Scanning through the two pages of digits, I was frantically looking for a number around the 500,000 mark. Suddenly, I realised that the hospital had decided to do a qualitative test! Idiots. Thanks for confirming that Hep C was detected!! It has been a couple of weeks since the blood was drawn and they are trying to locate my serum and re-test. I’ll let you know what they come back with!

    Genotype 1B

    SVR 24 (10/17/17): VL UND / ALT 25 / AST 17

    SVR 12 (7/25/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 14

    SVR 4 (5/31/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 19

    EOT (5/1/17): VL UND / ALT 32 / AST 22
    T+19w (3/27/17): VL UND / ALT 23 / AST 20
    T+4w (12/12/16): VL UND / ALT 31 / AST 24
    T+0w (11/19/16): VL 343,484 / ALT 36 / AST 28

    Previous treatment in 2012: 48 weeks peg-interferon/riba, relapsed at some point in the 24 weeks post treatment (around 2014). Found redemption trials and applied in Aug 2016.

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #24336
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Thanks Gaj – definitely need to keep eating better. Reverted to my old diet last night and surprise surprise I had no energy in the evening and had a terrible sleep… Go figure.

    Sven, thanks for the welcome. Just hoping that this all won’t be for nothing. I’m sure it won’t.

    At what stage is it safe to rely on an SVR. I’ve read about people being UND at SVR12, others SVR24. Is there a point where you can say right, UND at SVRXX so that’s it, I know it isn’t coming back…??

    Genotype 1B

    SVR 24 (10/17/17): VL UND / ALT 25 / AST 17

    SVR 12 (7/25/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 14

    SVR 4 (5/31/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 19

    EOT (5/1/17): VL UND / ALT 32 / AST 22
    T+19w (3/27/17): VL UND / ALT 23 / AST 20
    T+4w (12/12/16): VL UND / ALT 31 / AST 24
    T+0w (11/19/16): VL 343,484 / ALT 36 / AST 28

    Previous treatment in 2012: 48 weeks peg-interferon/riba, relapsed at some point in the 24 weeks post treatment (around 2014). Found redemption trials and applied in Aug 2016.

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #24328
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Nice to meet you tommy. The sleeping has been so deep my kids don’t even waken me – best thing I’ve experienced lately!! My wife thinks I’m just ignoring them…

    Other than that, I feel pretty much normal – granted I’m three days in. It’s definitely nothing like the peg inter/riba combo.

    Genotype 1B

    SVR 24 (10/17/17): VL UND / ALT 25 / AST 17

    SVR 12 (7/25/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 14

    SVR 4 (5/31/17): VL UND / ALT 21 / AST 19

    EOT (5/1/17): VL UND / ALT 32 / AST 22
    T+19w (3/27/17): VL UND / ALT 23 / AST 20
    T+4w (12/12/16): VL UND / ALT 31 / AST 24
    T+0w (11/19/16): VL 343,484 / ALT 36 / AST 28

    Previous treatment in 2012: 48 weeks peg-interferon/riba, relapsed at some point in the 24 weeks post treatment (around 2014). Found redemption trials and applied in Aug 2016.

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