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I had the same problem. You can get a special gel that you rub on your teeth and gums to protect them…mine is called Dry Mouth Gel.
Definitely a side effect of Harvoni….one that drove me to drink way too much water and tank my salts so watch for that too.
mild”I drank a cup of Roast dandelion tea every morning as usual on Harvoni. Didn’t stop me clearing, and as it is my morning cuppa I decided I didn’t want to give it up.
I think it does me a lot of good personally. It is comforting isn’t it, and much more soothing to the digestion in the AM than tea or coffee.
mild”Yes Spring is sprung in more ways than one!
I am not going to waste this second chance, that’s for sure.
It’s a bit like living life in reverse, being semi invalided through out your youth and then suddenly healthy in middle age.
I did learn a lot from the struggle to survive…it’s like the arrow, needs to be drawn backwards before it can shoot forward at velocity.
mild”I got SVR12 recently too
And I feel like a brand new flying fox…ready to fly and feast on the fruit of the future.
Awesome feeling now…I think it was at 8 or 9 weeks post tx I started feeling really good. The after effects were worse than the side effects, which is strange, but it’s all been worth it. I had minimal liver damage and good LFTs for the last 15 years (out of 30 infected), but I still feel so much better now in so many ways, it’s hard to know where to start.
It’s a terrible crime that people who need these drugs aren’t getting them ASAP and kudos to you guys for working so hard to change that. <3
mild”Thanks guys…I’m sorry I got stressed…it’s just been a bit of a rough ride since tx finished.
A lot of what I believed to be improvements were actually sx of the DAAs. The good sides departed quickly and the bad ones linger on.
I’m actively investigating issues that may be contributing, and Dr Freeman has been kind enough to order me all sorts of blood tests.
My prescribing doc was not interested in doing any such investigations and looked quite offended when I reported sides. None of her other patients had any sides!
I’ve given up on her now. Specialists of course are distant creatures…benevolent at best, and clueless really. But it’s all in hand.
I have come across quite a lot of people who suffer more afterwards than during tx, so it’s a thing. And it’s easier to handle when you know that. I found tx itself handleable, including the bizarre rashes, which at least weren’t itchy.
And I’m freaking undetected at 6 weeks post, so there’s that
mild”So if you’ve got issues with symptoms and side effects and want some suggestions on how to moderate them, then go elsewhere, because this is the land of the magic cure for which we should all be eternally grateful?
I guess I’m not part of the royal We because I’d like to know what the hell to do to pull myself back out of this back slide.
I’m doing all the obvious stuff. I can’t see me working again any time soon if I don’t improve.
Maybe Price doesn’t have any answers but at least she doesn’t imagine we’ve all been eating candy floss.As for suggesting the side and after effects are a coincidence…lol!
I can pay GPs to look at me like I’m crazy…I don’t need that from fellow travellers.
mild”I’d like to know how to moderate the after effects…more than 8 weeks post treatment on Harvoni and I still have prickly skin nerve issues, joint and muscle aches and periodic headaches and exhaustion. Exercise seems to bring on side effects.
Feeling much worse still than I did before meds, and worse than I did during it, although I had some pretty unpleasant rashes and sx then too. At least I could deal with that being temporary. This seems to just go on and on. I am anaemic and Vit D deficient from the meds but my B12 is okay. Kidneys are under strain too. Quite painful!
Sweeping this kind of thing under the carpet doesn’t help much. There’s clearly a price to pay.
mild”Yuck. I don’t do those chemical concoctions.
The Himalayan salt in water did the job, and the only downside was I got a bit addicted to it.
Had to force myself to stop in the end.
mild”Thanks guys. I must say there were a few times I was very tempted to stop, but one thing about Harvoni sx, they don’t last too long. Its a carousel of change.
First two weeks…spacy and ungrounded, restless. Best to avoid taxing situations that require mechanical skill. Decided at that point cannabis needed to be ditched. Combined very badly. Strange yucky throat feeling helped by salt water gargles with peppermint and clove oil. Never got any flu like many do.
Mid section…a lot of exhaustion. Rash that started at about two or three weeks with a wierd figure of eight welt on inner thigh, became a bit unbearable for a few days. 4 week bloods showed a significant loss of sodium from drinking too much water due to dehydration. Pulled back on that and started to drink salt in my water and rash subsided. Though strange prickly, electrical sensations persisted. Maybe due to my insistence on swimming (it helped) in the sunshine. Though there wasn’t a marked worsening on exposure.
Last third of tx…rash expanded to upper inner arms and left the thighs largely. Exhaustion not such a problem though I was happy to take it easy. Feeling of toxicity quite strong. Great relief on finishing!
Decided to take it easy on the herbs for a while and just take turmeric.
Rash is now less of an issue…though still there.
Exhausted this morning and not sleeping as soundly as I did on tx. The ease of sleep really made the whole thing bearable.
mild”Thanks GT2 , I’d be curious to know what people use, but over the years I’ve found topical stuff is hopeless for rashes caused by liver toxins. Eating Turmeric paste helps and I have to admit, I was driven to that in the last two days. I think it will be gone pretty soon anyway.
Basically I’ll be taking Ashwagandha, Astragalus and Chanca Piedra. All of which I’ve used before with good effect. They are mild and helpful herbs. I’m no masochist and have learned the hard way to stay well clear of extracts etc.I have heard Sof/Dac is a much easier combo. I wish now I’d taken that instead. But it hasn’t been *that* bad.
I do feel better in many ways, especially quality of sleep. Really looking forward to clearing the last of the toxins so I can enjoy the new clear day
mild”I try to do that too GT2 but after three months of poisoning myself with these meds, I really feel the need for some liver support to regain my equilibrium. Living in the inner city means hard to grow much and poor air quality. Need to get back into good health (like I basically was before I started tx), so I can get on with renovating my life.
mild”I watched that when it aired. I don’t use that kind of supplement and I am very careful about my herb sourcing (all organic and local trusted suppliers). I make my own capsules so I know exactly whats in them.
I agree that people should not waste their time with Big Nature or supplements, but my use of herbs is quite different.
mild”Wow! Thats very interesting!
Gum problems is me, thats for sure.
I’d appreciate any links you might have to this issue.
It certainly is a big downsidehmy:
edit : Actually never mind about the links, the internet is full of info on this.
Thanks again though, for the heads up.
mild”yeah…wouldn’t go well with brat herding
mild”It makes a huge difference.
I wish they had invented it 30 years ago…so many health issues I would have avoided!
mild” -