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I think this is an important topic to explore. I’ve noticed on the Facebook page, a lot of post treatment people who didn’t have fibrosis getting quite unpleasant symptoms a month or so after finishing…its very perplexing. In spite of the fact these meds have few sides, maybe they still have significant effects on the body. Maybe there are things we can do to mitigate them.
As for the intelligent overview, DIY has been the only way to get that over the years for me. Not that it was super intelligent, but seemingly better than any of my assorted medical practitioners could manage. We live in a toxic, stressful world and self protection is mandatory. Being aware of the virus in my system for twenty five years has made me keen to investigate all options for self care. Honestly I think what has saved my liver and my sanity, above all things is an hour of Qi Gong by a creek every morning for almost twenty years now. Qi Gong is a kind of meditative Chinese yoga, and I noticed almost straight away that my excessive levels of anger (no doubt liver inflammation) disappeared soon after I started it.
mild”Don’t over think it. Just focus on relaxing and being in the moment. The future will take care of always does, and usually much more positively than we expect.
mild”It seems like sesame is possibly a cyp3a4 inhibitor…you get quite a few results claiming that on google regarding sesamin which is the extract.
Breathing is the most important thing for anxiety. Deep slow stomach breathing and relaxation techniques are the best way to reduce it.
mild”All of the “isms” are a bit like that.
In the end we only have our compassion and our humanity…and if we can find a healthy outlet for those, we can create a collective that cares for everyone. Because the ultimate truth is, that we are all one.
mild”You can’t really have a perfect medical system, unless you have perfect human beings.
I do believe however that Australia has come very close, though unfortunately its funding is being strangled and its very existence under threat from very imperfect government. The major flaw that it has is that is doesn’t cover dental stuff. In fact even the private insurance doesn’t really cover dental properly. You basically cannot have healthy human beings with bad teeth, so its a biggie.
There has to be tax funded healthcare until the day we are all making the same wage, and being paid fairly for all our work, including so called “womens work” and creative work too. Until that day Universal Healthcare is our best bet. Even then we will need something in place to care for those too young or old to work, so really the only alternative to “socialised medicine” is dog eat dog.I also believe more emphasis needs to be placed on educating kids how to care for their bodies, including things like meditation, nutrition and herbal remedies.
And of course, the corruption needs to be taken out of the pharma industry. Scientists need to be rewarded and encouraged for their research, but after that all their discoveries should be owned by the collective.
All power to you Surfer Queen
mild”Happy to hear you’ve got that sorted
Hope you start feeling better soon. Spring will be on the way soon, and you will be reborn along with all the greenery.
mild”Oh Norman Swann! I
mild”“If a man is not rising upwards to be an angel, depend upon it, he is sinking downwards to be a devil. He cannot stop at the beast. The most savage of men are not beasts; they are worse, a great deal worse.
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772 – 1834
mild”One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
Sigmund Freud
mild”The wound is the eye of the soul.
James Hillman
mild”Yup DT, they are also experts are writing scripts for imported meds. Mine didn’t turn a hair when I asked him to write me a script for generics. In fact it was him who first alerted me to the possibility. And it was him who chose my specialist…as it turns out with very good taste.
mild”When these privatisation nightmares happen, everyone suffers because only sadists can work under such conditions.
I think you are very strong to get through everything you have described and I am very angry on your behalf and for all the other people who have had bad experiences.
I am also very sad about Britain, and not just because of the NHS. Its really grim to watch.
mild”They don’t make my decisions.
They give me very cheap contact with excellent doctors who advise me, and also subsidise most of my tests.
The beauty of the public hospital system in Australia is that it attracts people who really want to make a difference.
I suppose its a culture gap, because there couldn’t be two more different systems than Australia and the US.
The UK…well I think many many people there will fight to save the NHS.
mild”I’m totally for socialised medicine!
I benefit from it hugely. It’s always been there for me.
Sounds like the NHS is being killed off, which is why its really hopeless now.
Its still a great idea, and one that defines civilisation.
This is why we are getting treated here in Australia.
Yay for socialised medicine!
mild” -