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  • in reply to: US Importation …. Legal or Not #8820
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    Been a while since I visited. Wanted to share my 7 week labs. Seems I’m undetectable already!

    Thank you mgalbrai. Without your information and guidance I would be lost still. I followed the method and received my cure. I was so nervous and anxious that I was being scammed or given poison. I hope others find this method. I can’t express how grateful I am to have been given a second chance at life.

    Even if it hadn’t worked for me, I would still feel reborn because of the hope it has given me. I feel like a sell-out for not doing more, but what can I do? I feel like sharing my story on social media will only tighten the grip of regulation. I feel like if I give specifics the path will be shut for others. I don’t know what to do.

    Without going into detail, I have done a small part for some loved ones. Everything worked as it did for me.

    Thank you, m.

    in reply to: Can hep C cause strange symptoms? #6467
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    Been a while since I’ve shared. 24 days into led/sof. THANK YOU M! Just got labs back and my ALT (SGPT) P5P -23. Alanine Amino Trans dropped-18. Waiting on viral load results. Normal liver function!

    Last week I had major joint pain. Knees and hips. I attributed it me stopping my daily workout because of headaches. Had a dull headache last Sunday that progressed to an almost migraine level for 3 days. In that time an old hand injury ached and my joints were stiff. Maybe because of my sleep schedule, I can’t seem to get more than 4 hours of sleep at a time. My dreams are absolutely CRAZY! It’s not too bad but it would be nice to get a good rest in.

    All in all I feel like anew man. I can’t fully describe it but I feel like the weight of the world is off my chest. I’m sure it’s all in my head but a part of me feels like my body is no longer at battle. Maybe TMI, but my urine is normal with no foul smell. Sorry for that gross detail but I wanted to share if anyone else had that result.

    For the first time in so many years I am looking forward. I always assumed I would die before my time so I stopped looking and planning to for the future. Even if this treatment didn’t work, I think the act of fighting for myself gave me new life. It’s SO IMPORTANT! I feel like I am worth something again. It still kills me inside to think of all those that feel like they will never get cured because of their economic status. Hope is the best drug! I want everyone to feel it.

    Thank you M and thank you fixhepc. If I hadn’t stumbled across this forum I would still be hopeless. I wish I was better with words to describe how greatly I appreciate this new hope.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just keep fighting!

    in reply to: US Importation …. Legal or Not #5019
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    We will overcome

    in reply to: US Importation …. Legal or Not #5017
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    I wonder if Rachel will ship to a doctors office? You could have the package sent there and simply pick it up? Maybe a student at a university could accept the package for you? We should try and find someone at a university that is willing to help.

    This is bad for everyone. I have three people I need to help.


    in reply to: Who here has meds/access and isn’t treating? #4936
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    Glad I read your post, my dreams have been pretty crazy. I’m 1 week in sof/led and have minimal side effects. The second day my ears were ringing for about a minute, not too bad. I have been feeling fatigued and I have slept a little more than usual. I have still been working out for 30 minutes a day on the elliptical so that is helping with the fatigue. Good luck!

    in reply to: US Importation …. Legal or Not #4199
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    I received mine today! Took only 2 .5 days, I’m amazed. Amazed, ecstatic, excited and afraid. That list of emotions could go on forever and the one thing that wouldn’t be mentioned is Hopeless.

    A week ago I was in a pit of despair. For the third time this year another healthcare professional told me I had ‘Good Hep’. It made me so angry for them to say that then and it infuriates me to think they’re still saying it to others. We can remove this disease from the planet in our lifetime. We simply need to remove the more evil disease, greed.

    I’m sick of being angry, time to work at helping others.

    Thank you Mike, I really don’t know where I would be without you.

    in reply to: Any help for US citizens? #3799
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    From what I understand the 15th is the date some rules for generics may change. Perhaps I’m wrong.

    in reply to: Any help for US citizens? #3762
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    I emailed sales@mesochem last night and have yet to get a response. I emailed Gregg this morning. I will be ready to go with payment in 2 days, maybe 3. I have my prescription, my two denial letters from insurance, fibrosure tests(not the fibroscan, awaiting response from my doc) genotype testing(1a), viral load tests, full metabolic panels, cat scan and ultrasound tests and I have the support of my doctor.

    Am I being too greedy or do I need to wait longer for responses? I am in the US, and I stated as much in my emails. Do I need to not mention my location? Really afraid things will change on the 15th so I want to get the ball rolling.

    Any direction is appreciated.

    ps-I also messaged mike about mesochem

    in reply to: Any help for US citizens? #3715
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    I have everything and I already have the prescription. Pretty sure my doc will do anything I ask of him. The miscommunication of me being told I was going to get the meds was from another department at his hospital, not from my actual liver doctor. I will check out Mike’s thread and I’m sure I will need help. If my understanding is correct, do I simply email Mesochem and order the appropriate amount and it is shipped to the US? You don’t have to answer that, I’m really confused what is allowed and what isn’t.

    Thank you.

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