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  • in reply to: Have I got hepatitis? #24650
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    @gaj . Thanks alot for you reply , actually the thing which is making me concerned is that robe (gown) was wore by every patient there and almost 10-12 patients come daily who have hiv as well as hep c and stds however, that gown had no blood but was dirty and my back has white pus pimples . This only bothers me and make me feel worry . Any help will be appreciated thnks

    in reply to: Have I got hepatitis? #24649
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    Thanks for your reply but unfortunately I am not is US and on permit visa I am working elsewhere and 48 hours have been passed and even here is no prophylaxis facility :( waiting for tests is now only option.

    in reply to: Have I got hepatitis? #24641
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    fitz wrote:


    The only way to know whether or not one has Hep C is through a blood test. One can certainly become infected through coming into contact with HCV infected blood. Basically the Hepatitis C virus must be able to enter ones bloodstream in order for one to become infected.

    An opening in the skin like a popped pimple is one way the virus (if present) could possibly enter the bloodstream. It normally isn’t likely that one would get Hep C from a hospital gown. However if the robe is contaminated with HCV infected blood products, and someone wearing that robe has a cut or an open lesion, the opportunity for an infection to occur certainly exists.

    There are 1,000+ ways one can come into contact with Hep C. Some of the obvious ways are needle sticks, and medical ignorance, errors, or negligence (i.e. giving patients a dirty robe). I suspect these occurrences represent only a fraction of new infections though.

    Anyone who has had a haircut with non-sterile implements, been cut by a barbers non-sterile razor, used someone else’s razor, has had a manicure or pedicure with non-sterile instruments, had a tattoo with non-sterile instruments, has had dental work done with non-sterile instruments, inadvertently used someone else’s toothbrush, been in a schoolyard fight, given or received a ‘snotty’, applied a bandage to a friends cut, the list goes on and on – is at risk for infection. So, unless they have grown up in a sterile bubble, virtually everyone has been at risk of infection with Hep C at one time or another in their lifetimes.

    The fact that some of us get it and others don’t is really just the luck of the draw.

    Any of us at any time can become infected, or re-infected.

    Most people have no idea they’re infected until a blood test reveals HCV infection, or abnormalities which lead to further testing (this is how I learned I was infected).

    No one understands your concerns better than those of us who have been infected with Hep C. My best advice is to talk to your GP and get a blood test. There is literally no other way to know.

    Note: I am not a physician, and this is not the opinion of a physician. I am a former Hep C patient who became infected through unknown means.

    Thanks alot for your kind reply brother , from all the research I did , I finally conclude that I am at same chance of getting hepatitis through patients robe as through the public bathroom, because any one can infected but the medical setting in which I was there was probably a slight to moderate more chance to get infected its my belief brother , because it was not the new york’s hospital it was at some other city and hospital was dirty as hell and all patients who were there were those who had STD including HIV + Hep C virus and were almost on last stage , yes I am bad I should have argued on robe with the doctors there but what happened it did , my face was continually bleeding from my 100 pimples on face and also on my back there was large pimple gown was dirty like garbadge , please elaborate more otherwise my life has became shit , I can’t wait 6 months in tension , help if you can further brother , and Thanks alot for your reply

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