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  • joy2world
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    Haha yes!!! One of my all time favorites!

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    Thank you all so much. I can’t even begin to describe how thankful I am for all of you. Without you, I would have fallen into a very dark place.

    A year ago today I found out for certain that I was carrying around Hep C for over a decade with my very first RNA test results. One full year from start to finish, and it’s been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. From my treatment beginning and ending right at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and not knowing for sure if treatment was working, as I was not allowed to have labs done during treatment due to Covid. To not clearing at a week after EOT, to not clearing 12 weeks after EOT, to finally clearing 24 weeks after EOT. Whew! What a wild ride it’s been!

    2020 has been a shit show for so many, but I will always remember it as the year that I took the step to get my life back on track. I’ll forever be grateful to you wonderful people for always offering kind words of encouragement and wisdom!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! May you all have a blessed holiday season!

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #30047
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    I AM CURED AT LAST!!!! Took until the 24th week post treatment to finally receive NOT DETECTED.

    Thank you all so much for the kind words of encouragement. I hope I can bring hope to those who tested DETECTED 12 weeks AFTER treatment. There is still hope that you will indeed go on to clear!!!!

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    I AM CURED AT LAST!!!! Took until the 24th week post treatment to finally receive NOT DETECTED.

    Thank you all so much for the kind words of encouragement. I hope I can bring hope to those who tested DETECTED 12 weeks AFTER treatment. There is still hope that you will indeed go on to clear!!!!

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    GI doc was puzzled with the

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    Thank you so much. I’ve been thinking the same thing, but my mind has been playing tricks on me.

    My treatment was only 8 weeks long, but I’ve read people on much longer treatment courses still detecting at the end of treatment. But I’ve never seen anyone test detected at 12 weeks post treatment, so I freaked out initially.

    But then I’ve read many people testing detected on the Abbott and undetected on the other less sensitive test. Also, on the Mavyret website it states their cure rate as SVR12 as anything

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #30008
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    Well, I got my 12 week post treatment viral load test results back today and I am STILL DETECTED <12.

    How is this possible?! 12 weeks without a single dose of Mavyret and I am still testing as DETECTED.

    I’m happy my viral load didn’t rebound, but I’m just so confused and don’t know how to feel about this.

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29845
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    Virtual appointment went well today. Doctor agrees that she can’t count treatment as a complete failure but thinks my chances of achieving SVR12 are much lower at the end of the 8 week treatment course.

    She stated she would not like to begin a 2nd round of treatment until after labs are ran anyway, so that’s encouraging. If the virus makes its return, we will treat from there!

    For now we sit and wait until July for the 12 week labs to be drawn. The wait and see game so to speak.

    On the bright side, she stated my liver prior to the first treatment was in phenomenal shape. Normal LFT and ultrasound. So she’s not concerned a bit about postponing a second round of treatment IF needed.

    Thank you all again so much for the kind and reassuring words. They mean so much to me!

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29844
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    Much appreciated advice, Doctor James. Thank you so very much for your input!

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29841
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    We are set for an appointment tomorrow to discuss. I’m going to request that we repeat the labs again in 1-2 months and go from there.

    I just can’t fathom jumping right back into another treatment so quickly and prematurely. But at the same time, I don’t want the virus to rebound! It’s a tough spot to be in.

    She is a very young doctor and liver disease is not her specialty. I’m still holding onto hope thanks to you wonderful people. Worst case scenario, we redraw labs in a month or two and I’m back at square one. We can retreat and jump back on the horse again. It will be disappointing, but there are other more aggressive (and longer than 8 weeks long) treatments out there. Yay science!

    Thank you again so much for lending a much needed ear!

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29839
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    Received a message from gastro dr this morning and she considers this a total treatment failure.

    “Yes, I saw those results this morning and was going to get in touch with you. If the medication was taken as prescribed for the total of 8 weeks, then this is a treatment failure. We will need to retreat with a different medication for virus eradication. Let me see if the clinic can get you set up for an appointment to discuss”

    So now I’m back to feeling defeated again.

    What should I say to this? I want to wait and have viral load checked again in a month or two? I really don’t want to go through another treatment if it’s unnecessary.

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29833
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    Thank you both so much. This really makes me feel so much better. I was such a confused and nervous wreck this morning and astounded that it was still detected somehow! Even at unquantifiable amounts. I should be counting my lucky stars that the viral load went from over 3 million to <12 in a matter of 8 weeks. Just really wanted to see that undetected. Glad to see I am not alone, and it doesn’t mean treatment was a failure.

    Again, I am so thankful for the responses. It’s taken a huge weight off my shoulders today!

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29830
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    I’m a little discouraged today. I finally was able to get my EOT labs drawn and am still showing DETECTED. Viral load is under <12 and unable to be measured but the qualitative still shows detected.

    I ended treatment April 28th and had labs drawn May 5th, so was only a week after EOT.

    I’m thrilled to see my viral load go from 3 million to <12... but man. I was so hoping for it to be completely undetected.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated, as I feel so defeated at the moment.

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29763
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    Thank you, Coral! We are all in this together. You are correct, we have been self isolating and only leave the house once per week to make the daunting trip for supplies. I’ll be happy to not be afraid anymore to run simple errands!

    I’m taking this threat very seriously, as we all should! We all know how tricky viruses are.

    I received word from my gastroenterologist that they are not doing bloodwork at this time so all labs have to be postponed! I was due for bloodwork on April 2nd (1 month into treatment) and will complete treatment on April 28th! My only concern is not knowing if the treatment is working or not. I can’t do anything other than just continue and hope that it is working!

    I hope everyone is taking care of themselves during this crazy time. We will get through this together. ❤️

    in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29757
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    Three weeks into treatment and I feel great! No side effects whatsoever!

    I am a little worried with covid-19 going around. My family and I have done our part by staying home, and only leaving when absolutely necessary to buy food or supplies.

    I have an appointment April 2nd to check viral load, but am unsure if that is even possible with the onslaught of serious respiratory cases.

    Am I considered high risk due to HCV status? Would Mavyret make me more or less susceptible to acquiring this virus? So many unknowns at the moment, and I don’t expect a response… just thinking out loud.

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