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  • in reply to: After Treatment #26287
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    First, I would like to say THANK YOU, to each of you who have replied to my post and questions! You were ALL very helpful, gave very insightful answers, AND even a few ‘tips’, as to what I can try, and or do,, to HELP IN the final stages OF my ‘Recovery’!
    What I would call the final ‘STOP’, on my “Harvoni Treatment Train Ride, thru HELL”!!

    (When it came down to my LAST 10 ‘PILLS’? – I just HAD to have ‘fun’ with it, as I DO HAVE a ‘Crazy, Wise-Azz Sense of Humor’!, which HAS kept me going AND helped to GET ME THRU!…. SOOOOOOO, I started a nightly ‘Posting’ on my “FB” Page, stating that the ’10 TO 1′ COUNTDOWN to finally being DONE with my Treatment had begun. And each night I would post with a ‘Train Whistle Blow’, announcing that the “HARVONI TREATMENT TRAIN”, was ready to leave the Station. Then, I would share a little, while also making each ‘Station Stop’, ‘#10 TO #1’, a wee bit of fun, making each ‘Countdown Stop’ something different and silly, until before I knew it, I had not only grained ‘extra riders’, lol,, but my SUPPORT SYSTEM GREW GREATLY!…. And by that LAST and FINAL ‘pill’, that final ‘Station Stop’,, everyone who was PART OF that ‘Journey’ WITH ME, not only enjoyed the ‘fun’ that I had turned it into, but they were a BIGG PART IN ME MAKING IT, 100%!… AND I found out that I have quite a few caring, REAL FRIENDS! AND a GREAT SUPPORT SYSTEM! I took the ‘hell’ that I had been IN, and turned it around with a light hearted twist, (INSTEAD of WHINING!),, and before I knew it? My ‘Treatment Train Ride’ was over, and next? Was my POST Treatment ‘time’…..)
    Which is where I am at, now! – And coming HERE? Has been my next, BEST STEP FORWARD, AND very helpful in finding the answers that I HAVE HAD & needed to KNOW about, NOW!!
    And before I ‘ramble ON’, (BAD Habit that I have OF doing!) – I DO, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY & SHARE,, that,, “What a Difference a Day Makes”!!
    I AM getting better. I AM ‘getting there’, and I do have my ‘Good days’ AND my ‘Bad days’, treating each as they come, and doing what I can, and what I KNOW is best, FOR ME! (Old ‘habits’, I’m trying to ‘correct’, while NEW Habits TAKE, their place! – A definite ‘work in progress’!!)
    Well, I do know how important GOOD NUTRITION IS! And when I get a ‘craving’? I know that my body is TELLING ME, WHAT it wants/needs,, and I LISTENED AND ANSWERED! – I HAD EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED, and ‘fed my body’ what it was asking for, which was a Complete, Hot, Steak Dinner with carbs & veggies! When I started, I was having a good day, yet I was very-very weak!
    Well?? – Within a half an hour AFTER my meal,, WoW! Was I suddenly feeling SO MUCH BETTER, AND? I was no longer weak, shaky, or ‘yucky’ in ANY WAY, WHATSOEVER!!
    I?……… Felt GURRRRRR-REAT!!
    It was, for me and for the first time in a while, a ‘Good Day’, all around, and I made it even better, by doing the right things and eating what I knew my body wanted!! Also, QUALITY SLEEP HELPS IMMENSELY! As well as keeping my PAIN UNDER ‘SAFE & SMART’, CONTROL!! 2 THINGS, which for me?? Are very-very crucial and important!! I guess that we all learn as we go. While ‘Sharing’ & ‘Supporting’ each other is ALSO CRUCIAL, in and to our recoveries.
    I guess what I really wanna stress and share, IS: “WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY CAN MAKE”!!
    Because while our bodies get USED to BEING clean, healthy and FREE OF a nasty virus? WE seem to also go thru a period of ‘change’ & ‘Adjustment’ too,, almost as if we’re learning WHO we really ARE, as a ‘purrson’,, a NEW, HEALTHY PURRSON, which IS new to US, especially if we, (like STUBBORN ME!),, went thru each day and pushed aside how we REALLY felt, and day after day, we would stubbornly, ‘put ON’, that “Positive, BRAVE,,,,,, “Me”? – Nahhhhh….. I’m not sick,, ‘FACE/FRONT’ for all to see.
    UGGHHH!! It may have become 2nd nature to us? But it sure was NO WAY TO: ‘LIVE/EXIST’!! So, that too, plays a role in our recoveries!! – Learning ‘WHO’ we truly are, and ‘HOW’ to ‘be’ and truly move onwards and upwards!!
    So, for those who replied and were very helpful, as well as anyone else in the same ‘boat’,, I simply wanted to pass ON:
    Thanks and Blessings to ALL!! & (HOPEFULLY) –
    Huggz & Meowzzz,
    Kitty =^¿^=


    in reply to: After Treatment #26246
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    • Novice

    Thank you “Mnem”, for replying to my post. I very much appreciate it!
    I see my Primary Doc, monthly, (have my next follow up, on the 9th of this month. He’s not the best, but we HAVE built a decent ‘Doctor/Patient Relationship’, after 3 long years of seeing him. (Doctor-wise around here, can be somewhat difficult in FINDING the ‘right one for you’, which is why I stay with mine, as most other Dr.’s wouldn’t treat me, due to ‘circumstances’;)
    SOOOOOOO, I stick with who I have, and after all this time, he knows AND TRUSTS me, finally getting to know AND ‘get’ me, too!
    My Hepatitis Dr., is THE BESTEST & #1 Doc IN this area, AND in his ‘Field’!!
    And he’s done THE BEST for me, HAPPILY ASSURING me, that he COULD & WOULD, CURE ME! Which so far? He did. As he called with my 1 month ‘After treatment’ blood test results, saying,, your NEGATIVE! I asked what he meant, and he told me that I was at 6 MILLION ‘viral load’ at the start,, and after 12 weeks of hellashish treatment, they found NO TRACE OF the Hep-C Virus IN my system, at all! (I get tested again, in 4 months, and he BELIEVES that I will still BE NEGATIVE at that point as well)
    As far as my weight issues go, I have been dealing with being underweight since I hurt my back in 1994, and after 2 years of poor pain control, and then stomach pain, that led to finding out that I had developed 2 bleeding ulcers. (THEN they finally found a way to treat my pain and not hurt my health.) THAT led to being tested and ultimately finding out about the Hep-C. (The rest, you pretty much got from my first post.)
    Unfortunately, I come from a family with a history of having ‘High, Quick Working, Metabolisms,, as well as the fact that with ME,, I ‘ride the fence’, between ‘Hyper, & Hypo’ Thyroid issues. Plus, I am also Tall, Thin ‘Framed’, & I am just like my father and brother, who are BOTH of the ‘same build & can eat and eat and eat? And either lose weight themselves due to the work that they do, and they continue to eat high calorie foods, and ARE STILL THIN AS RAILS. Only, they are both healthy.
    I have been extremely realistic about EVERYTHING, from day 1, become I knew that I had Hep-C, and I did everything possible to keep myself positive AND healthy, and would put ON that so-called ‘Happy Face & Attitude’, and WAS ABLE, TO FUNCTION!….. UNTIL treatment. And being realistic and smart, I knew that I wouldn’t be doing a ‘Jig’ right after treatment, as I know that my body needs to technically detox, AND get USED TO, BEING HEP-C FREE!! I would think that THAT ALONE, would be a ‘shock’ to the ‘system’!
    Part of my food problem, is that I just don’t GET hungry, (unless I have ‘help’, which both my doc’s know about, AND understand.)….
    I also have issues with tastes changing, and things I liked before, I don’t seem to like now. Plus, I get full quickly. But I know enuff to eat small snacks throughout the day, which I do, and I also make sure to ‘hydrate’, smartly. I am on other med’s, for my pain, and for anxiety, which REALLY took off while ON treatment! (THOSE, are better now!), but I am still ‘struggling’, and in coming HERE? I found out that I am NOT the only one!
    Also, at this time, I have finally gotten myself down to the LOWEST DOSES possible, with all meds that I need, to have SOME quality of life, as 3 years prior my pain doc had me OVER MEDICATED, and once I realized what was going on, I went thru at LEAST a year of horrible, hellashish withdrawal and detoxed myself completely! Now? I AM on the lowest doses possible, but also have to still deal with AND have pain, every moment of every day. That doesn’t help much either! But I AM doin my best.
    So, thank you for your time and reply. Maybe some of this extra info will give you more ‘insight’, as to me, my history, my ‘issues’ AND my treatment, and completion OF!!
    I knew that I wouldn’t feel great right away,, but I just thought that by NOW I’d be a little bit better!?! Just as I know that everyone AND their treatment would differ!
    I have great friends & support, but I found this site and knew that it would do me good, to share & ‘vent’ with others in the same ‘boat’!
    After all, my husband has been my BIGGEST SUPPORT POSSIBLE, but I just don’t wanna dump everything on HIM, because HE doesn’t have all the answers, OR even know WHAT to say, that won’t have me snapping at him! I’d be LOST without him!
    Have a good and Blessed Day!!
    Kitty =^¿^=


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