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    umm, Duhhhh…boy do I feel stupid. But honestly I can handle stupid I cannot handle hep c , but thank you Hazel, maybe I’ll send you a stuffed moose!! Very spiritual… :lol: #love #love #love #love #love #love

    in reply to: Newbie and scared #28529
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    Lilyfield, thank you for kind letter. You called this the holy grail. You are accurate. I told a nephew today that if this was 15 years ago I’d be telling you to come say goodbye to me, but now I’m fighting for my right to the rest of my life. We all owe the universe our journey to the next thing, but I had a bucket list of ways I would not like to go, and Hep C was in the top 5. No one should suffer that. So when I heard the price of the cure I was gutted, no hope. But I didn’t give in and found this Oasis of compassion. And yes, we speak the same language. One of the great lessons I learned over the years is that it is no ones business what anyone thinks of me, and when I hold a grudge or resentment, I am the only person who feels it. So I live in the now, today, and take care of today’s business. And I don’t judge. So since I first posted about my friends raising the money that I don’t have, now I have almost $400.00..a few more of those and I start my medical journey. I’ve read a heck of lot as there is so much to read here. Some people say that when the liver heals and it’s been compromised for quite a while, that you may feel better but you also may feel your body readjusting to getting healthy signals from a healed liver and it may be uncomfortable. I’m ok with that, as long as I’m in a healing crisis, I understand that. I;m maybe a little confused about difference between Dr. James and Dr. Freeman..they recommend each other so that’s great, maybe I don’t need to know. I read a letter from a woman whose feet stopped burning, swelling in her legs went away, skin tone vastly mproved and no more fatigue. I have all those symtoms and more, so I’m holding it back but I cannot really hide my excitement at the possibilites that I may experience some releif like that. Hope so. But I’d just settle for a disease free liver that is regenerating itself, and operating close to normal again, how great will that be? Thank you for your share, I’m hanging by a thread and need all the hope I can get. Hope you’re feeling great and enjoying this precious life, and glad to meet you. I’ve never been the kind that can take money from anyone, ever. But for this, I am fighting for my own life, advocating for life over a curable disease, and I am stummping my friends for anything they can spare. Life is a noble cause. Hi Mar, Hazel, Songbird..will write soon again..Glen H.

    in reply to: Newbie and scared #28524
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    Hazel, so very encouraging and kind. As someone with great fear of HCV, the responses are like big hugs that make you feel welcome and let you know it’s possible. I really am scared but 31 years ago I put down a large alcohol, heroin and cocaine habit in one day. I got clean and my life changed so much for the better it’s indescribable. Right now of the symptoms I have from HCV, the worst (that I am aware of) is chronic fatigue and insomnia. I am always laying around in bed watching television. If you had asked anyone who knows me 10 years ago if I would end up like this, they would have made you a large monetary bet that it would never happen. I am a drummer, and a pretty heavy drummer at that. I used to pound the kit into oblivion. Now I am listless and don’t even want to play. Or go anywhere, movies, shop for food, walk in park. I’m just beat tired all the time. So hearing you tell me you’ve done it and seen thousands do it is like a precursor to the actual medication I need. Hope is a wonderful thing. It lifts your spirits when I cannot do so. Thanks so much. I have much to do, contact Dr. James, get all my testing, find out which is the best version of the generic medication is best suited for me. My friends are lending me the money. I live on a tiny disability, but they don’t want me tired sick or dying on them. So you are all my heroe’s and I will post on here every step of my journey into SVR so that those who land here after me can see that a cure is indeed possible. Thank you again Hazel, and say HI anytime, Glen H.

    in reply to: Newbie and scared #28522
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    Mar, thank you again…I have access to lots of people with HVC as I belong to NA. So many recovering addicts I’ve seen over 31 years clean, I watched many take interferon and promised myself I would never ever do that..thankfully for generics, I won’t have to…and you’re correct about price gouging, look at what dentists charge for teeth with implants. Full set, $50,000. Insane, no fair dental care in the U.S. Will let you know my ‘viral load’ Teusday, then have to find a lab that will do all the other tests…thanks you Mar, please stay in touch G.H.

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    Thank you Songbird, you give me more hope, and I still haven’t raised the money I’ll need, friends that don’t want me sick are putting it together, but meeting people here who get SVR and stay that way is good for me, if you know others can do it then maybe I can do it too… and one day I can help someone else with the same problem..warm regards
    Glen H.

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    Mar, ps, the reason I mentioned the symptoms related to diabetes is that I do not have diabetes at all so never could find out why I have them. Now I’m pretty sure I know and hopeful once my liver starts functions without compromise, those symptoms will abate. That would be a double miracle. Thanks again, Glen H.

    in reply to: Newbie and scared #28517
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    Hello Mar and thank you for the warm reception. Also especially thank you for the information about my doctor telling me not to worry. I know he know’s I cannot afford $84,000 USD, that;s for rich people, I’m not one of them, doesn’t mean I deserve to die and awful, slow, painful death because of it. I cannot tell you how grateful I am finding this site, what a wonderful way to help humanity. I’m a bit overwhelmed because I thought I was in for a long terrible mess, and I no longer believe that. Everyone says “Have a positive mental attitude but when you are strong enough to have a reasonably active life, yet one is so worn out 24/7 that even going to the market for food is an uncomfortable idea, and you cannot go to a movie (well I’d fall asleep in the theater), it’s hard to feel very positive. So this is a life saver for me, quite literally. I have read letters on forum about symptoms I’ve been dealing with for years. They usually involve diabetes, like swelling or burning in the feet and leg swelling, as well as fatigue and others. But I read a couple of letters from forum members who took the generic treatment and as their hep c went away, so did all these symptoms. What a relief, I hope that happens for me. Thank you for the links to all things for help. I am going to call the Australia after I find out the results needed to send to you for the correct medication for me. It’s also fantastic that you would actually check the meds to make sure they are not fraudulent, I am so very grateful for that , I’ve seen a few people get placebo’s online over the years. Thanks again and I shall be checking in frequently and would love to make some friends here. This is something to bond over. One last bit, thanks for the prompt reply, to somebody suffering from this illness, fear comes with time. Your quick reply overnight is very much appeciated as is all the information in the letter. Glad to be here. I actually have some hope, no energy, but lots of hope. Thanks for that. Glen H.

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