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  • in reply to: G3 Dacla/Sofosbivir from Mylan in India #26891
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    I have just had my 24 week ( 12 weeks after 12 weeks of treatment on Dacla and sofosbivir ) results and I am clear . Done . Finished . I carried that virus for 40 years and had 6 months of Interferon and ribavirin that didn’t work . My wife saw Fix HepC on the TV and I got my drugs from India . I did have a lousy 6 weeks of very bad flu like symptoms which we mustn’t underestimate ( nothing like interferon/Ribavirin though) but it is a small price . UK NHS policy is still to wait for Cirrhosis, or you can pay £50 K privately . Thank you so much for setting up this organisation . It is literally changing people’s lives .

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #25904
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    Had a big sore throat and flu etc which I thought was was side effects so didn’t get treatment for it specifically . Pain moved to my ear and the inflammation burst , perforating my ear drum . Set me back completely , very bad pain . Massive pain killers and antibiotics . Feeling dizzy but with all the combination of drugs in me that’s not surprising . ( I’m also on blood pressure drugs , statins and anti coagulants following a stroke last year )
    Along with the tiredness from the DAA I’m pretty much on the floor at the moment . on the point of packing up the DAAs. Going back to GP and HepC Doc this week .
    If you have symptoms my advice is get them checked out ,,they may be the real thing , like my infection , which , if not treated as it should be , could be really damaging .

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #25883
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    Hi again Coral ,
    Day 17 my side effects are abating thanks heavens . now mild flu symptoms ..ruined Easter but what the hell . Getting my two week bloods soon so hopefully that will give me a boost . Your treatment story sounds tough . I hope the next results give you what you want . Relapsing is no fun ..when I thought that I had to repeat with 12 months interferon /Ribavirin I was beside myself for days . My wife pulled me through ..and work also .Thanks heavens for the new drugs . All the best , Neil

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #25877
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    Thanks Coral , after 6 months of interferon /Ribavirin I can tough this out but it would be nice to know from folks who’ve been thru it how long it lasts . Being rid of Hep C will be worth it .
    Thanks to everyone on the forum you all know it’s grim when you don’t sleep and you drag yourself round all day ..good to know that people have done it too and come thru .
    Are you all clear now ? If so congrats and well done .
    cheers , Neil R

    in reply to: G3 Dacla/Sofosbivir from Mylan in India #25868
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    Thanks for super informed replies . Finally started my Dacla/Sofos 12 days ago .
    got fairly strong flu like symptoms after about a week . I see this is “normal ” but if it continues when do I get further medical advice ?

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #25866
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    12 days into Sofosbuvir/ Daclatasvir ( I am G3 responder /relapser from Interferon/Ribavirin) . last 3 days fairly strong flu symptoms; headache , sore throat, very tired . Anyone else been through the same sequence ?

    in reply to: G3 Dacla/Sofosbivir from Mylan in India #25718
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    Hi there ,

    thanks so much for the informed responses. I am in London . I am about to start with Dacla and sufosbivir . My Fibrascan is 6.1 . I will add my Viral load scores after I get them on Monday . I took the view that the drugs may very well cure me ( 96%) and unless they are poison (!) I have nothing to lose . My Doctor is on NICE committee here so cannot recommend generics , but in the UK you have to have cirrhosis to get the drugs on the NHS .; or pay £45K . We agreed to do bloods at 2,4,12 weeks to keep a close eye on things .

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