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  • in reply to: Merry Christmas!!!! #7202
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    All the best. :)

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: Merry Christmas!!!! #7067
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    Congratulations IRMA ;) ;) ;)
    Add another Blue Pin. Just back from the Dr’s. 4 week viral load UND. :) :) :)
    Thanks again to Greg Jefferys, Dr Freeman and all in our community here.

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: Australian PBS listing in March! #6832
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    I don’t think Drug Companies are greedy ,I know they are. Their track record to date confirms this. I want to see the fine print before I start praising Big Pharma. :)

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #6055
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    That’s great news Chejai. You won’t regret it.
    All the best :)

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #5497
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    Hi Chejai
    Chejai you must have the patience of a Saint. If you don’t get any further on Friday, I’d give myself a early Xmas Present and and go through GP2U. You surely deserve it after the run around you’ve had to put up with. Let us know how you get on.
    All the best :)

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #4958
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    Hi Flying Fox
    That’s a good question re Fibroscans. I went to a Specialist who referred me to a Radiology Practice.The Specialist was expensive. There are other ways to find out the level of Fibrosis. Dr Freeman has a thread Fibroscan v Hepascore. A hepascore is a blood test which can measure the level of Fibrosis. You need to know your level of Fibrosis so length of Tx and Riba can be determined. I gather from reading the thread Fibroscan machines are thin on the ground. I live in Tassie,population 500,000 roughly and there is one machine. I had to drive 220 km to Hobart for it. The thread is on page 2 and in the Experts Corner. It may be easier to just go through with GP2U
    It’s absolutely disgraceful the run around involved and the hoops some people are made to go through by certain members of the Medical profession. It’s worth it though. Hope this is of some use. All the best.

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #4949
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    I can well understand your frustration Chejai. I went private re the Fibroscan/Liver scan.I had to wait a fortnight to have it done. It cost 189$ and I got 94$ back on Medicare. The blood work cost nothing,it was bulk billed. It may help if you printed out the GP Cheat Sheet and show it to your GP if you decide to go back to her.Personally I think Zhuk advice is good. Make a appointment with GP2U and take it from there. Who knows when the new antivirals will be available on the PBS.
    All the best.

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #4758
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    All the best on your journey to wellness Chejai :)

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #4741
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    Hi Chejai
    I went the private route. The Fibroscan cost about 190$ and I got 90$ back on Medicare or there about. I purchased the Sof/ Dac through GP2U . The Specialist I saw was OK about writing out a script and referring for Fibroscan. His fee for the appointment was a tidy 290$ which Medicare paid for about 100$. So after telling me he was happy to monitor Tx I hear nothing from him :evil:
    I had the Meds I had the Fibroscan I had the bloods ect but the Specialist is suddenly incommunicado.
    I went ahead and started Tx on the 5th without him. So I’m now starting week 4. No side effects at all. At the end of next week I should have my LFT and viral load done. I’ll have to see if my GP will do that. If not I’ll make a appointment with GP2U and get it done through them.
    If you can afford it Chejai I’d just go the private route. Why wait.

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: New member Intro #4702
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    You really have to wonder about the professionalism of some of these Specialists. I can relate to your experiences Chejai. I finally got to see my Gastroenterologist after waiting for 5 months. I’m not a new patient as I’ve been going to him for 15 years and have had 2 biopsies done.Both F1.The first in 2005, the 2nd in 2010. Any to cut to the chase, I saw him on the 5 October,we talk, we decide that Sof/Dac is the appropriate tx and he he refers me for a Fibroscan which I had on the 19 October. He wrote out the script for the meds and said he was quite happy to monitor my treatment. Since then nothing/nada/zilch. I’ve tried to make an appointment to see him but get told not until February. I explained about the Fibroscan and was told he’s been given the report and will ring me. Nothing ,its been weeks and I haven’t heard from him. I think I’ve been’ cooled out’. :-(
    If I had treated a Client in a similar manner I’d be sacked. I’m not deterred and have gone ahead and I’m in week 4 of the tx.I see my GP tomorrow and hopefully can arrange a SVR. If not I’ll just have to make a appointment with one of the Dr at GP4U

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

    in reply to: Anticipation and Thanks #2926
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    Hi Rowan
    My drugs should arrive shortly too. Best of luck with your treatment. I’ll let our community know how I go.
    Thanks again Dr Freeman and Greg Jefferys.

    G1 Had since 1979-80?? Started Sof/Dac through Buyers Club on 5/11/15 Liver biopsy done 2005 and 2010 both F1. Fibroscan done 19/10/15 F0.
    Week 4 viral load UND and Bloods normal
    Finished Tx on 27/1/16. Bloods normal.
    Week 6 SVR 10/3/16 UND Bloods normal.
    Week 12 SVR 21/4/16 UND Bloods normal

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