Forum Replies Created
Thank you Coral,
i need fixhepc.
like i said it’s not me i care…
i had luck (unluck)because of my leaver sirosis ,with healt otority
So another thing is, the health otority in my country , like in many other countries, Cheats ,on their home page you can read in big -new hepc medications for free it costs nothing for the patients.
but it has rules and its doctors decision. Or you are deadly ill,you can get the medication for free.
i am nearly by next step and its like i said its my…. i care
i beleave fixhepc has resulotions
i’m now negative ,i hope and pray it stays so
Thanks to all again
Dear Doctor Freeman,
hugh of thanks for reply.
11.09.2017 in the morning get my results (hcv-rna pcr results 4 hours later) ,here before and after.
:17.07.2017 15:18:13
:19.07.2017 09:41:38
: :
:24.07.2017 10:31:44
:25.07.2017 15:51:07
Glukoz () 108 mg/dL
N(70 – 110)
BUN 19,8 mg/dL N(3,73 –23)
Üre 42 mg/dL N(8 –48,5)
Kreatinin 1,1 mg/dLN(0,6 – 1,3)
AST 24 U/L N(5 –50)
ALT 35 U/L N(5 –50)
T. Bilirubin 3,5 mg/dLH(0,3 – 1,2)
D.Bilirubin 0,7 mg/dL H(0– 0,2)
İ. Bilirubin 2,78
ALP 67 U/L N(30 –120)
GGT 56 U/L H(5 – 55)
Sodyum 136 mmol/L N(134 –14
Potasyum 4,0 mmol/LN(3,5 – 5,5)
Test 1 2 Normal
AFP 3.27 ng/ml N(0 – 7)BİOcİM
Test 1 2
:06.09.2017 11:14:06
:06.09.2017 11:14:11
: :06.09.2017 12:08:39
:06.09.2017 15:32:19
ı :06.09.2017 15:53:08
WBC 9,77 10^9/L N(4 –10)
RBC 5,01 10^12/L N(3,5 –5,5)
HGB 15,7 g/dL N(12 –16)
HCT 48,4 % N(40 –54)
MCV 96,7 fL N(82 –9
MCHC 32,5 g/dL N(31 –37)
PLT 96 10^9/L L(150 – 450)
RDW-CV 13,0 % N(11,5 –14,5)
LY# 2,98 10^9/L N(0,8 –4)
MPV 14,9 fL H(6,5 – 12)
PCT 0,143
PDW 16,5 N(9 –17)
MO# 0,47 10^9/L N(0,12 –1,2)
NE# 6,22 10^9/L N(2 – 7)
EO# 0,08 10^9/L N(0,02 –0,5)
EO% 0,8 % N(0,5 –5)
MCH 31,4 pg N(26 –34)
BA# 0,02 10^9/L N(0 –0,1)
BA% 0,2 % N(0 – 1)
LY% 30,5 % N(20 –40)
NE% 63,7 % N(50 –70)
MO% 4,8 % N(3 –12)
Test 1 2
:06.09.2017 11:14:06
:06.09.2017 11:14:11
: :06.09.2017 12:07:06
:06.09.2017 14:24:29
:06.09.2017 14:25:20
ANTİ HCV 13.14 S/CO H(0– 1)
Test 1 2 Normal
ı :06.09.2017 11:14:06
:06.09.2017 11:14:11
: :06.09.2017 12:06:13
:06.09.2017 14:30:03
:06.09.2017 15:24:48
PT 15 Sn N(10,5 –15)
INR 1,2 N(0,8 –1,2)
APTT 34.1 Sn N(21 –39)
Test 1 2 Normal
i was very sad but 4 hours later looked again and———–:08.09.2017 15:00:11
:11.09.2017 09:14:58
i cryed like a baby an broken Levee
Can You see Sir , Negativ NEGATİV .What Now
thank you very much
Hello again to everyone,hello Kate G.
i am so sorry for my late reply especialy to Gaj but i was not in physiological condition.A week ago i gone to get my treathment (first 28 days finished) for the next 28 days (a total of 24 weeks). Of cours my doctor send me to laboratuary to give blood again. Two-part test 1.hemo 2.alize .same day afternoon i show my laboratuary report via internet, first part hemography seems not good ,billurubin,anti hcv etc. the same or gone up. The second part, alize test – hcv rna (VL) report will relaese in ten days.
İ press both thumbs (i whish very much luck) Kate G
for all,
be in love with your lovers
Hello Mnem,
I guest PLT (platelets)is everywhere in the world the same also called Trombosits too,
after 24 days i feel nothing no differens between befor and now, i am scarred.
but something is ,i am very stressed at work very very stressed and i feel very easy in emotions i pray it is the side effect.
Many many thanks to splitdog, Iain, and Mnem,
My treatment is not funded by German public health system, but i know in germany the patients must pay 45000 euro like the patients in italy and greece,but they can became it for free when they have sirosis like me,
My story,
after seven months of terrible traffic between my doctor and state hospital laboratuary,with loosing liters of blood and Self-esteem my doctor finished the report for the healt gouverment .
LT is 67 (150-400) biopsis is companse ,suspicion of sirosis
Now i have my medications, but its not me i care….
what when the healt gouverment don’t pay for my……
after i get replyed from you i brake down and cryed because ,one step above.
i have lots of questions and lots of answers when need.
Many many thanks to all again