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Cheers Vororo
Yeh its going to be an nail biting wait to see the post 4 week result, if it does return detected again I will start on Sof Dac. Im in the process of lining my ducks up so that I will have the meds here so that I can start again straight away if need be.
SVR 24
– As I am extending, we can jeep each other company heh
Too right LG
Like you I love my coffee its the exclair of life.
Sof Dac has been mentioned to me also which Im keen to do a round of (even more so after reading the post by Doc F in the re treatment corner). I agree wholeheartedly re the genetic testing and RAV’s hence I believe the Sof Dac and maybe riba will be the way forward should it be the case of resistant genes.
SVR 24
Thanks Lynne
Yes an unusual case indeed what a way to be unique huh. Please dont worry and think that whats happened here will happen to you and you had the magic UND at 4 weeks and EOT as well but I can appreciate its still an anxious wait nonetheless for the SVR 4 to roll in.
Yes no shortage of meds to get now and once I know from James what they will be I will start a thread for those like me who have failed their first round of DAA’s but are getting back on the horse and having another round.– not that there will be many at all, looks like everyone is kicking butt with their results.
SVR 24
Hey LG are you keeping on Sof Led?
as to why I have no idea my Vit D and B were tested at pre tx which were both excellent, I did not take any supplements or other medication during tx. I cant stand energy drinks so no worries there. I was until the 3rd December last year tx nieve and Im a F1 so its all bit of a mystery.
James has said in an email that at this point in time I am the only one that has turned this result so I can only imagine its a little baffling for him too lol.I will keep you posted on what the next step is and what im going to retreat with once I hear back from the good doctor.
SVR 24
Hey Gaj that sure looks like a sweeeeeet spot you live in, any crocs in the creek?
SVR 24
Hi Darbara
Yes Ive read that too however I dont want to remain in this state of anxiety waiting weeks to see if that is the case – I think I would drive myself and others around me mad.
Im going to retreat just waiting to hear with what and for how long
Feck this virus I want it GONE its stolen far too much of my life and everyone elses too.
SVR 24
Thanks Chapel and yes James and I are getting a plan sorted.
For anyone else reading this thread I would just like to reassure you and let you know that mine is an unusual situation and please do not panic that your result will mirror mine.
James has said I am the ONLY one out of the many he has treated (very successfully i might add) that have returned this result.
SVR 24
Hi Hieu
as you can see from my reply to Chapel James has been in touch with my lab and yes I am indeed still HCV+.
Big deep breath required.
SVR 24
Hi Chapel the labs here in Dunedin post my results to me as well as my care team.
Ive been in touch with James who has called the lab on behalf and yeh I still have HCV……..
SVR 24
Go to the top tabs of the forum home page and read the section on getting treated it will tell you how to access meds and the cost. Meds can be sent to NZ as well with the Redemption trial.
Easy peasey
SVR 24
Hi Hieu thank you,
the comment says “Results less than 12 IU/mL have an indeterminate viral load below the linear range of the assay.
No UND in sight.
SVR 24
I was born in a small town on the East Coast of the North Island of NZ called Wairoa since then Ive lived in various towns and cities throughout NZ.
I fell in love with Dunedin when I visited for a holiday and it became my home 5 years ago.
SVR 24
Ooh another fun thread
Heres my result lol
Extravert(3%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(25%) Judging(3%)
You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (3%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (3%)
SVR 24
Big day wishing you smooth sailing to SVR.
SVR 24