Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Relapse Corner – Next Steps Retreatment options

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  • #2239
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    • Treatment Warrior
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    Hi all,
    I am looking for info on which drugs best to use for retreatment of type 2a, no cirrhosis.
    I had Sov/Rib, but relapsed at end of treatment. I’m here in the US looking for a new hep dr who will write me a script. The doctor who supervised my initial treatment has said its costs too much money to retreat me, since there are so many who have yet to be treated at all. Understandable I guess. So it’s up to me to make this happen. What I’m finding in my research is this: the US standard for retreatment after relapse taking Sov/Rib is more of the same, only for 24 weeks. I see other information that says I should take Sov/Dak for 24 weeks with or without Rib. Anybody have input on this? Thanks..

    Avatar photoAlsdad
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Have a look at the link in the post at the bottom of the page below Slim:


    It has all the up-to-date options in it.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Yes, Sof/Dac for 24 weeks would be a good option. You probably have some Riba resistance now.

    Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. I would not repeat Sof/Riba for longer, but would go longer with stronger. You could add Riba to the Sof/Dac if you wanted and it would probably increase your chances of success by some small percentage.


    • Topics: 8
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Sanity rules; makes sense to me. Thanks Doc.

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