Home Forums Main Forum Genotype Specific Genotype 2 (8%) 2b waiting on SVR12

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    Hey guys, I really had no idea there weren’t that many 2b’s! I am 4 weeks post treatment with Epclusa and feeling great. Was undected at week 4 and had AST ALT levels normalize then from 288 ast and 162 ALT not sure what my virial load was. Fibroscan was f0-f1 and have had the virus since 2012. Do we 2bs really have a 100% cure rate on here? I hope so! Thanks guys

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Aaron, and welcome to the forum. Things do look very good , and the cure rate with Epclusa for genotype 2 patients is indeed a near perfect. Looking forward to your cure announcement in 2 months or so :)

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Aaron,

    The cure rate for GT2 with either Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir or Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir (Epclusa) is very high. Not quite 100% but close.

    The 12 weeks of waiting is hard. You can check your liver enzymes every 4 weeks and if these remain normal you can be confident that all is well. A CMP from link2labs https://fixhepc.com/link2labs will cost $10 so it’s a cheap way of keeping tabs on things.

    Best of luck, but, if you were a horse, I’d be betting on you for the win.


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    Thanks I’m going to check that link too, that would be really great because my insurance said I went over my allotted amounts of blood work for a year (which was only 4). Will let you guys know results when I get them :)

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    I wanted to update you guys on what’s going on since my last post. So for the past 2 or so months I’ve had really severe pain in my right side, and I have been to the hospital twice and they told me that it was acid reflux both times. Anyway I am waiting on my Viral Load to come back from Quest, but I went again to the hospital today and they did more blood work and said all my levels are normal (which makes me feel good that its not the HCV coming back). When I left the hospital they referred me to a surgeon and the lady that took my call felt so bad that no one at the hospitals had helped me that she went looking into my file and found my ultrasound from last year and she called me back and said that I have very large gallstones and I now have an appointment with the surgeon on the 16th of this month. I’m so glad that it’s not the HCV coming back and I will update everyone when my viral load count get’s back in. I’ve been so tired and worn-out feeling and I havn’t been eating very much because of the pain in my side. Should I expect to feel alot better after the gallbladder surgery? Have any of you guys had experience with that. I’m so grateful to everyone on this board, you guys are great!

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Aaron,

    Gallstones are a common cause of Right Upper Quadrant pain and the operation to remove it is a keyhole procedure with very good success rates and a rapid recovery.

    Fatty foods tend to bring it on so try to avoid these as much as possible and you should get less attacks. Buscopan can help it settle faster.

    If your Liver Function is normal you should be fine vis a vis the Hep C.


    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Aaron,

    I had my gallbladder out, in the years my hep C was quite active. I kept the stones, they look like pearls!

    Attacks were quite gaspingly painful, I would curl up on my knees, crushing chest pain. They took it out, never happened again, and I have had very few digestive problems since, sadly, if it was hard to digest some of those foods I’d be better at avoiding them.

    But you will never get that kind of attack again once it is out. All the best. Op isn’t bad.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

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