“Do ya feel lucky….Punk? Well….do ya?”
The things we ponder at 2:30 am when sleep is elusive seem so relevant at the time but in the light of day maybe not so much. Though I tell my brain to let logic overrule emotion it seems to have a mind of its own and peppers me with unwanted questions, as I guess is happening to others.
Regarding the weight issue (and how it impacts the length of treatment issue).
Does this mean that those of us who are DYI need to reconsider our treatment regime? As someone mentioned, the long-term effects are not known so I would like to do the minimum amount, as I guess some others would. I had decided to take all of the meds as I thought the extra Sofo & Dac would benefit me but after reading various posts including Dr. Freeman’s “GT3: High SVR rates with Daclatasvir” I am undecided but am (strongly) leaning toward not doing so.
1. It seems that many of us DYI folk have about 100 doses. Is there a benefit to taking the “extra” Dac? Is it indeed “extra” as the “overall” dose we are taking is/was less than the recommended, though most of us probably fall within the “one dose fits all” category? After redoing the remaining capsules (54) to get to the recommended dose I will have about 10 days “extra” of both.
2. Is taking the extra Sof worthwhile/potentially harmful in the long term? I rounded my order up so have extra Sof.
3. Is it dependent on Genotype, cirrhosis or not, past treatment meds/relapse or treatment outcomes, our weight, whether there is a Santa Claus?
4. Is it dependent on when one becomes undetected - at 2 weeks vs. 4, 6, etc? Out of the hodgepodge of determinants this is my favorite as it would seem to suggest the meds have been cleaning out any remaining bad guys for a longer or shorter period of time so would necessitate a shorter or longer treatment regime. Is this an accurate assumption?
5. Are these questions an exercise in futility as no one really has a clear answer so we should stop thinking of these things in the wee hours and just base our decisions on Clint’s question, “Do ya feel lucky….Punk? Well….do ya?”
My specifics are: GT3B, taking Mesochem Dac/Sof, treatment naïve, no cirrhosis, no Fibroscan, AST down from 74 to 23, ALT down from 140 to 21, and viral load down from 5.6 L.IU/mL to 2.2 L.IU/mL as of tests after 16 days tx, now commencing 6th week.
Any advice/guesstimates would be much appreciated