Well, I've kind of finished (in my head anyway)
In so far as I ordered 24 weeks but think I could have gotten away with 12 (sof/ dac)
So I hardly even think about it anymore (week 14 now)
I just take my pills in the morning like a vitamin and just go about things as usual
I had a bit of a low feeling around Xmas but that is not unusual as it is a 'family time'
It was the double whammy of having hep on my mind that led me to dwell on past family experiences that I feel contributed to my drug use and self loathing which led to my hep
But with a holiday i felt heaps better and back to not giving the whole hep or family thing much thought at all - a much better state of mind
I have been virus undetected since week 4 but have felt no different during the treatment at all
I can honestly say I feel no better or no worse than before i started - I was even worried they were placebos initially lol except for the taste
I originally was taking them at night as I thought they could make me nauseous
As they didn't i changed to mornings so I could drink more water after taking them (a bit dehydrating)
I guess my biggest reflection has been the belief that the hep has overall been a positive in my life
It has forced me to concentrate a lot on my health and wellbeing
i have never actively thought about the complications, only about what i can do to lead a normal healthy life
The only time I have actively thought about a hep death is during tx when i researched how to get my hands on Nembutal in case I do ever need to die on my terms rather than some medical practitioners
I've seen a few people die, and some quite young, some quite unexpected
Go into any high care facility and look at all the living corpses that aren't allowed to die - it's a fate worse than death
Death can happen anytime and anywhere so I'm not going to give it any more thought than 'what will be will be or pass me the Nembutal'
And lastly...when I first read about the buyers club and Dr Freeman it all sounded too good to be true - I am extremely cynical about such things
I swore that after the last tx debacle i would never do tx again unless i could be guaranteed the sides were insignificant enough to warrant it
I went straight to this website and checked it out - it seemed legit with lots of people undertaking tx with little or no sides
Not having given any thought to my hep for 12 years i had no info or blood tests and didn't know where to start
I finally spoke to the doc who said, doesn't matter G1 or G3,, liver damage, or VL - start immediately and get yourself cured - here's a script and what to do to get it filled
i had not previously, and probably will never again hear such practical advice from someone with Dr in front of their name
How lucky am I/ we that we have the monetary and practical means to cure ourselves on our terms - it's incredible really
Anyhoo, as I've been scorned for before, I do like a drink and it's fast approaching beer o clock
So if you excuse me i'm going to smoke a reefer to get the thirst going
Love to all
Sure are some great people on this site and behind the scenes so thanks for everything!