If you have a look here:
You will find the first iteration of an HCV prescribing decision support tool. Please feel free to take it for a spin and make comments.
The repository for it is here:
From the README
The purpose of this tool is to provide a simple user interface to navigate the upcoming Australian HCV treatment Guidelines which are by necessity limited to dealing with the PBS listed medications Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir, Daclatasvir, Ribavirin, Viekira Pak, and Simeprevir with Interferon.
The intention is to also support the AASLD and EASL guidelines which have a wider scope.
You can find a demonstration at
Public contributions are welcome.
- SVR Statistics and comments in the code referencing them
- Addition of medications like Abbvie Viekira Pak
- The AASLD and EASL guidelines code
- Support for past treatment status
For simplicity everything is contained in a single standalone HTML file.
For more details..... RTFS