While these results are encouraging it's worth noting that most Japanese are GT 1b which, along with GT 2, is the easiest GT to clear.
Gilead's 97% SVR for GT1 with Harvoni in 300 or so treatment naive low fibrosis patients in ION was shown to be 91.3-92% in a VA study of 4200+ real world veterans. The slightly higher result being in the with Ribavirin group.
What's good about these new drugs is that they are the most potent NS3/4 and NS5A inhibitors to date. Looking at GT3 we see this:
So ABT-530 needs 2 pM for EC50 whereas Daclatasvir needs 530 pM. That 265 x increase in potency is enough to deal with RAVs that confer 10x and 100x resistance (but not 1000x resistance). Similarly ABT-493 is 4x more potent than GS-9857 (Voxilaprevir).
To me the most exciting thing is that ABT-493 + ABT-530 + Sofosbuvir looks an awful lot like the mythical Perfectovir. Best in class inhibition at 3 different target sites.
One of the depressing things about ~90% cure is the sure knowledge that 10% will fail. Retreat and get 90% cure and overall we are at 99% but that missing 1% is still 1 real persons hopes and dreams per 100. These new agents offer real hope for cure for almost everyone.